The ageless power of hydro


On October 11, 2022, together with the IHA (International Hydropower Association) and the whole hydropower community we celebrated the positive impacts of sustainable hydropower on people and communities around the world.

© pidjoe / iStock

Transforming lives and communities #WithHydropower

Hydropower, a sustainable and renewable form of power generation, has many benefits and great potential. 

Approximately 70% of the Earth is covered with water, which means that there are 14.3 billion m3 of a renewable, clean energy source. Electricity from hydropower is cost-effective and not subject to price volatility, unlike fossil fuels. 

In addition, more than two million people are employed in hydropower worldwide. But the benefits of sustainable hydropower reach far beyond the people who work in the sector.

It offers socio-economic benefits because the construction of hydropower plants also creates local jobs, supports the regional economy, guarantees the water supply and flood protection, and can be used for irrigation and shipping navigation. This brings many positive impacts to communities worldwide.

Trasforming lives and communities #withHydropower

© Kristofer Ryde

#WithHydropower we can make a difference

We continue to live in very challenging times. Aside from the pandemic and the heavy toll it has taken over the last two years, political and social conflicts are also shocking the world and have had signifcant consequences for individual lives, society as a whole and the global economy. In this context, the transition to a zero-emission future becomes more important than ever. We must redouble our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and to reach our vital climate goals. Renewable energies like hydropower, wind and solar have to be expanded dramatically, as we need to successfully tackle the climate crisis and also ensure continued security of energy supply independent from fossil fuels.

Hydropower — a technology with a vision — is the most proven and best developed form of renewable electricity generation, successfully deployed at hundreds of thousands of sites worldwide. Hydropower does not end with power generation. Instead, it offers a wide spectrum of applications, including energy storage for grid stability and peak load coverage, providing the tools to reach global sustainable climate goals.

#withHydropower we can make a difference

© palidachan -

#With hydropower we can

… keep the lights on with green energy

Wind and solar need the flexibility and stability that hydropower offers to keep the lights on. Ensuring a stable and secure energy supply is one of the biggest challenges we face in the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

… develop renewable energy sustainably

When hydropower projects are sited, planned, and built sustainably, they can have tremendous positive impacts on local communities.

… decarbonize industries with clean energy

Green hydrogen is poised to play a significant role in decarbonizing heavy industries around the world. Hydropower is well suited to green hydrogen production and has the potential to provide 13% of the demand required by 2050 to meet net zero goals.

… provide affordable energy for generations

Hydropower has provided affordable energy to homes and business across the world for decades. We can create an affordable green energy grid powered by renewables.

… store wind and solar energy in water

Don’t fall back on fossil fuels. We can keep green grids of the future reliable with hydropower using “water ­batteries” to store renewable energy to use when the wind isn’t blowing, and the sun isn’t shining.

… protect communities from floods and droughts

As climate change accelerates, extreme weather events like floods and droughts are becoming more frequent. Hydropower can help protect communities by providing vital water management services.

Powerhouse of Tolga. The new run-of-river power plant is equipped with three identical 15 MW compact Francis turbines.

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Supplying more than 10,000 households with energy - Tolga, Norway

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The ageless power of hydro

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