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Norway, Ringedalen

Statkraft has awarded a contract to ANDRITZ HYDRO for the supply of the electro- and hydro-mechanical equipment for the Ringedalen hydropower plant in Norway.

HPP Ringedalen is located in the municipality of Odda in Hordaland County and will utilize the head between lakes Mosdalsvatnet and Ringedalsvatnet, which is the reservoir of the existing Oksla Power Plant.


The scope of supply for ANDRITZ HYDRO includes two Pelton turbine units with associated generators and a total combined capacity of 23 MW. ANDRITZ HYDRO Germany in co­op­eration with ANDRITZ HYDRO Norway will provide the turbine equipment, where­as ANDRITZ HYDRO Bhopal, India will deliver two 13.5 MVA generators.

Completion of HPP Ringedalen is scheduled for 2017, providing then an average annual production of about 60 GWh to supply about 3,000 Norwegian households with electricity.


Runner diameter1,230 mm
Av. annual generation60 GWh

ANDRITZ Hydro business division key visual

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