

Hydropower – Key to a sustainable green future

Dear Business Friends,

Our world is changing. Aside from the pandemic, which is still impacting our daily life and work, natural disasters like floods and wildfires are putting issues such as climate change and the much-needed energy transition front and center.

Wolfgang Semper, Harald Heber, Gerhard Kriegler


Important developments are underway worldwide to shift to a zero-emission future, but we must redouble our efforts to reach global decarbonization targets. If we do not accelerate the deployment of clean energy, the climate goals of the Paris Agreement will not be met. It is crucial that all opportunities to develop the huge potential for sustainable hydropower are embraced to secure our world for future generations. It is time! 

In addition to the tremendous demand for new hydropower in developing countries, hydropower projects in combination with other renewable sources will take us much further towards a clean and green future. A pioneering lighthouse project is Kidston in Australia where a pumped hydro storage plant, a solar PV array, and later on a wind farm will be combined to form a high-performance hybrid renewable energy power hub.

The deployment of grid-supporting synchronous condensers in projects such as the EnergyConnect development in Australia, and the combination of hydropower with battery storage systems or floating photovoltaics are other ways to offer more capability in our management of the energy system. The need for more flexibility also opens up new business opportunities in response to the increasing share of intermittent renewables, which is challenging grid operations.

However, even more technological solutions are needed to reach our imperative decarbonization goals - new solutions like green hydrogen. Widely seen as a key part of the future energy toolbox, a lot of research and development effort is necessary to create a green hydrogen economy, but part of our energy will one day be met with green energy from hydrogen converted to electricity, heat, and motion.

ANDRITZ Group is responding to all these challenges and finding the answers for tomorrow’s problems today. “We Care” and with innovation and dedication, we have committed to support our customers and partners in reaching their ambitious environmental, social, and governance-related goals. Together we can build a green and clean sustainable future for all. It’s a future we believe in.

With kind regards and sincere thanks for your trust and confidence,

Wolfgang Semper        Harald Heber        Gerhard Kriegler

"From water-to-wire" – ANDRITZ’ comprehensive hydro expertise

If the concern is heads of up to 2,000 meters, penstocks with a diameter of more than 13 meters, turbines up to more than 800 MW, generators with 850 MVA, or multi-year construction projects, then investors, project developers, and clients rely on a partner that distinguishes itself. A partner that characterizes itself not just through its technical expertise, but also its social competence, financial strength, and solid, long-term project management experience.

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  • Facts and Figures and Editorial PDF : 439 KB