Tanzania - Of lakes and animals

Tanzania is a mountainous and densely forested country. Majestic Mount Kilimanjaro is located in the northeast.

Three of Africa's Great Lakes are partly within Tanzania - Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake, Lake Tanganyika, the continent's deepest lake, and Lake Nyasa. The Kalambo waterfalls are the second highest uninterrupted falls in Africa and are also to be found in the country.

© Sergey Uryadnikov/Shutterstock.com

Tanzania is a middle-power country, the economy has expanded over the last decade thanks to strong tourism, investments in telecommunications, and a growing banking sector. About 30% of Tanzanians have access to electricity. With 717 MW of hydropower capacity installed, some 15% of the country’s total economically feasible hydropower potential - equivalent to 4,700 MW - has been developed to date.

The government has announced an Electricity Sector Reform Strategy and Roadmap to introduce a legal and regulatory framework for the development of power generating projects. A shortfall in generating capacity, the need to boost the economy, especially the mining sector, and to expand rural electrification has led to increased investment.


ANDRITZ HYDRO has installed almost half of the total installed hydro capacity in Tanzania. As far back as 1930, ANDRITZ HYDRO supplied elec­tro-mechanical equipment to Tan­­­zania. The company was involved in some of the major projects in the country, such as HPP Kishani (180 MW), HPP Mtera (80 MW), and HPP Pangani Falls (68 MW).


HPP Rusumo Falls

At the end of 2016, ANDRITZ HYDRO signed a contract with Rusumo Po­wer Company Ltd for the design, supply, installation, and commissioning of electro-mechanical equipment for the Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project. Located on Kagera River, about 2 km downstream of the confluence of the rivers Ruvubu and Kagera at the border with Rwanda, the project is a joint development together with Burundi and Rwanda.

ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply comprises the delivery of three 27.5 MW vertical Kaplan turbines and auxiliaries, generators, Electrical Power System (EPS), powerhouse cranes, draft tube gates and stop logs, as well as the control and protection system of the whole power plant. Completion of the project is planned for the end of 2019.


Population53.47 Mio.
Access to electricity30 %
Installed hydro capacity717 MW
Hydro capacity under construction0 MW
Share of generation from hydropower52 %
Hydro generation1.800 GWh
Technically feasible hydro generation potential     20,000 GWh
Installed capacity   328 MW
Installed units 10
Fleet share45.75 %

The World Bank, IEA, World Energy Outlook, Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2016

 Author: Martin Koubek

On-site HPP Kindaruma, Kenya

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