Sweden - Towards 100% renewable energy

Sweden is an open, competitive and export-oriented economy with a high standard of living and extensive welfare benefits.

It is the seventh-richest country in the world in terms of GDP. Timber, hydropower, and iron ore are the base of industry in Sweden, where exports account for more than 44% of GDP. Currently, Sweden’s economy is growing at about 5% annually, one of the highest rates in Europe.


The country’s demand for electrical energy is mostly covered by hydropower and nuclear power. There are about 16,301 MW of total hydropower capacity installed, producing some 63.9 TWh/year or around 40% of the national output. The bulk of the more than 2,000 hydropower plants in Sweden are located on the four main rivers – the Luleälv, Indalsälv, Umeälv and Ångermanälv.

In order to become independent of fossil fuels in all sectors the government has announced a strong commitment to the development of sustainable energy resources. Under these plans, by 2040 Sweden’s entire energy supply is to be 100% based on renewable energies. A major focus will be onshore wind but this intermittent energy will be balanced by existing hydroelectric power plants, as well as stronger networking with neighboring countries. In 2017, the country also established a goal of being fully greenhouse gas-neutral by 2045 as set out in its Climate Protection Act.

As the average age of the hydropower plants in Sweden is 45 years, there is an extensive market for service and rehabilitation to make them fit for the new operational regimes and grid demands associated with large volumes of variable output renewables.

Bjurfors Övre, Västerbottens län

ANDRITZ Hydro in Sweden

For almost 40 years ANDRITZ Hydro has had an established office and manufacturing facility in Nälden, but the association with Sweden stretches back far longer. The first equipment deliveries date to the early 1920s. Today, almost 90% of the country’s hydropower capacity is generated with equipment supplied by ANDRITZ and its predecessor companies. Projects like Harsprånget, Stornorrfors, Porjus, Kilforsen, and Porsi are only some prominent names on our reference list.

Mörsil, Jämtlands Län

This contract comprises the rehabilitation and upgrading of two generators at the plant. After the completion of the work, the two units will see a power increase of 30%, from 22 MVA to 28.7 MVA each. Commissioning of the new generators is scheduled for the end of 2019 and 2020, ­respectively.

Mörsil, Jämtlands Län

Rengård, Skellefteålven

In March 2019, ANDRITZ signed a contract for the rehabilitation of the turbine and generator of unit #1 of the Rengård hydropower station. The scope of supply includes a new five-bladed oil-free Kaplan runner, new turbine and generator parts as well as hydraulic engineering, model test, erection and commission. The main objective of the rehabilitation is an extended lifetime of 50 years and the output increase of the generator from 40 MVA to 50 MVA. Commissioning is scheduled for end of 2021.

Rengård, Skellefteålven


General Facts
Population:10,1 Mio.
Access to electricity:100%
Installed hydro capacity:16,301 MW
Share of generation from hydropower:40.4%
Hydro generation per year:61,000 GWh
Technically feasible hydro generation potential:130,000 GWh
ANDRITZ Hydro in the country
Installed and/or rehabilitated capacity:16,000 MW
Installed and/or rehabilitated units:1,800

Source Facts: The World Bank, IHA, CIA Factbook, Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2018


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