HYDRO Automation Day 2019

A special Event - A unique Product

Vienna, Austria - May 14, 2019
More than 180 experts, hydropower plant operators, private investors, and partners from at least 15 countries accepted our invitation and joined us at this year’s HYDRO Automation Day.


Held in May 2019, the event was opened by a welcome speech from Mr. Wolfgang Semper, Member of the Executive Board of ANDRITZ and Managing Director of ANDRITZ Hydro.

Special customer keynotes were also given by Mr. J. Lackner (VERBUND / Austria), Mr. S. Jäger (KW Birsfelden / Switzerland), and Mr. Rieckmann (Schluchseewerke / ­Germany). Their comments considered a range of projects and highlighted their recent first-hand experience of the continued and excellent levels of cooperation between ANDRITZ Hydro and all our customers.


This year, one highlight was a presentation of the next phase of HIPASE. Comprising a dedicated paper on the HIPASE concept, as well as an impressive HIPASE product show, the event showcased the latest developments in our globally unique product.

Additional special papers in the technical section of the event included those on subjects focused on market need and featured large comprehensive automation architectures, automation solutions for hydropower cascades, cyber security, Metris DiOMera, and modelling.

In addition to the varied and interesting technical presentations, the day offered multiple opportunities for further in-depth and intensive exchange of information between all the gathered participants.

After a long conference day with its range of top-tier presentations, HYDRO Automation Day participants were able to enjoy a delightful gala dinner whilst reviewing the day. This, of course, offered many more opportunities for additional discussion and networking.


The HYDRO Automation Day is an important event for our hydropower automation customers and underlines our leading position in this market. Once again we were delighted to receive and host so many guests.

Thank you to the whole team who contributed to the realization of this successful event. We are already eagerly looking forward to welcome you all to the next HYDRO Automation Day.

Author:Jens Päutz

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