I have the privilege of being surrounded by the elites of technical engineering
Tianhu, ANDRITZ China Ltd.
As senior product engineer at ANDRITZ China, I work on the product management and development of essential components for pulp and paper production plants. Since I joined ANDRITZ in 2006, my career has continuously advanced and so has my scope of responsibility. Having started as design engineer, I soon became product engineer responsible for localizing product manufacturing. This involves working together closely with suppliers as well as our quality, production operation, and installation departments. In addition, I’m also in contact with our research and development experts as well as with customers to discuss on-site challenges. As a result, we are able to continuously optimize our products, which I find both rewarding and motivating.
Interview with Tianhu
I’ve been passionate about the topic of pulp and paper product engineering ever since I studied at university. So I was honored to have the chance to join one of the world’s leading pulp and paper machinery manufacturers – ANDRITZ. I've been privileged to learn and work with advanced technologies and to collaborate with colleagues all over the world within the industry. Combining theoretical knowledge with useful practices has enabled us to enhance productivity of our work and our machinery. As a product manager, I also take great satisfaction from providing strong technical support to the sales, project execution, engineering, and operations departments.
ANDRITZ gives me full freedom within the scope of my duties. Also, our broad technology platform allows me to closely collaborate with colleagues from various countries and cultures. And last, but not least, I have the privilege of being surrounded by the elites of technical engineering and appreciate their continued support, which is a very satisfying aspect of my working life. I also appreciate the pleasant and comfortable office environment my company provides.
Final inspection of the finished product
Preparation for shipment to the customer
There are many things worth remembering. The most important to me personally is the development support for the FibreFlow drum pulper in a continuous effort over 13 years together with my supervisor and supported by management. In collaboration with the ANDRITZ GROUP technical elite including the divisional R&D, project, engineering and start-up teams at ANDRITZ China, we were able to reach new levels of technological advancement, energy conservation and environmental protection. As a result, with the help of the ANDRITZ China high-tech project team, China's Guangdong Province Science and Technology Project was successfully completed in 2018.
Inspection of the smoothness from the manufacturing
ANDRITZ Disc Filter