La Coche, France

The most powerful hydro unit in France

May 2019: The erection phase has been successfully completed at an accelerated time schedule. Quality and alignment tests during installation were successful and the customer, EDF, is satisfied with the quality of the equipment installed. After a smooth commissioning, the hydropower plant was officially inaugurated on October 14, 2019 with a big opening ceremony.

The new Pelton turbine completes the existing reversible pump turbines and features extremely good part load behavior.


Scope of contract for ANDRITZ Hydro comprised the design, manufacturing, installation and commissioning of an additional turbine-generator unit. This included excitation for the extension of this pumped storage plant. Manufacturing and purchasing was solely done in Europe.

The new unit will be able to provide 240 MW and has a wide operational range. It has one of the most efficient runners worldwide produced with MicroGuss* technology and is the most powerful hydro unit in France. The turbine was coated with HVOF (SXH70) at ANDRITZ Hydro’s manufacturing facility in Ravensburg, Germany.

Transfer of the unit after finalization of wet commissioning, efficiency tests and two phases of trial runs is expected for January 2020. Upon completion of the works the total power output of the hydropower plant will be increased by 75% from 280 MW to 520 MW.

Technical Details

Total output:520 MW 
Scope:1 × 240 MW
Head:908 m
Voltage:15.5 kV
Speed:428.60 rpm
Runner diameter:2,840 mm
Hydropower plant E.B. Campbell, Canada

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