Malawi - Road to electrification

Landlocked Malawi is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The economy is mostly agricultural with about 80% of the population living in rural areas. The Malawian go­vern­ment has introduced several pro­grams to boost the economy.

Only about 12% of the population has access to electricity today. It is planned to increase this to 17% by 2020.

© Mark52/

A process to deregulate the energy sector to allow independent power producers is on­going. The objective is to attract private investors to increase electricity production from 1,900 GWh to 3,580 GWh with­in the next decade. Some 6,000 GWh/year of technically feasible hydropower potential has been identified. Impressively, almost 100% of Ma­la­wi’s power generation comes from hydropower.


First contracts in Malawi date back to the early 1970s. ANDRITZ HYDRO delivered the complete electro-mechanical equipment for the Tedzani I, II and III hydropower plants on the Shire River, as well as for HPP Wovwe. For the Nukla B and Kapichira hydropower plants, also on the Shire River, ANDRITZ HYDRO delivered some hydro-mecha­nical equipment.


HPP Tedzani III

In 2016, the Electricity Supply Cor­po­ration of Malawi Limited (ESCOM) and ANDRITZ HYDRO signed a contract for rehabilitation, modernization and up­gra­­ding of the 51 MW Tedzani III hy­dro­power station. ANDRITZ HYDRO is responsible for a new control and SCADA system, new excitation, protection and synchronisation systems, as well as repair and replacement works on turbines and generators.


HPP Nkula A

A contract to rehabilitate and upgrade the 24 MW Nkula A hydropower station to 35.1 MW was awarded to ANDRITZ HYDRO, as leader of a consortium, by the Millennium Challenge Account – Malawi (MCA­M). The scope of supply for ANDRITZ HYDRO includes modernization of intake and draft tube gates, penstocks, installation of new turbine runners, new generators, mechanical and electrical auxiliary systems, as well as a new high voltage hybrid switch gear, and SCADA system. HPP Nkula A is expected to resume operations in mid­-2018.
Recently, a further contract for a Ge­neration Control & Monitoring Sys­tem was awarded to ANDRITZ HYDRO.

HPP Nkula A


Population:17.22 Mio.
Access to electricity12% %
Installed hydro capacity352 MW
Hydro capacity under construction22 MW
Share of generation from hydropower99.9 %
Hydro generation1,905 GWh
Technically feasible hydro generation potential     6,000 GWh
Installed capacity   110 MW
Installed units 9
Fleet share31.25 %

The World Bank, IEA, World Energy Outlook, Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2016

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