Local news Italy

12/09/2024: Lana hydropower plant refurbishment completed for Alperia, Italy

In August 2024, the third and final unit of the Lana Hydro Power Plant was successfully commissioned and handed over to Alperia, the esteemed customer and a leader in sustainable energy solutions.

The project began in December 2021 when ANDRITZ Hydro Srl Unipersonale and Alperia Greenpower Srl signed a contract for the comprehensive refurbishment of the Lana hydropower plant, located in Lana, Bolzano, in the northeastern region of Italy. This contract marked a significant milestone in Alperia’s ongoing commitment to enhancing energy infrastructure while promoting sustainability.

The refurbishment involved a complete overhaul of three 41.6 MW units, which included the replacement of six 20.8 MW horizontal Pelton turbines, six main inlet valves (MIVs), hydraulic and digital speed governors, mechanical auxiliaries, electrical protection systems (EPS), automation systems, and generators (provided by a consortium partner). Additionally, the project scope covered the replacement of approximately 4.6 km of old busbar connections, enhancing the overall efficiency and reliability of the plant.

Further strengthening Alperia’s energy portfolio, the contract also included the installation of a new 5 MW “from water-to-wire” (W2W) unit. This compact unit comprised a turbine, generator, MIV, hydraulic and digital speed governors, mechanical auxiliaries, EPS, automation systems, along with dismantling, erection, and commissioning services.

Despite the demanding timeline, the project kicked off in November 2022, with the dismantling of the first unit and busbars, and the installation of the 5 MW compact unit. In alignment with Alperia’s needs, the project’s first phase prioritized the release of water through the new 5 MW unit by mid-March 2023 to support irrigation. Meanwhile, the erection of one of the 41.6 MW units and busbar continued, with completion achieved by June 2023.

The successful completion of the project without delays has reinforced the partnership between ANDRITZ and Alperia, a strategic customer in northern Italy. This collaboration has a history of several successful projects and sets a positive outlook for future endeavours.. Both companies are poised to embark on new ventures in the near future.

Technical Details:

  • Total plant output: 3 x 42 MW / 50 MVA + 1 x 4.2 MW / 5 MVA
  • Output (contract scope): 3 x 42 MW / 50 MVA + 1 x 4.2 MW / 5 MVA
  • Average annual power generation: 185 GWh
  • Head: 432 m
  • Runner diameters: U1-2-3: 2,612 mm; U0: 1,065 mm
  • Rotor diameters: U1-2-3: 3,954 mm; U0: 1,080 mm
  • Voltage: U1-2-3: 220 kV; U0: 16.4 kV


15/07/2024: ANDRITZ undertakes major rehabilitation projects in Portugal

ANDRITZ Hydropower Italy has secured contracts from Energias de Portugal (EDP) for the modernization and rehabilitation of five key hydroelectric power plants across Portugal.


EDP, a leading investor in Portugal and the largest producer, distributor, and supplier of electricity in the country, has entrusted ANDRITZ Andritz Hydropower Italy with significant upgrades to the Fratel, Torrão, Sabugueiro I, Ponte Jugais, and Pracana plants.

In the Fratel Plant, ANDRITZ Hydropower Italy will focus on optimizing and rehabilitating the three units, starting with a model test to study new Kaplan runners aimed at improving efficiency. The project includes the supply and installation of a new Kaplan runner, along with the maintenance and rehabilitation of other turbine components. Additionally, comprehensive on-site activities for disassembly, adaptation, erection, and commissioning are part of the contract. The automation upgrades will leverage ANDRITZ's HIPASE multiplatform for enhanced digitalization, connectivity, and safety, ensuring unified plant and unit automation.

At the Torrão plant, efforts will concentrate on regulating and protecting the two units by replacing speed governors and rehabilitating hydraulic control units. The HIPASE platform will provide uniformity in operation and maintenance, benefiting the customer significantly.

For the Sabugueiro I, Ponte Jugais, and Pracana plants, the focus is on updating protection systems and relays, again utilizing the HIPASE platform to ensure consistent and efficient protection for units and power transformers.

These projects reinforce the position of ANDRITZ Hydropower Italy as a key partner for service and rehabilitation projects, showcasing its expertise and commitment to advancing Portugal's hydroelectric infrastructure.

