Madagascar - A bright future for the island

Madagascar is an island country in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Southeast Africa.

The main island is the world’s fourth-largest. Madagascar suffers from a slow economy. Tourism and agriculture, together with big investments in education, health, and private enterprise are essential to the government’s development strategy. In recent years, these investments have produced some substantial economic growth.

Madagascar has a technically feasible hydropower potential of about 180,000 GWh. Less than 1% has been developed so far, with 162 MW of installed hydro capacity producing 61% of the nations’ electricity.


In 2016, the government introduced the “New Programme for Energy” to increase generation capacity and therefore boost hydropower development. Under this premise three major sites for hydropower schemes have been identified with a total capacity of more than 500 MW. One project – HPP Sahofiaka on the Onive River – could already be contracted. For HPP Volobe Upstream on the Irondro River and HPP Antetezambato on the Mania River the bidding processes are ongoing. A further 13 small hydropower sites have been identified, seven at less than 15 MW.


Since beginning of the 20th century ANDRITZ HYDRO has delivered or rehabilitated 20 units for Mada­gas­car, representing 65% of the nation’s total installed capacity. Hy­dro­power plants such as HPP Mandraka, HPP Antelomita, and HPP Volobe are part of ANDRITZ HYDRO’s reference list.

In 2016, BETC Nanala, a Ma­la­ga­­sy-owned developer, awarded three contracts to ANDRITZ HYDRO for the supply design, manu­facturing, delivery, installation supervision, and commissioning supervision for HPP Maheriara (one 750 kW Francis unit), HPP An­­dro­kabe (two 800 kW Francis units), and HPP Ambatomanoina (two 50 kW Banki units).

ANDRITZ HYDRO is also involved in several operational projects for rural electrification.


Population:24.24 Mio.
Access to electricity13 %
Installed hydro capacity162 MW
Hydro capacity under construction0 MW
Share of generation from hydropower61 %
Hydro generation884 GWh
Technically feasible hydro generation potential     180,000 GWh
Installed capacity   105 MW
Installed units 20
Fleet share65.37 %
The World Bank, IEA, World Energy Outlook, Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2016

Author: Wilhelm Karanitsch

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