A businessman signs a contract

Supplier compliance

Responsible supplier management ensures a resilient supply chain. 

We are part of a global supply chain and have around 30,500 suppliers worldwide. Long-term partnerships and close contact with our suppliers at all times during the entire execution of a project are important success factors for us. In procurement of materials, we try to source goods from suppliers near our manufacturing facilities to avoid long transport routes.

For our group-wide compliance program to be successful, all members of our supply chain must commit to the same values, principles and rules as we do, through our Supplier Code of Conduct.

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All ANDRITZ suppliers must also undergo an induction process, and if necessary are subjected to a compliance audit. With the view to the enhanced scrutiny requirements for the supply chain, especially regarding the German supply chain act, adequate risk assessment processes are implemented. Furthermore, ESG ratings for suppliers are becoming part of the assessment process for the supply chain.

Supplier Compliance and Sustainability Audit program

In 2017, ANDRITZ launched the Supplier Compliance and Sustainability Audit (SCSA) program in China and India, focusing on conducting audits and deriving corrective measures directly at suppliers, which are checked in follow-up audits. We also support suppliers to the point that they are able to build up and implement their own compliance management system and to live compliance and sustainability (“From audit to compliance”). 

Find out more...

  • Code of Business Conduct and Ethics PDF : 212 KB
  • Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC)

    Supplier Code of Conduct and Ethics

    PDF : 676 KB