Ecuador - Sabanilla

In February 2014, a contract for supply of the complete electromechanical equipment for the Sabanilla hydropower plant in Ecuador was awarded to ANDRITZ HYDRO.


The scope of delivery includes two 15.7 MW vertical Pelton turbines, generators, inlet valves, governors, control and SCADA system, medium voltage switchgear, auxiliary services, and cables.

This hydroelectric project will be a special milestone, since it represents the first infrastructure project developed by FCME (Fondo de Cesantia del Magisterio Ecuatoriano), a fund, capitalizing savings and economies of the teachers in Ecuador.

The HPP Sabanilla project will be carried out entirely by the involvement of several ANDRITZ HYDRO subsidiaries. As part of our “water to wire” solution, ANDRITZ HYDRO France is responsible for the turbines. The generators are manufactured by ANDRITZ HYDRO India, while the automation and the electrical equipment will be supplied from ANDRITZ HYDRO in Colombia.

The project is scheduled to begin commercial operation by the end of 2015. The Sabanilla hydropower plant will provide sustainable revenues to the teachers as well as clean and renewable energy for Ecuador.     


Output:   2 x 15.7 MW     
Head:355 m
Speed:600 rpm
Runner diameter:1,260 mm


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