Technical data:


Type: 3 x Kaplan vertical axis D1=5100

Start of Operations: 1974

Installed Power: 132 MW

Water Course: Tejo

Average Annual Production: 327 GWh

Total Storage: 21 hm³


Type: 2 x Reversible Pump/Turbine Francis

Start of Operations: 1988

Installed Power: 140 MW

Water Course: Tâmega

Average Annual Production: 221 GWh

Total Storage: 40,4 hm³


N. Units: 3

Installed Power: 12,8 MW


N. Units: 2

Installed Power: 20,3 MW


N. Units: 3

Installed Power: 41 MW


28/03/2024: Happy Easter 

We wish you a Happy Easter so that these festivities may renew trust, joy, and hope in your hearts.

© Adobe Stock - Artem

On this occasion, may our best wishes for a peaceful Easter reach you all.

May this very special day remind you that happiness lies in the little things.


26/03/2024: Refurbishment of Tajo de la Encantada in Spain

In January 2024, ANDRITZ HYDRO S.r.l. Unipersonale in Italy received an order ENDESA Generación S.A. for the rehabilitation of two of the four units at the Tajo de la Encantada pumped storage power plant.

Commissioned in 1977, the Tajo de la Encantada pumped storage plant is located in southern Spain and is equipped with four 92.2 MW vertical synchronous units with single-stage Francis-type reversible turbines. 

The objective of the overall refurbishment program is to extend the efficient, reliable and safe operation of the units and associated equipment, minimize possible short- and medium-term outages and improve the performance of the units excluding repowering activities. Another important goal is the improvement of transition times from full turbine load to full pump load and reliability of start-up in pump mode.

ANDRITZ's scope of supply and services encompasses refurbishment of both turbine and generator systems, new components, such as wicket gates, labyrinths, facing plates and a new spherical valve. In addition, our scope of work includes design, calculations, engineering integration and control, supply, installation, and commissioning of a new static frequency converter for the plant's four existing units.

This contract also includes an agreement for a future discussion in 2025 regarding the rehabilitation of the other two units, with a prospect of continuous implementation after completion of the first two units. The end of the commissioning of the first two units is planned for mid-2026.

The signing of this contract is a great achievement for ANDRITZ, which has long been active in the Spanish hydropower market and is committed to the development and renewal of renewable energy assets.


13/02/2024: Presagho project - A real success of Metris DioMera predictive technology in O&M

The project involved in the implementation of the DioMera digital platform, in particular the application of predictive KDI and KTI (Key Diagnostic Indicator and Key Trend Indicators) in the electromechanical equipment of ENEL’s hydropower plants.

It was awarded for the ENEL fleet in Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil for a total potential capacity of approx. 10 GW and includes a potential total nr. of 44 power plants. The project was signed in April 2019, and is a lighthouse project for the ANDRITZ’ Operation & Maintenance business.

Completed to the full satisfaction of...



05/02/2024: Italy, Carnival in Venice 

"Ad Oriente. The amazing journey of Marco Polo”, the 2024 Venice Carnival celebrates one of its greatest travellers.

© rubrafoto – adobe.stock.com

On the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo's death, on January 8, 1324, Marco Polo is back to his Venice lagoon as a protagonist of the Venetian carnival tradition. 

The 2024 Venice Carnival theme is travel, discovery and encounters with previously only imagined worlds.

Enjoy from January 27 to February 13, 2024.

Here is the link to be informed about all the events: Program Venice Carnival Italy 2024 Programme Schedule (visit-venice-italy.com)
ANDRITZ Hydropower in Italy is involved not only in the national business but above all in its employees. We support our traditions and invite you to celebrate with us one of the most heartfelt popular events – the Venice Carnival.


14/12/2023: Italy, ANDRITZ Hydro Executive member visits ANDRITZ Hydro in Schio

ANDRITZ's factory in Schio received the distinguished visit of Mr. Frédéric Sauze, Executive Board of ANDRITZ AG and CEO of ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH, on November 29. This visit was part of a planned itinerary to get to know all the locations.

Mr. Sauze was welcomed by the management:  Iris Egger Co-Managing Director, Stefano Rizzi Managing Director, Giuseppe Pasqualotto Manager Chief Technology Officer, Diego Saccon Project Execution Manager and spoke for an hour engaging with all employees.


02/10 2023: ANDRITZ at the Interalpine Energy & Environment Days in Mals 2023

This year, the Interalpine Energy & Environment Days in Mals have the motto: “Hydropower - innovative, versatile, modern. Where do we stand and where do we want to go?” The conference has become a well-established professional event where highly qualified speakers from research, industry and practice present the latest developments in the field of electromechanical equipment, power plant operation and ecology. 

A series of engaging presentations provides a comprehensive overview of innovations in hydropower, complemented by best-practice examples.

