
Corporate Governance

ANDRITZ has adopted the rules of conduct laid down in the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance without restriction and regards the Code as an essential requirement for implementation of responsible company management, which is directed towards creating sustainable and long-term added value and a high degree of transparency for shareholders and other stakeholders.

The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board as well as the entire staff of the ANDRITZ GROUP have committed to complying with the Code.

The Austrian Code of Corporate Governance applicable to the 2023 business year (January 2023 edition) is publicly accessible and available on the website of the ANDRITZ GROUP as well as on the website of the Austrian Working Group for Corporate Governance at

The Austrian Code of Corporate Governance is based on a voluntary commitment and goes beyond the legal requirements for corporations. ANDRITZ fully complies with the rules of the Code. The non-compliance with Rule 36 (self-evaluation of the Supervisory Board) reported in the previous year was remedied as announced there: A self-evaluation of the Supervisory Board took place based on a questionnaire to be completed by all members, in the first quarter of 2023.

As a publicly listed company with headquarters in Austria, the formal framework for corporate governance is derived from Austrian law, the articles of association, and the rules of procedure for the company boards, as well as the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance. 

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  • Remuneration report AAG 2023 PDF : 438 KB
  • Remuneration policy of ANDRITZ AG PDF : 159 KB
  • ANDRITZ AGM 2022: voting results PDF : 18 KB
  • ANDRITZ Consolidated Corporate Governance Report 2023 PDF : 216 KB
  • Austrian Code of Corporate Governance

    January 2023

    PDF : 520 KB
  • ANDRITZ Articles of Association

    ANDRITZ: articles of association, June 2022

    PDF : 1.3 MB
  • Report of the external evaluation of the ANDRITZ Corporate Governance report PDF : 710 KB