Facts and figures
ANDRITZ is an international technology group offering a broad portfolio of innovative plants, equipment, systems and services for the pulp and paper industry, the hydropower sector, the metals processing and forming industry, pumps, solid/liquid separation in the municipal and industrial sectors, as well as animal feed and biomass pelleting.

ANDRITZ AG Facts and Figures
© aiisha - & ANDRITZPlants for power generation, flue gas cleaning, recycling, and the production of nonwovens and panelboard complete the global product and service offering. Innovative products and services in the industrial digitalization sector are offered under the brand name Metris and help customers to make their plants more user-friendly, efficient, and profitable. With headquarters in Graz, Austria, the Group has more than 280 production sites and service and sales companies worldwide.
Our vision
In our chosen markets, we are global leaders with a passion for innovative engineering solutions. As a technology and quality leader, we create sustainable value for our customers and shareholders, thus ensuring the continuation of our long-term profitable growth.
Our esg vision
We are among the best in class regarding sustainability in the markets we serve, and we create maximum value added for all our stakeholders. As a leader in sustainability, we focus on responsible corporate governance and on ensuring a safe and viable future for society, our employees, and all other stakeholders. We take pride in creating sustainable and durable products that contribute towards conserving natural resources and protecting the environment and climate.
Our mission
We drive the success of our customers through innovative and quality engineering and services, and we form strong and sustainable relationships with a positive impact for key industries and for the planet. The world keeps changing, our passion stays the same.