Metris UX Platform

Additional Q&A

Three questions for Gerhard Schiefer, Vice President of Global ANDRITZ Automation

What was the inspiration behind development of the Metris UX Platform?

Metris UX was developed for today’s real world and tomorrow’s ideal world. The real world recognizes that you already have sensors, field devices, PLCs, and a DCS in place and you can not afford to scrap them. The ideal world opens the gateway to the new or improved functionality your mill needs that is totally vendor- independent. Metris UX plugs and plays in an open platform environment very easily.


Gerhard Schiefer, Vice President of Global ANDRITZ Automation

© Harald Tauderer

What enables it to do this?

Metris UX can do this because of its software-based structure. In designing it, we were able to look forward instead of back at all the compatibility issues with legacy systems installed over the past 20 years. We started afresh by choosing from the latest, most powerful and proven IT solutions.

What feedback have you had so far?

Extremely positive. Customers are screaming for supplier standards and open platforms – to tear down the legacy walls and make it easy to plug and play. There is a clear need in the pulp, paper and power industries for vendor- independent automation solutions that will help mills/ plants to foresee digitally. ANDRITZ Automation is delivering these solutions from a single source.


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  • Additional Q&A

    Three questions for Gerhard Schiefer, Vice President of Global ANDRITZ Automation | AHEAD - Magazine for Industrial Automation

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