
Download annual and financial reports

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  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2023 ZIP : 11.6 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2022 ZIP : 10.9 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2021 ZIP : 8.8 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2020 ZIP : 9 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2019 ZIP : 10.2 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2018 ZIP : 9.6 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2017 ZIP : 15.7 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2016 ZIP : 4.8 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2015 ZIP : 11.4 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2014 ZIP : 12.3 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2013 ZIP : 8.7 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2012 ZIP : 9.3 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2011 ZIP : 5.5 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2010 ZIP : 13.9 MB
  • ANDRITZ annual financial report 2009 ZIP : 10.3 MB
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E-paper: Annual Report 2023

Browse through success stories and company information

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Interactive share chart

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Financial calendar

Publication dates of financial results, dates of annual general meetings and of roadshows

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