Heart issue

Smart pumps

Pumps are more than mere industrial machines. They are at the core of millions of processes which provide us with most of the things in our modern daily lives.

The human heart is a main health indicator.

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Pumps are – similar to the human heart – the perfect indicator about the “health” of a manufacturing process. They timely show any kind of change or problem occurring in a process. Therefore as part of the Internet of Things pumps become “smart”.

The “hearts” of the processes are equipped with more and more sensors which constantly monitor various parameters in and around the pump. With this information, problems and down-time can be recognized before they take place and through this help to avoid and prevent “heart attacks” of industrial processes!

Pumps are - similar to the human heart - the perfect indicator about the "health" of a manufacturing process.


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  • PUMPS Magazine - Heart Issue PDF : 18.4 MB