

Optimal defibering at lowest specific energy demand

The ANDRITZ DeFlaker is the superior choice for various stock preparation processes where pulp contains fiber bundles, shives or flakes. The combination of proven machine design and specially enhanced geometry of deflaking teeth enables extensive disintegration at lowest specific energy demand. ANDRITZ deflaking has no impact on defined fiber properties such as freeness, but significantly contributes towards uniform and homogeneous pulp, an essential precondition for stable paper machine runnability and fewer sheet breaks.

ANDRITZ DeFlaker - open

Besides numerous stock preparation systems for kraft, mechanical or all types of recycled fiber pulps, the DeFlaker is perfectly suitable for process broke, especially from wet-strength pulp production lines.

The ANDRITZ DeFlaker is available in three sizes and operates with one or two (for high-capacity applications) deflaking zones, featuring installed power from 90 up to 400 kW.


  • Superior disintegration performance with lowest impact on fiber properties
  • Low specific energy demand
  • Broad range of filling designs to meet the requirements of different applications
  • “Swing-door“ design for fast and easy maintenance
  • For all stock preparation and broke handling processes (especially suited for demanding deflaking of wet-strength pulp)

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  • DeFlaker

    Optimal defibering at lowest specific energy demand

    PDF : 196 KB
  • Fiber R&D Center Graz

    Fiber R&D Center Graz, for customer trials, research and development

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  • Stock testing laboratory Foshan

    ANDRITZ China - Stock testing laboratory

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