Event Highlights

Compact Workshop in Pakistan, Hydro Vision International and Africa 2017

Compact Workshop Pakistan

Lahore - Pakistan has a huge hydropower potential that has barely been developed until today. However, the increasing demand for electrical energy, high dependence on imported oil, and the promotion of renewable sources of energy make the use of hydroelectric power very much the focus of an expanding energy mix. Expansion of small-scale hydropower is also an important factor here.

For the first time, at the end of 2016 ANDRITZ HYDRO organized a “Compact Workshop” in Pakistan to strengthen its position in this competitive market. At this workshop about 70 representatives from planning offices, investors, general contractors, and construction companies met in Lahore to exchange experiences and to keep themselves informed about the latest developments in the small hydropower market. One particular highlight was a lecture on ­special Compact Hydro low-head turbines, which can be used in existing irrigation channels.

The workshop was a complete success and supported the sales activities of ANDRITZ HYDRO in the promising market for small ­hydropower in Pakistan.

Author: Hans Wolfhard

Hydro Vision International

ANDRITZ HYDRO was also a participant and gold sponsor at the Hydro Vision International, held 27th–30th June, 2017 in Denver, Colorado, USA. Again the company was front and center with an impressive booth. HYDRO VISION 2017 proved once again to be a valuable resource for strenghtening the ANDRITZ HYDRO brand in the North American hydropower market, highlighting the company’s technological know-how and comprehensive portfolio of products and services.

© shutterstock.com / Nicholas Courtney


ANDRITZ HYDRO’s successful participation in the AFRICA 2017 Conference and Exhibition

Marrakesh - From 14th to 16th March, 2017, the AFRICA 2017 conference took place at the Palais des Congrès de la Palmeraie in Marrakesh, Morocco.

Following the great success in 2013, this leading African hydropower event offered for the second time a perfect platform for all interested parties in the hydropower
industry – utilities, suppliers, investors, project developers and operators. More than 700 delegates attended this important event, not only from Africa but from all over the world.

ANDRITZ HYDRO has been active in Africa for more than 100 years and has supplied about 40% of all turbines installed on the continent. To underline its leading position, ANDRITZ HYDRO was present with a booth, made two paper presentations, and co-hosted the impressive welcome reception at the end of the first conference day. AFRICA 2017 offered ample opportunities for promoting the comprehensive product and service portfolio and overall competence of ANDRITZ HYDRO, improving existing customer relations, and identifying future potentials in the promising African hydropower market.

Author: Jens Päutz

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