Dr. Magdalena Neuhauser, Head of ANDRITZ Hydraulic Laboratory Vevey, in Switzerland will give a presentation titled "Kaplan turbine and battery storage - A perfect pair? Results of hybridization of a run-of-river power plant in the H2020 XFLEX HYDRO project." 

The XFLEX HYDRO project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 innovation program, has been testing innovative technologies to increase flexibility at seven hydropower plants since September 2019. Industry-leading companies, research institutes and universities are evaluating innovative technologies, new approaches and hybridization solutions under real operating conditions.

The event offers the opportunity to exchange ideas with fellow experts and and to strengthen your knowledge and network. Be there and join the discussion.

Register here: https://www.ibi-kompetenz.eu/energieumweltmals2023/

We look forward to seeing you!


11/09 2023: HYDROMATTERS 2023 Conference & Expo, 10th edition

A day of powerful talks and meetings, where topics such as intermittent renewables sources, the electrical grid, safety in supply, hydropower, energy storage systems, as well as hydrogen and the importance of digitalization will be discussed.

ANDRITZ will be present at the HYDROMATTERS 2023 event in Padua on September 19, 2023, with a booth and a presentation titled “Hydroelectric Storage: state of the art”.

You can register here for free: https://www.hydromatters.it/get-tickets

Come over and visit us at HYDROMATTERS. We are looking forward meeting you there!


14/04 2023: Bressanone Italy - Fourth unit commissioned

The fourth unit of Bressanone hydropower plant in Italy was successfully commissioned in November 2022, after only 21 months since the start of construction activities.

Thus, achieving an important goal for the customer and the whole project team – the completion of the first four units by the end of 2022.

Originally built in the 1930s, the power plant is located into the heart of Bressanone, in a cavern next to the Rienza River. ANDRITZ signed the contract for Bressanone with Alperia Green Power, a major player in Italy’s energy market based in South Tyrol, in December 2019. The scope of contract consisted of the complete modernization of the power plant including supply of three new vertical 34 MW Francis turbines, one 18 MW turbine, five spherical valves with associated pressure relief valves and four new generators, with 44 MVA and 21 MVA capacity, respectively. The modernization also included the supply and installation of new Balance of Plant (BoP), EPS and automation.

The project proved very challenging from the beginning due to the tight time schedule, which called for the parallel installation of two units and common BoP in 2021, and two units in 2022. In addition, the limited space in the cavern made the work considerably more difficult and required special attention during installation and logistics. The project also included the supply of four butterfly valves with a diameter of 3,000 mm, placed in a cavern on top of the penstock. It was necessary to dismantle the existing valves and install the new ones including new BoP within only four months. This works has been successfully executed in 2022, in parallel with the other activities in the powerplant.

For both companies, this project was the first public contract where many restrictions and regulations had to be complied with. For example, more than 30 subcontractors had to be accredited, which presented a major documentation management challenge. 

The work on-site was also affected by the Covid pandemic, but thanks to the countermeasures taken, the work on site was carried out without any peculiar problems for people and works progress.

The project was a real teamwork between several ANDRITZ locations: ANDRITZ Hydro in Italy as the consortium leader took responsibility for the design and production of the turbines, MIVs and BoP including supervision, installation, and commissioning of the units. ANDRITZ Hydro in Weiz, Austria, performed the basic engineering of the generators and ANDRITZ Hydro in India developed the detailed engineering, generator manufacturing and transportation to Europe. Despite the complexity of logistics, transportation from India worked well. This was possible thanks to the timely production of the generators and thanks to the experience and commitment of the people working in the logistics departments of all the locations involved.

In early 2023, the customer conducted performance tests on all four machine sets, and the results were all in line with the contractually guaranteed values. Still in progress is the modernization of the fifth machine set, the twin of the fourth, which includes the supply of the turbine, main inlet valve and BoP, and the refurbishment of the generator. The completion of this work is scheduled for October 2023.

The Bressanone contract confirmed the good relationship with Alperia over the past decade and laid a solid basis for the subsequent two contracts we received - San Floriano and Lana. 

This first experience with public contract law allowed us to gain important management competences which will be an advantage for future contracts.


09/03 2022: Chile - Guindo Substation successfully energized

In December 2022 the energizing of the 220/66 kV substation Guindo in Chile has been successfully finalized.

We are very proud to have..



10/02 2022: Carnival in Venice – Celebrate with us

From the 11th to the 21st of February 2023 the Venice carnival with its own magic and colorful atmosphere is taking place. The title of this year's event is "Take your time for the ORIGINAL SIGNS".

