Customer Day Indonesia 2019 

Another outstanding hydropower Event

Jakarta, Indonesia - March 15, 2019
In another successful event, more than 180 experts from government institutions, hydropower plant operators and private investors participated in the ANDRITZ Hydro Customer Day Indonesia.

Opened with a traditional Indonesian dance performance and welcome speech from Mr. Josef Ullmer, President Director of PT. ANDRITZ Hydro, special keynote speeches were delivered by leading local figures. Mr. Ullmer was joined in speaking by the Ambassador of the Austrian Embassy to Indonesia, Mrs. Helene Steinhaeusl, the Director of Various New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia, Mr. Harris Yahya and Mr. Michael Lederer, Special Attaché for Transport, Innovation and Technology to the Austrian Embassy to Indonesia.


This year the presentations were somewhat focused on the small and mini hydropower market, including some dedicated product highlights featuring Compact generators and “Large Compact” solutions. Special papers on operations and maintenance, low head applications, and pumped storage solutions were also presented. Alongside the interesting technical presentations, the day also offered an ample opportunity for the intensive exchange of information between all of the participants.

Our Customer Day Indonesia is becoming one of the most important hydropower events in Indonesia and underlines our leading position in the local hydropower market. Thank you to all among the ANDRITZ Hydro team who contributed to realize this successful event. We are already looking forward to the next Customer Day Indonesia and seeing all of our hydropower friends in 2020!


Author: Silvia Ristawati


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  • Jakarta Indonesia, March 2019 PDF : 1.6 MB