Hydro News Asia - Cover foto

Bangladesh - An economic behemoth in the making

Bangladesh’s GDP growth is forecasted to hit 8% by 2020, putting it well ahead of many other Asian countries, including India. Currently massively underdeveloped but propelled by a robust manufacturing sector and enormous boom in infrastructure, Bangladesh has set a target to become a developed nation by 2041. This ambitious target coincides with the platinum jubilee of the nation’s independence.

© giusparta – stock.adobe.com

Hydropower in Bangladesh

Due to its geography and topography, Bangladesh is not endowed with much hydropower potential and current energy development has focused on thermal projects. To face future energy demands from industry, Bangladesh is looking to expand hydropower capacity. The country is in talks with the Himalayan nations of Nepal and Bhutan to tap their hydropower with a transmission corridor through India, for example.

Domestically, currently only 50% of potential hydropower capacity has been tapped in Bangladesh’s predominately flat terrain. in order to see more hydropower development, a detailed hydropower potential map is still required, which must be mandated by the government of Bangladesh.

Kaptai Lake near Karnafuli, Kaptai Dam, 6 × 48 MW

© Shutterstock / Ashif Iqbal Chowdhury

ANDRITZ HYDRO in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has a single large hydro project, Kaptai Karnafuli, featuring six 48 MW units. ANDRITZ is the OEM supplier for three of these units. Currently, the company is undertaking the renovation and modernization of units #1 and #2, a contract which was awarded to ANDRITZ via a competitive international bid process. Commissioning of the project is expected by the end of 2020. ANDRITZ has also established an office in the capital, Dhaka, for better client service and access to market.

ANDRITZ Hydro has supplied more than 15 turbo generator units to Bangladesh with ratings ranging from 30 to 45 MVA. Aftersales services for these units are being facilitated through the company’s major regional location in neighboring India.

General Facts

Population:161 million
Access to electricity:88%
Installed hydro capacity:230 MW
Share of generation from hydropower:1.7%
Hydro generation per year:982 GWh
Technically feasible hydro generation potential per year:1,500 GWh
Total installed/ rehabilitated units:3
Total installed/ rehabilitated capacity:130 MW

Author: De Neelav Samrat


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