Supply chain cybersecurity: remOT™

Powered by OTORIO remOT™, ANDRITZ ensures zero-risk remote access and supply chain management to the production floor.

Key benefits

  • Secure and transparent Single-Point-of-Entry to the OT environment
  • Enhanced governance and control over user access permissions

Key features

Security features:

  • Multi-factor authentication and precise defined access permissions
  • No direct connection to the OT network to close security gaps

Administrative features:

  • Permission & identity management
  • Full visibility, control and record of every session and connection
  • Central management portal and dashboard
  • Integration with user management password vault tools

Safe remote OT access

Remote access in industrial environments has solved many human resource and budget challenges and provided more business efficiency. At the same time, remote connectivity, which is often unsupervised, has brought about many business concerns and security risks. ANDRITZ is determined to ensure that every connection is securely managed and access to assets and services is only granted to authorized remote personnel.

Advanced supply chain security solution

ANDRITZ utilizes remOTTM, a unique technology developed by its OT security partner OTORIO.

remOTTM offers the most advanced secure remote and privileged access management capabilities for the digitized industrial sector. Built from the ground-up for operational networks, remOT secures every link of the supply chain’s connectivity to industrial assets in order to eliminate risks caused by unauthorized or malicious access.

OTORIO's remOT restores control to industrial organizations. Easy to use and manage, it provides a single point of entry to the production floor and its assets. remOT allows admins to manage user access permissions at both the asset level and the connection protocol level. Every access or action is logged to ensure full visibility, creating a rich audit trail and achieving much more effective vendor governance.

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  • Safe Remote OT Access from OTORIO and ANDRITZ PDF : 420 KB

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  • Safe Remote OT Access from OTORIO and ANDRITZ PDF : 420 KB