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The government realizes that its economy suffers from an overreliance on oil and extractive industries and the government announced a stimulus package to cope with the economic challenges. As only about 13% of the hydro generation potential of estimated 62,000 GWh is developed so far, there are vast opportunities offered.
Area near Issyk 2 hydropower project
For about 10 years, ANDRITZ HYDRO has been active in the promising hydro-power market of Kazakhstan.
For HPP Moinak (3 × 153 MW) ANDRITZ HYDRO delivered two Pelton turbines and a spare runner, for HPP Issyk 2 (1 × 5.26 MW) the complete electro-mechanical equipment was supplied.
In December 2013, ANDRITZ HYDRO signed a contract with JSC “Shardarinskaya HPP” toupgrade the electro-mechanical equipment at the Shardarinskaya hydropower plant.
ANDRITZ HYDRO will replace four Kaplan turbines with new runners, new generators, automation, and auxiliary systems. The power output will be increased by about 20% from 26 MW to31.5 MW per unit. Completion of the re-furbishment is scheduled for mid-2017.
At the beginning of 2016, ANDRITZ HYDRO signed a new contract for HPP Issyk 1 (1 × 5.3 MW) for the delivery of the complete electro-mechanical equipment.
These contracts represent ANDRITZ HYDRO's success in a country with great expectations of further business in the near future.
17.29 Mio. | Population |
100% | Access to electricity |
2,375 MW | Installed hydro capacity |
177 MW | Hydro capacity under construction |
9% | Share of generation from hydropower |
8,236 GWh | Hydro generation |
62,000 GWh | Technically feasible hydro generation potential |
Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2015 and The World Bank