ANDRITZ to supply Germany’s first CO2 capture plant for a cement works
International technology group ANDRITZ is to supply Germany’s first CO2 capture plant based on the amine process to the cement works in Rohrdorf.
A pilot plant is currently being built on the southern side of Rohrdorf cement works for testing the general technical, quality and economic conditions for CO2 capture and conversion. Start-up of the plant is scheduled for the end of July 2022.
After a comprehensive test, the plant will be expanded and thus able to remove around two tons of CO2 per day, from which basic chemicals required in the region will be extracted. These green hydrocarbons will be delivered to chemical works in the area, for example, and used as a basic material for hygiene and pharmaceutical products as well as for various plastics. The results of the pilot project are an important step in achieving the German cement industry's goal of being able to produce climate-neutral cement by 2050.
ANDRITZ has adapted the plant to the individual needs and specific features of Rohrdorf cement works in order to achieve optimum carbon dioxide purity in the output and, at the same time, longevity of the chemical solvent used in the capture process. A second plant at a Rohrdorf location is also in the planning.
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International technology group ANDRITZ offers a broad portfolio of innovative plants, equipment, systems and services for the pulp and paper industry, the hydropower sector, the metals processing and forming industry, pumps, solid/liquid separation in the municipal and industrial sectors, as well as animal feed and biomass pelleting. Plants for power generation, flue gas cleaning, recycling, and the production of nonwovens and panelboard complete the global product and service offering. Innovative products and services in the industrial digitalization sector are offered under the brand name Metris and help customers to make their plants more user-friendly, efficient, and profitable. The publicly listed group has around 26,800 employees and more than 280 locations in over 40 countries.
ANDRITZ Pulp & Paper provides equipment, systems, complete plants and services for the production of all types of pulp, paper, board and tissue. The technologies and services focus on maximum utilization of raw materials, increased production efficiency and sustainability as well as lower overall operating costs. Boilers for power generation, flue gas cleaning systems, plants for the production of nonwovens and panelboard (MDF), as well as recycling and shredding solutions for various waste materials also form a part of this business area. The latest IIoT technologies as part of the Metris digitalization solutions complete the comprehensive product offering.
Overall layout of the CO2 capture plant