
Perfectly natural insulation

Front-end technology for wood-fiber insulation products

With its excellent insulating properties and environmental advantages, wood fiber insulation is rapidly gaining popularity among building designers and contractors. Huge potential that should be utilized.

ANDRITZ has been working together with true pioneers in the wood fiber insulation sector for over a decade and supplies the complete front-end technology for the production of high-quality fibers that are optimized to suit the respective requirements of the raw material and the end product.

Environmentally friendly production processes are not just a trend for us but also an important constant to which we contribute with our technological solutions:

  • Optimized wood chip screening as the basis of fiber processing
  • Energy-saving HC refining
  • Recovery and reuse of process steam
  • Recovery of waste water to generate process steam

Take advantage of the complete package

For more than ten years, ANDRITZ has been supplying front-end technologies to produce high-quality fibers for insulation board and blown-in products. Our key products contribute to safe, efficient, and energy-saving production of wood fiber insulation, beginning with the receiving of raw materials.

Tilting Floor

Plug screw feeder


Pressurized refiner

Steam recovery systems

IIOT tools for maintenance and operation

High-consistency refiner 1CP

The intelligent use of wood, energy, and efficiency in the production of building insulation materials creates opportunities for sustainable climate solutions. Renowned, pioneering companies in the wood fiber insulation industry have specified and installed ANDRITZ technologies for wood fiber insulation production:

Latest References


Did you know that ...

… in board form, wood fiber insulation is 100% compostable and recyclable at the end of its useful life?

… instead, the energy needed to produce mineral wool for an average home is estimated to create a CO2 footprint equivalent to the emissions from driving 29,000 kilometers in a car?


Complete front-end systems

ANDRITZ supplies the complete package ranging from debarking, chipping, screening, washing and refining

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Panelboard service

Your reliable long-term partner in panelboard industry

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  • Insulation Board: Building on an ecological multi-talent PDF : 612 KB