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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hidroelektrane na Vrbasu has awarded a contract to ANDRITZ HYDRO for the supply of two 5 MW ECOBulbTM turbines for the new Bocac II hydropower plant.

HPP Bocac II is located on the Vrbas River between the cities of Banja Luka and Jajce. The turbines will be installed on an existing dam downstream from HPP Bocac, which is currently equipped with two 55 MW Francis turbines from ANDRITZ HYDRO (formerly Escher Wyss).

The proposed ECOBulbTM technology convinced the customer to assign the order to ANDRITZ HYDRO. Commercial operations are scheduled to begin in 2016.


After two years of intensive installation works, in June 2014 ANDRITZ HYDRO successfully completed the Angostura hydropower plant in Chile.

Located about 600 km south of the Chilean capital Santiago de Chile, a completely new hydropower plant was built with six spillway radial gates, roller gates, and stop logs for diversion, together with a bottom outlet, intake, and draft tube, as well as two control buildings. The whole scope of delivery was designed, manufactured and erected by ANDRITZ HYDRO.


In July 2014, ANDRITZ HYDRO received an order to supply electro-mechanical equipment for HPP Sinop from Construtora TRIUNFO SA. The end customer is Consorcio Energetico Sinop (CES), a consortium composed of Eletronorte (ELN), Companhia Hidro-Elétrica do São Francisco S.A. (CHESF), and Électricité de France SA (EDF). HPP Sinop is located on the Teles Pires River in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso.

The scope of ANDRITZ HYDRO includes the model test, two vertical 204 MW Kaplan turbines, two 223.3 MVA synchronous generators, two excitation systems, two governors as well as transportation, erection and commissioning



Électricité de France SA (EDF) has awarded a contract to the consortium ANDRITZ HYDRO – ORYS for the rehabilitation of five bulb turbines at the La Rance tidal power plant.

HPP La Rance is located in north-western France, south of the city of Saint-Malo. It was inaugurated in 1968 by General Charles de Gaulle and was the largest tidal hydropower plant in the world until 2011, with 24 units (10 MW each) and an annual energy production of some 500 GWh. The exceptional tidal range at this site can reach 13 m.

The scope of the rehabilitation works includes engineering, procurement, manufacturing, dismantling, erection and commissioning of the bulbs mechanical parts and generator rotor.

Lead by ANDRITZ HYDRO Switzerland site activity is scheduled to begin in 2015.


ANDRITZ HYDRO has received an order from GENEPAL to supply the design, manufacture, assembly and commissioning of two horizontal 12 MW Francis turbines, including two generators, two butterfly valves, and auxiliary electromechanical equipment for HPP Recreo II in Guatemala.

The hydropower plant is located in the town of San Felipe in eastern Guatemala.

M. Komböck, W.Semper and H.Heber

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