© Adobe Stock - By pitrs

The real magic of Venice Carnival comes from the masqueraders and costumed people who once again this year arrive from all over the world. The largest concentration of masqueraders and costumed people is in and around St. Mark's Square, but you will also encounter costumed groups in many other squares in Venice. 

Some of the main events are:

  • Grand Opening of the Carnival on the water in Cannaregio
  • Contest of the most beautiful mask
  • Procession of the Feast of the Maries
  • Flight of the Angel (from St Mark's Bell Tower is cancelled this year because of works on St. Mark Square)

Here is the link to be informed about all the events: Program Venice Carnival Italy 2023 Programme Schedule (visit-venice-italy.com)

ANDRITZ Hydro in Italy is committed not only to the Italian market but to the people as well. We are upholding our traditions and want to invite you all to celebrate with us one of the most popular traditions - the Carnival in Venice.


13/10 2022: Cerro del Aguila, Peru – Major milestone achieved – second unit completed

In the frame of the 10 years of “integrated Maintenance contract” of Cerro del Aguila HPP, the second milestone related with the completeness of the major rehabilitation of the second unit has been achieved.

On Sept-17 2022 our team closed with full success the major maintenance of Unit 1.We may consider it a kind of record having completed the works in 16 days versus the contractually foreseen 33 days. 24/7 activities, two working shifts of 12 hours each, five of ours best supervisors from ANDRITZ Hydro locations in Italy and Mexico, more than 50 site persons involved, team spirit, commitment, common target and synergy with our client and great competences made this success real.

The third major maintenance with unit uprate is expected within the end of the year, and it will close the first round of major intervention, until the second one which will start in 2026.

Providing added value

During the whole period between one major maintenance and the following one and thanks to our innovative digital services, and specific competence about machine erosion prediction, ANDRITZ will guarantee to the client an efficiency drop of the units within defined limits.


29/09 2022: HYDROMATTERS Conference & Expo, 9th edition

Thank you for joining us at HYDROMATTERS Conference & Expo, 9th edition in Padua.

It was a successful day full of meetings and talks!


27/09 2022: HYDROMATTERS Conference & Expo, 9th edition

One day of powerful talks and meetings, where topics such as intermittent renewables sources, the electrical grid, safety in supply, hydropower, energy storage systems, as well as hydrogen and the importance of digitalization were discussed. ANDRITZ was present at the HYDROMATTERS 2022 event in Padua on September 20, 2022 with a booth and a presentation “- Kidston Australia - modern methodologies for hybrid pumping asset management”.

You can register here for free: https://www.hydromatters.it/get-tickets

Come over and visit us at HYDROMATTERS. We are looking forward meeting you there!


April 2022: Lana, Italy – Order for complete rehabilitation

ANDRITZ has been awarded from Alperia Greenpower, a company of Alperia Group in Bolzano, a contract for the complete refurbishment of the Lana hydropower plant on the Valsura torrent in South Tyrol, Italy. Alperia operates 34 hydroelectric plants in South-Tyrol and is one of the most important sustainable-energy companies in Italy.

© Alperia Green Power

The project comprises the complete rehabilitation of six Pelton turbines including the replacement of the runners, injectors, distributor pipes and MIVs. The mechanical power systems such as cooling water system and oil hydraulic system will also be completely replaced. The scope of supply includes further three new generators and an additional small Pelton vertical unit for irrigation purposes to be placed instead of an old turbine dedicated to the auxiliary’s supply. ANDRITZ will also provide the replacement of the MV and LV equipment as well as a new, state-of-art automation and control system. Design, supply, and erection of generators will be in charge of Nidec, partner in an open consortium with ANDRITZ.

The project is scheduled to be completed until August 2024.

Lana is one of the largest hydroelectric plants in the region. Its average annual production amounts to approximately 180 GWh, equal to the annual needs of approximately 60.000 families.

Technical details:
Total output: 131.5 MW
Scope: 3 x 43.3 MW/ 49 MVA and 1 x 4.4 MW/ 5.2 MVA
Head: 478.15 m
Voltage: 10 kV
Speed: 428.6 rpm/ 1,000 rpm
Runner diameter: 2,040 mm/ 875 mm


January 2022: ANDRITZ participated to the inauguration ceremony of the 154 kV electrical substation Pueblo Seco, Chile 

On November 25, 2021 ANDRITZ participated to the inauguration ceremony of the 154 kV electrical substation Pueblo Seco in Chile.

© Besalco Energia Renovable

ANDRITZ Italy together with ANDRITZ Chile carried out the engineering work and supplied the equipment, supervision and commissioning of the complete electrical power system, control & protection, automation and SCADA system. The substation includes also a 20 MVA 154/23 kV step-up transformer and it is fully operated by a remote supervision and control system. 

