
IDEAS OLI thermodynamic engine

The solution for predicting the type, quantity, and physical state of the components in a process

The IDEAS OLI engine combines the user-friendly capabilities of the IDEAS simulator with OLI, the world’s leading solver for aqueous speciation.


Processing equipment at an oil sands facility in Northern Alberta, Canada.

The IDEAS OLI engine works together with IDEAS to conduct a variety of steady-state mass and energy balances complete with chemistry predictions. It can also provide more dynamic predictions, such as reactions in tanks. For example, the mass fractions in tanks are calculated automatically, so the final chemistry (such as pH) can be plotted at each time step. The IDEAS OLI engine even lets the user predict reactions in pipes, such as precipitation and heat exchanger reactions.

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  • aa-simulation-oli.pdf
    IDEAS OLI thermodynamic engine

    IDEAS OLI is an advanced thermodynamic engine that helps to predict the type, quantity, and physical state of the components in a process.

    PDF : 361 KB