ASKOedge is an innovative and intuitive clearance-control slitting software program. It is powerful enough to cope with the demands of any coil processing operation including advanced high-strength steels, yet simple enough to learn in hours. ASKOedge improves slit edge quality for packed slitter arbors, simplifies the set-up process and ensures consistent set-up accuracy and efficiency.

Options and service
ASKOedge has several options to adapt to the requirements of your slitting operation and that will offer your company significant benefits.
Plant benefits
Increased productivity
Extended knife life
Simplified knife management program
Eliminate lost production time due to setup calculation errors
Customize software to fit special slitting practices
Improved coil yield
Operator benefits
- Reduce on-boarding time for new operators
- Enter multiple setups at one time
- Adapt and compensate for variables within the slitting line
Quality and end customer benefits
- Consistently accurate multi widths with minimum burr
- Continuous improvement of your slitting practices
ANDRITZ also offers on-site startup assistance that consists of one day in plant

Setup 2

Knife management

Tension stand
