HydroNews - The Americas

Safety First

Health & Safety and Employee Engagement

ANDRITZ is unconditionally ­committed to all relevant aspects of occupational health and safety, ­environmental protection, as well as product and process quality.

Diligent compliance to safety requirements


Its most important resource, ANDRITZ firmly believes, is its employees, who must be protected and valued. Therefore, all employees and all those who are directly or indirectly involved in the business are provided with a safe, secure, and suitable working environment.

Research has identified the top 10 employee engagement drivers:

  • My job allows me to utilize my strengths.
  • I trust our executives to lead the ­company to future success.
  • I believe this organization will be ­successful in the future.
  • I find my job interesting and challenging.
  • The executives of this organization value people as their most important resource.
  • My opinions seem to count at work.
  • If I contribute to the organization’s ­success, I know I will be recognized.
  • I see professional growth and career development opportunities for myself here.
  • The executives of this organization demonstrate integrity.
  • I have the information I need to do my job well. 

Engaged employees perform better, experience less burnout, and stay in organizations longer. Employee engagement therefore has a direct impact on an organization's success, as well as employee well-being and overall work environment.

"Employee engagement is the result of trust, empowerment and communication.”

ANDRITZ has adopted several tools and routines to improve and increase employee engagement at all its locations across its global locations and project sites. One of the best examples of our commitment to well-being is evident in ANDRITZ North America.

Among the tools used to foster employee engagement are regular ‘All Employee meetings’ with the executive board, ‘Lunch & Learn’ with the senior management, and team recognition.

Good housekeeping practice – clear walkways and caution 
tape to delineate laydown


Health & Safety

ANDRITZ North America uses the Safety Recognition Program framework across its project sites to nurture and enhance a safety culture, as well as promote employee engagement.

A highlight comes from a hydro refurbishment project in Saskatchewan, ­Canada. Here a strong safety recognition ­program is built into everyday operations. It is demonstrating substantial results.

Program foundation

Name of the initiative: ‘Get Caught Working Safe’.

  • Promotes a culture of safety throughout the project.
  • Provides recognition for going above and beyond.
  • Stimulates employees’ sense of belonging and value within the project team. 
  • Recognition for positive workplace interactions, such as mentoring and coaching
  • Observation cards – completed by all levels (worker, foreman, supervisor, safety manager, site manager)  


  • Strong safety culture evident through-out the project
  • Diligent compliance with safety policies and procedures
  • Satisfied customer promoting ANDRITZ initiatives
  • Engaged work crew – sense of pride in the work being performed
  • Minimal staff turnover throughout the span of a 6-year project
  • No short cuts: crew recognizes the importance of taking the time to set up all activities correctly.
  • Positive and inclusive organizational culture
  • Low incident rate

Additional tools include specially focused audits, management site visits, last minute risk assessments and meetings for safety coordination, observations, and sharing lessons learned.

Good practice - Stator protection


Author: Joanne Harte

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