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Philippines - Good prospects for green energy

With its rapidly growing economy, the Philippines was ranked third* in 2019 among the best countries to invest in. Over the last five years, annual GDP growth hit up to 6.8%.

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With more than 70 plants in operation, the Philippines has a total installed hydropower capacity of about 3,701 MW. That represents about 16% of the national total. Of this, around 566 MW are run-of-river and 3,135 MW are dam-type plants, including one 728 MW pumped storage complex. Only about 24 plants (34%) have a capacity larger than 10 MW, but they provide around 96% of the total hydropower generation. The estimated technical and economic hydropower potential is about 20,334 GWh per year, 17% of which has already been exploited. About 275 MW of the existing hydro capacity comprises units more than 40 years old.

Under the National Renewable Energy Program, the Philippines envisions tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030, requiring an additional 14,900 MW, including 8,700 MW of hydropower. In addition, power transmission system upgrades are also in line. Demand for conventional and pumped storage hydro development is projected to increase, in particular to provide grid stability services.

The Philippines envisions tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030.

About 90 MW of hydropower is currently under construction, some interesting future projects are also planned, including the 100 MW pumped storage plant in Nueva Ecija and the 390 MW project in Ifugao. Numerous pumped storage schemes are also at various stages of development. However, there are also interesting development opportunities for small hydro. Small hydropower plants totaling around 250 MW are already listed as indicative power projects and this does not include all the projects being built.

ANDRITZ Hydro in the Philippines

From the first delivery of equipment back in 1930 to the recently commissioned small hydropower plant at Catuiran, ANDRITZ has been providing high quality electro-mechanical equipment to the Philippines since the earliest days of national hydropower development. In 2009, when ANDRITZ received some large rehabilitation orders for Ambuklao, Magat, and Pantabangan, an office was established in Manila to support the growing market. Since then, ANDRITZ has been providing technical services, training and spare parts to existing plants, as well as providing technical assistance for developing new ones. In the last five years, ANDRITZ has also received orders for small hydro projects. In total, the company has installed or rehabilitated more than 50 units in the country, with a combined capacity of about 1,600 MW.

Catuiran (8 MW): In 2014, Sta. Clara International Corp. awarded ANDRITZ with a contract for the supply and installation of two horizontal Francis turbines, generators, electrical and mechanical auxiliary systems, including switchyard components. In 2018, it was successfully put into commercial operation providing reliable power to Occidental and Oriental Mindoro and curbing rotational brownouts in these provinces.

Catuiran, Catuiran River, Oriental Mindoro, 8 MW


Manolo Fortich 1, utilizing rivers Tanaon, Guihean Amusig, Bukidnon, 44 MW


Manolo Fortich 1 and 2 (44 MW / 26 MW): In 2014, Hedcor Inc. awarded ANDRITZ the contract for the engineering, design, supply, installation and commissioning of six small Francis and two small Pelton turbines, including hydraulic governors, synchronous generators, intake valves, and an extensive electrical package with the complete control systems and medium voltage switchgear. Both plants were successfully put into commercial operation in mid- and late 2018, respectively, and generate about 360 GWh annually.

Liangan, Lanao del Norte (11 MW): In 2018, ANDRITZ won the contract award for the supply of a complete electro-mechanical “from water-to-wire” package from Guangxi Hydroelectric Construction Bureau Co. Ltd. Philippines Corp (GHCB).

Upper Maladugao, Maladugao River, Bukidnon, 9 MW


Upper Maladugao, Bukidnon (9 MW): In 2018; United Holding Power Corporation awarded ANDRITZ a contract for a “from water-to-wire” package with three small Francis units, including installation infrastructure, manpower and commissioning services.

General Facts

Population:106.6 million
Access to electricity:93%
Installed hydro capacity:3,701 MW
Hydropower under construction:90 MW
Share of generation from hydropower:9.4%
Hydro generation per year:9,384 GWh
Technically feasible hydro generation potential per year:20,334 GWh
Total installed/ rehabilitated units:51
Total installed/ rehabilitated capacity:1,586 MW

Author: Mario Barbosa, Albin Königshofer


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