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Hydropower plants in Iceland, Norway, Canada and Vietnam


Iceland,  Búrfell

ANDRITZ HYDRO has received an order from Landsvirkjun to supply the electro-mechanical equipment and control systems for the Búrfell Extension hydropower station in Iceland. The existing HPP Búrfell is equipped with six units, providing electrical energy into the national grid since 1969. It has a total installed capacity of 270 MW and an annual electrical energy production of 2,300 GWh. A single 100 MW turbine unit in a separate underground power station will be installed at HPP Búrfell Extension increasing its generation capacity by up to 300 GWh per year. HPP Búrfell Extension is expected to go online in the first half of 2018.

Norway, Eidsfoss

ANDRITZ HYDRO has successfully finalized the commissioning of HPP Eidsfoss, located in the south-eastern part of Norway and using water from the Skien water system. Statkraft Energi AS awarded ANDRITZ HYDRO the rehabilitation of the control systems for HPP Eidsfoss (15 MW) and HPP Vrangfoss (35 MW). The scope of supply comprises the replacement of the local control systems, modifications of the turbine and generator control systems as well as the intake gates. To keep a constant water level under all operation conditions, a level controller with additional emergency functionality will be implemented into the control systems. Commissioning of HPP Vrangfoss is scheduled for the end of 2017.


Canada, La Grande-3

For the La Grande-3 hydropower plant on the La Grande River in northern Quebec, Canada, ANDRITZ HYDRO was awarded a contract for the modernization of Hydro Quebec’s third biggest power plant. The scope of supply comprises design and supply of 12 excitation systems. Closing of the project and commissioning is scheduled for mid-2020.

Vietnam, Hoa Binh

Vietnam Electricity (EVN) awarded a contract for the upgrade of the secondary equipment of the Hoa Binh hydropower plant to a consortium of ANDRITZ HYDRO and The National Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (NARIME). The hydropower station is equipped with eight units (240 MW each) and has a total installed capacity of 1,920 MW, generating about 8,160 GWh of electrical energy annually. The scope of supply for ANDRITZ HYDRO comprises the modernization of eight unit control and monitoring systems, eight digital governors, eight unit protection systems, seven main excitation systems, four auxiliary excitation systems, the common control system, and the supply of a new SCADA system including mimic board. The modernization project will be realized in four steps of two units each in parallel with an overall end date in July 2018.

Machu Picchu, Peru

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