
World's third largest Kaplan turbine to be installed at a Brazilian hydropower plant

In 2014, ANDRITZ HYDRO was subcontracted by Construtora TRIUNFO SA, an experienced company in implementing power generation projects, to supply the electromechanical equipment for the Sinop hydropower plant in Brazil.

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The final customer is a consortium composed of Eletronorte, Companhia Hidro-Elétrica do São Francisco S.A. (Chesf S.A.) and Électricité de France (EDF).

HPP Sinop is located on the Teles Pires River in the state of Mato Grosso, Central-West Brazil.

As a subcontractor, ANDRITZ HYDRO Brazil will supply the electromechanical equipment to Construtora TRIUNFO SA, including the hydraulic engineering, model testing, turbine and generator engineering, two vertical 204 MW Kaplan turbines, two synchronous 223.3 MVA generators, two excitation systems, and two governors, as well as the transportation to the site, erection, and commissioning supervision. With 204 MW each, the units installed at HPP Sinop will not only be the largest Kaplan turbines in Brazil, but the third largest of such machines in the world.

After total installation, HPP Sinop will have a capacity of 408 MW. Furthermore, ANDRITZ HYDRO successfully concluded the first witness model test of a turbine at its laboratory in Araraquara, Brazil.

The Sinop hydropower plant is expected to start its commercial operation in January 2018. ANDRITZ HYDRO is proud to be part of such a large and challenging project in the Brazilian market.


Output:2 x 204 MW / 223.2 MVA
Voltage:13.8 kV
Head:29 m
Speed:97.74 rpm
Runner diameter:8,850 mm
6-18-07 (10)

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