ANDRITZ Hydro business division key visual

References Indonesia


© PT Vale Indonesia

Larona, Balambano and Karebbe forms a Large Hydroelectric Power Plant cascade, which provide sustainable green electricity for the Nickle smelter operation of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. formerly known as PT INCO. 

PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. one of the big mining company in Indonesia, was relied in green hydropower sustainable energy in the nickel processing plant. In optimising the sustainable energy, ANDRITZ Hydro has been involved with PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. from 1993 to 1997 in provided rehabilitation of Non OM equipment, upgraded and modernized equipment. In 2000 to 2003, ANDRITZ also supplied new generators for Larona with unit uprated capacity from 73 MVA to 85 MVA.

After successful with Larona project, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. satisfied with ANDRITZ Hydro support and service and entrusted ANDRITZ Hydro with Balambano project as an Expansion Project to increase the nickel production at the facilities. Balambano Hydroelectric Power Plant is located on the Lower Larona River. With the 2 x 70 MW renewable sustainable hydro capacity, Balambano Hydroelectric Power Plant equipped by ANDRITZ Hydro from the Turbines, Generators, Governor, Excitation, Protection and Control System. Satisfied with Balambano project completion with ANDRITZ Hydro, they continued with Karebbe Hydroelectric Power Plant.

ANDRITZ Hydro was awarded complete Water to Wire equipment for Karebbe Hydroelectric Power Plant with power capacity of 2 x 64 MW. ANDRITZ Hydro continues to support PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. with modernization of equipment and support for their electromechanical hydropower assets.

ANDRITZ Hydro is proud and privileged to provide lifetime service for PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. to secure maximum asset availability of their Hydro Power infrastructure.

Compact Hydro


For more than 10 decades, ANDRITZ Hydro is supplying “water-to-wire” packages of electro and mechanical equipment to IPP’s (Independent Power Producers) in Indonesia. In total 119 Turbine/Generator Units have been supplied and commissioned until today. The Projects presently in execution are:

  • Cikaengan II    : 2 x 3.66 MW
  • Cikaengan I    : 3 x 1.75 MW

Overseas Manpower References

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Jl. Talang No. 3, Pegangsaan, Menteng
10320 Jakarta
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