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Hydropower projects in Fiji, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Germany, Angola, DR Congo and India


Fiji - Wailoa

In October 2016, ANDRITZ HYDRO has received a further order for the replacement of three spherical valves at the Wailoa hydropower plant in Fiji, supplying up to 80 MW to the 150 MW grid on the main Fijian island of Viti Levu. The order was placed by the Fijian Electricity Authority.

A previously ordered main inlet valve also manufactured by ANDRITZ HYDRO was already installed with a station outage of only four days in 2016.

Vietnam - Nam Na 1

End of 2016, ANDRITZ HYDRO has received an order from Hung Hai Group of companies for the supply, supervision, and commissioning of the electro-mechanical equipment for the Nam Na 1 hydropower plant in Vietnam.

The hydropower plant is located on the Nam Na River, in the Lai Chau Province. With an installed capacity of 30 MW it will supply an annual average of 134 GWh of renewable energy to the national grid. The hydropower plant is scheduled to be put into commercial operation in 2018.

Costa Rica - Rio Macho

In December 2016, with the handover of the Final Accep­tance Certificate (FAC) for unit five, Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) completed the good collaboration with ANDRITZ HYDRO during the Rio Macho project in Costa Rica.  

After this last step, all five units of the Rio Macho hydropower plant are rehabilitated and successfully put into commercial operation.

Germany - Langenprozelten

Since August 2016, the world’s most powerful single-phase hydropower motor generator is in operation at the pumped storage power plant Langenprozelten in Germany. Dismantling and reassembling of the second machine will start mid-2017 and should be completed until end of 2017.

With an output of 2 × 94 MVA, Langenprozelten is Deutsche Bahn’s primary peak-load power plant, providing sufficient electrical energy to sustain 50 InterCity trains travelling at 200 km/h. 
An article with detailed information about the refurbishment of the first machine was published in Hydro News 29.

Angola - Laúca

After two years of work, the rotor of unit #1 at the Laúca hydropower plant in Angola has been successfully installed. 
This large project on the Kwanza River consists of two machine halls, for which ANDRITZ HYDRO is supplying electro-mechanical equipment for six 340 MW Francis turbines including generators, transformers, control and protection systems as well as auxiliary equipment.


DR Congo - Mwandingusha

In autumn 2016, ANDRITZ HYDRO in consortium with Cegelec, has been awarded a contract for the refurbishment of the existing Mwadingusha hydropower plant in the Katanga Province, DR Congo. The hydropower plant is equipped with six Francis units with a capacity of 11.8 MW each.

The scope of supply for ANDRITZ HYDRO comprises export, transport to site, dismantling, erection, and commissioning including replacement of four turbine units, governors, inlet valves, generators, exciters, voltage regulations, and draft tube stop logs.

India - HIPASE Launch Day

In November 2016, 140 technology experts from India participated at the HIPASE Launch Day, which was held by ANDRITZ HYDRO in Faridabad. 
During this event the HIPASE platform has been successfully launched for the first time on the Indian hydropower market.

HIPASE is the first common platform which covers excitation, protection and synchronization for hydropower plants, unifying for the first time in one product the different device characteristics of electrical protection, voltage control and synchronization.

After product induction two years ago, the pilot project stage has been successfully completed. ANDRITZ HYDRO is proudly looking back on a number of worldwide installations.


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