The ageless power of hydro

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Women in engineering

Encouraging women to opt for a technical profession


In the ANDRITZ Hydro R&D departments we are very pleased to have many women in various technical areas. From hydraulic flow simulation to activities such as measurement technology and project management on the hydraulic test stand, the number of female employees has steadily increased over the years. Right from the start, good communication and networking among the women is particularly important in supporting one another. To further inspire women from technical areas for our work, we are always looking for external contacts to various institutes and hope to recruit more female employees through this. 

"Women are connected all over the world through STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). ANDRITZ is proud to support women in engineering."

Therefore, ANDRITZ was thrilled to accept an invitation to give a lecture on hydropower for the University of Applied Sciences (FH Wels) at their workshop for “Women in Engineering”. We were pleased to welcome almost 30 female students from all over the world to the event in July 2022. All test rigs in Linz were inspected, and many hydraulic phenomena observed. We hope we were able to inspire the students with the exciting world of hydroelectric engineering and perhaps we’ll even get an international application sooner or later.

We are very proud to highlight that our colleague Christine Monette, Principal Engineer at ANDRITZ Hydro Canada, received the 2022 Woman for Waterpower award from the Women in Renewable Energy (WirRE) network. This award was given in recognition of her exceptional contribution to the development of technology in the hydroelectric field.



Joint development and modernization of hydropower business

Memorandum of understanding with EGAT


ANDRITZ and the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly explore and expand business opportunities for hydropower projects in Thailand and surrounding countries. Marked with a digital signing ceremony in March 2022, the MoU will see the partners work to not only expand the digitalization of EGAT’s hydropower facilities and develop rehabilitation and automation projects in Thailand,but also to explore new, joint business opportunities, including operation and maintenance services.

In August this year, a delegation of high-ranking EGAT representatives traveled to Austria and visited the ANDRITZ Hydro headquarters in Vienna, the turbine hydraulic laboratory in Linz, the generator manufacturing facility in Weiz and a hydropower plant on the Danube River before traveling on to Italy. There the delegation visited the ANDRITZ Global Control Center in Schio, from which numerous hydropower plants worldwide are monitored by our highly trained Operation & Maintenance staff.

ANDRITZ is honored to work together with EGAT to jointly develop hydropower opportunities in the region and to support EGAT in making its hydropower fleet fit for the future.


Energy for 70,000 households

Ialy, Vietnam


ANDRITZ has won a contract for the complete electro-mechanical works and related technical services for the Ialy HPP extension project in Vietnam from Vietnam Electricity (EVN), a leading economic group in the energy sector in Vietnam. The installation of an additional 360 MW will boost the total installed capacity of the hydropower plant to 1,080 MW.

The ANDRITZ scope of supply consists of two 180 MW Francis turbine units, two 211 MVA synchronous generators, control and protection systems, additional plant auxiliary equipment, and associated technical services.

After completion of the project, which is expected in 2025, the Ialy HPP Extension plant will have an annual electricity output of about 233.2 GWh. It will provide more than 70,000 local households additionally with clean and sustainable electrical energy, as well as significantly contribute to regional grid balancing and stable operation.

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