
Operator Training Simulator to match the low cost needs of operating pulp & paper mills

Cost-focused Operator Training Simulator for pulp & paper mills

The simulator uses the IDEAS high fidelity process models that have been developed and improved through working with many mills over many years.

The IDEAS dynamic model represents both the process equipment and DCS logic, while an elegant Operator Interface allows an intuitive way for both trainees and instructors to interact with the process as if operating a real DCS.

Mill operational performance benefits from operators working through a full range of operating scenarios: process area start-up from a cold shutdown, hot restart, controlled shutdown, various emergency and failure scenarios as well as how to operate for the best performance at the lowest operating cost. Many of the process responses in a pulp and paper mill are very difficult to learn — due to the long delay time, nonlinear response, or complex relationships of multiple inputs and multiple outputs that affect process responses and performance. Example: For the kiln area, the operator working on the afternoon shift could make changes to the fan speed and fuel supply. The full impact and eventual process stabilization of these two changes could take 8 to 10 hours. Working on the simulator allows operators to understand process relationships and dynamics and to develop the skills for the best possible operation.

The new ANDRITZ AUTOMATION operator training simulator also includes powerful training features that are not available on the real DCS:

  • Display equipment internal parameters in real time. The user interface shows details in real time that would be impossible or impractical to measure in the real world. Examples: Kiln composition and temperature profile down the length of the kiln; and digester composition in each zone is graphically displayed, giving operators a greater understanding of the internal workings of the equipment that they control.
  • Operational financial performance. Costs and revenues of every flow that enters or leaves the process are tracked for each training session.  The trainee operator’s performance is displayed, not only by capacity and product quality, but also by the overall net operating expenditure (OPEX) for the process area that they are operating. Operators can see immediately how changing a fuel flow or reagent dosing rate impacts the profitability of the process.

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IDEAS instructor operator training

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  • aa-simulation-general.pdf
    IDEAS simulation solutions for industry

    IDEAS is the leading dynamic simulator for the global kraft pulp industry, oil sands operations in the Canadian north, potash operations, and for hard rock mining. It helps with process design, control logic verification, and operator training.

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  • Training solutions to help your operation be always optimal

    ANDRITZ AUTOMATION offers a range of customized solutions for industrial training, including web-based training and process simulators using IDEAS, in the language and culture of a customer's personnel.

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