(C) Michel Martinez

Customer Days 2017

Kathmandu - Foshan - Hanoi

ANDRITZ Hydro is pleased to invite customers, local partners, and suppliers, as well as representatives from governmental institutions, hydropower plant operators, the developers, and private investors to special Customer Days in various countries. These events are always a great success and present superb opportunities for an exchange of experience. They also offer an informative platform to explore ANDRITZ Hydro’s latest developments and technology solutions, bringing the company closer to the market and its customers.

Customer Day Kathmandu, Nepal

After a very successful event in 2016 and the founding of the local office, the local Nepalese Managing Director and CEO, Mr. Dibesh Shrestha, was pleased to welcome customers, investors, partners, governmental institutions and other interested companies to the ANDRITZ Hydro Customer Day in Kathmandu, Nepal. This second customer day in the Himalayan nation took place on November 1st and 2nd, 2017.

Energizing Nepal has been a priority for ANDRITZ Hydro for the last 20 years. Offering state-of-the-art products, services and technologies, ANDRITZ Hydro is striving to become the ideal partner in Nepal’s energy sector.

ANDRITZ Hydro has currently more than 25 projects ongoing in this promising market, among which are Upper Tamakoshi (456 MW), Nepal’s national prestigious and biggest project, and Middle Bhotekoshi (102 MW), the third biggest hydro project in Nepal to date.

The Customer Day Nepal once again demonstrated the strong position of ANDRITZ Hydro as a reliable partner in developing the Nepalese hydropower potential and strengthened the ­company’s position in this very dynamic region.

Foshan, China - 13th-17th, November

For the second time, ANDRITZ Pumps China invited interested parties to its ANDRITZ Pump Coupling Alignment Competition seminar. More than 90 participants attended this event. Under the focal points of pumps service and energy savings, various presentations explored new ANDRITZ pump solutions and technologies. Additional emphasis was placed on the success story of the S-pump series over the last 20 years, as well as the brand new S-hydraulic kit.

Hanoi, Vietnam - 5th October 2017

For the sixth time now, ANDRITZ Hydro has invited participants to the Customer Day Vietnam, the comprehensive range of products and services offered by ANDRITZ Hydro was emphasized through a set of presentations. A special highlight of the presentations was the local capabilities and services available from the new local set-up.

Author: Jens Päutz & Uwe Seebacher

Paul Unmuth

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