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New and exciting order intakes

Carillon, Canada

© Hydro Québec

ANDRITZ was selected by Hydro-Quebec for the re-equipment of potentially all fourteen 54-MW turbine generator units at the Carillon generating station located on the Ottawa River in Canada. The order for supply and installation of the first set of six turbine-generator units was awarded on September 30, 2020. The contract encompasses complete re-equipping of six units with new generators, speed governors and turbines. ANDRITZ is responsible for design, manufacture, transportation, assembly, testing and commissioning of all equipment. Completion of this project with top-tier ANDRITZ equipment will have a significant impact on keeping Quebec’s energy supply stable and secure for decades to come.

Pinnapuram, India


ANDRITZ has received a contract from Greenko Energy Private Limited, an independent Indian power producer, for the supply of electro-mechanical equipment for the 1,200-MW Pinnapuram pumped storage plant in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Pinnapuram will be the largest pumped storage power plant in India and will be part of the first integrated renewable energy storage project combining electrical energy production based on photovoltaic solar, wind, and pumped storage. The contract includes design, manufacture, supply, transportation, erection, testing, and commissioning of four 240-MW units, two 120-MW reversible pump units, main inlet valves, and associated auxiliaries. This order not only confirms ANDRITZ’ strong position in the Indian hydro market, but also demonstrates the value of pumped storage technology, which plays an important role in providing grid stability to cope with volatile solar and wind power supplies.

Sambangalou, Senegal


ANDRITZ has received an order as part of a consortium with VINCI Construction for the supply of electro-mechanical equipment for the new Sambangalou hydropower dam in the Senegalese region of Kédougou, bordering Guinea. The ANDRITZ scope of supply comprises the complete “from water-to-wire” solution, including three Francis turbines with a total output of 128 MW, generators, and all other equipment required. The hydropower plant will enable the production of renewable energy for the benefit of the surrounding rural localities, the development of irrigation of agricultural land, as well as the supply of drinking water for the neighboring districts. This new contract - a further collaboration between ANDRITZ and VINCI - demonstrates ANDRITZ’ strong market position for supply of hydropower equipment for sustainable hydroelectric infrastructure projects.

Barkley, USA


ANDRITZ has received a contract from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Nashville District for the rehabilitation of the turbines and generators at Barkley hydroelectric power plant (186 MW), located on the Cumberland River in Western Kentucky near the town of Grand Rivers. Once fully commissioned, the power generation is estimated to be approximately 150 GWh per year. The scope of supply includes the design, manufacture, supply, transportation, erection, testing and commissioning of four Kaplan turbine generator units with a capacity of 46.5 MW each, along with associated auxiliaries and ancillary equipment. The contract will be executed by ANDRITZ’ USA subsidiary in Charlotte, North Carolina, and will further consolidate ANDRITZ’ position as a leading player in the United States’ hydropower market.


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