Central Africa

Including Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, DR Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Republic of Congo – Central Africa is a dramatically diverse region.

Countries like the Central African Republic or Chad are facing some economic difficulties, whereas Cameroon enjoys relatively stable conditions and is building on its emerging economic status. Most of the countries in the region are dependent on their rich oil reserves.

Equatorial Guinea is the third largest oil producer in Sub-Saharan Africa and Chad holds the biggest oil reserves in the whole region. However, with falling oil prices, growth rates in the Central African states have decreased in recent years. All of the region’s countries struggle to reduce poverty and to increase living standards for the population by improvement in clean water supply and better access to electricity, which is very low in most countries in Central Africa.

Regionally, the potential for development of hydropower could not be more diversified. DR Congo with 100,000 MW has the largest technically feasible hydropower potential in Africa; in contrast Chad has only about 30 MW. The Central African Republic has revealed plans to expand its use of renewable energy resources such as hydropower and solar. About 30 sites for hydropower development with capacities between 0.5–180 MW were identified to exploit the 3,000 MW potential of the country. Equatorial Guinea, as one of Africa’s small­est countries, has only one 120 MW hydropower scheme installed, representing 20% of the nation’s electricity production. Gabon has about 8,000 MW of hydropower potential, of which only 2% (330 MW) have been harnessed so far. The government plans to increase the nation’s installed capacity to 1,200 MW by 2020, stren­g­thening the economy of one of the most prosperous nations in Sub-Saharan Africa.


ANDRITZ HYDRO has a long history of equipment deliveries to the Cen­tral African region. In Cameroon ANDRITZ HYDRO has supplied or rehabilitated more than 85% of the nation’s installed capacity and also has a strong presence in DR Con­-
go. New office establishments in DR Congo and Republic of Congo are strengthening the company’s position in this promising African region.


HPP Kinguélé, Gabon

In May 2016, ANDRITZ HYDRO received an order from CGE Gabon for a new double Francis runner, new runner shaft, new turbine covers, and fixed and mobile labyrinths for HPP Kinguélé in Gabon. In­sta­llation supervision completes the scope of supply, which is scheduled for completion in September 2017.


Population:128.74 Mio.
Installed hydro capacity4,014 MW
Hydro capacity under construction698 MW
Hydro generation14,995 GWh
Technically feasible hydro generation potential     492,758 GWh
Installed capacity   1,849 MW
Installed units 80

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