The Pueblo Seco substation is part of the energy transformation plan that is ongoing in the country and it is part of the projects to reinforce the Chilean transmission grid. It will also contribute to the local distribution system as well as the future interconnection of other medium voltage lines. The substation was successfully commissioned in September this year with the interconnection of the 154kV Charrua-Monterrico line. 

ANDRITZ takes immense pride in being the selected as a reliable partner for the complete electrical power system and automation works of this relevant project with our long-standing experience around the world in high-voltage substations.

© Besalco Energia Renovable


August 2021: HPP San Floriano, Italy – Contract for complete refurbishment

ANDRITZ was awarded from SF Energy Srl in Bolzano a contract for the complete refurbishment of the San Floriano hydropower plant on the Avisio River in South Tyrol, Italy.

© SF Energy

With an installed capacity of 192 MW, the plant is one of the largest hydroelectric plants in the region.

Plant operator and customer SF Energy Srl was founded in 2010 and is 50% owned by Alperia Greenpower and Dolomiti Energia Holding.
The project comprises the complete rehabilitation of six Pelton turbines including the replacement of the runners, injectors, distributor pipes and main inlet valves. The mechanical power systems such as cooling water system and oil hydraulic system will also be completely replaced. The scope of supply includes further the replacement of the medium- and low-voltage equipment as well as a new, state-of-art automation and control system. The rehabilitation contract of the three generators installed in the hydropower plant comprising stator and rotor rewinding as well as rehabilitation of the bearings will be carried together with a further supplier in a consortium. The project is scheduled to be completed until mid-2024.

Its average annual production amounts to approximately 475 GWh, equal to the annual needs of approximately 136,000 families.


April 2021: ANDRITZ to supply electro-mechanical equipment and maintenance service for one of the world’s first co-located solar pumped storage plants in Australia

© Genex Power Ltd

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from the EPC contractors McConnell Dowell and John Holland to supply the electro-mechanical equipment for the 250-MW Kidston pumped storage plant in North Queensland, Australia.

Read more in the press release


December 2020: ANDRITZ Hydro Italy now ISO 55001 certified

ANDRITZ Hydro Italy one of the first hydropower companies with an ISO-certified Asset Management System

ANDRITZ positions itself as a first-rate partner for operation and maintenance of hydro power plants and is expanding this service business step by step. For better support of this market approach it was decided to implement the new ISO 55001 standard certification for the O&M asset management system.

As one of the first hydropower companies not only in Italy, but also worldwide, ANDRITZ Hydro Italy has achieved the certification of the Asset Management System according to ISO 55001 standard and will support the future activities of our Operation & Maintenance business.

The ISO 55001 standard establishes the requirements to guarantee an asset management system aimed at maximizing performance and mitigating risks.

The Asset Management supports the reliable and safe operation of plants and drives their efficient functioning in accordance to regulations, despite the aging of the installations, the change of rules and the evolution of economy. It helps to identify critical assets within a plant, evaluate their condition and performance, and support the definition of investment strategies for their maintenance and replacement.

The Asset Management is fully integrated into the global strategy of the company and introduces a systematic process meant to:

  • Improves reliability and performance of the power plant.
  • Reduces risks by application of global risk management and integrated maintenance plan.
  • Improves customer confidence in business relationship.
  • Improves business opportunities (spare parts supplies, main rehabilitation program, …).
  • Enables ANDRITZ to become the customer’s main partner.

The certification audit was carried out by Bureau-Veritas both at ANDRITZ Hydro Italy location and at customer assets and gave a positive result, emphasizing the effectiveness of a pragmatic system that is heavily embedded in business processes.

The certification is presently under issuance.

What is ISO 55001?

ISO 55001 is an asset management system standard, the main objective of which is to help organizations manage the lifecycle of assets more effectively. By implementing ISO 55001 organizations will have better control over daily activities, achieve higher return with their assets, and reduce the total cost of risk.


This standard can be applied to all organizational structures of companies, and to all types of assets. The concrete outcomes consist of a growth in effectiveness accompanied by a dramatic drop in unit cost. This framework also supports continual improvement of performance and offers improvements for an organization of any industry, type or size. (Source: pecb.university)

Contact us
ANDRITZ HYDRO S.r.l. Unipersonale
Via Daniele Manin 16/18
36015 Schio (VI)
Get in contact
  • ANDRITZ HYDRO SRL - ISO 55001 PDF : 431 KB