
Complete stock preparation system

Performing trials with various types of pulp

The brand new tissue pilot plant is equipped with its own complete stock preparation and approach flow system – from pulping to the tissue machine headbox. Various types of pulps can be processed in a continuous production line that is split into separate short- and long-fiber lines – superior conditions for treating raw material according to the individual needs of every customer or project.

Flowsheet of the stock preparaton system of the tissue machine

Industrial-scale machines instead of down-scaled laboratory equipment

Real mill-conditions are the basis for achieving the most accurate technological results, which can be utilized in any ongoing research and development work.

Flexible system configuration

The system is split into long- and short-fiber lines to achieve the best fiber development. The flexible system configuration also enables the use of equipment from both lines to clearly evaluate the impact of different fiber treatment on the final product.

Superior ShortFlow blending

The ShortFlow blending systems comprise a specially designed mixing pipe and chest. Thanks to the advanced control philosophy, only one blend tank is required per line.

“Fiber preparation to the highest standards is one of the keys to all successful processes – that´s our approach at every mill and with every project. It goes then without saying that fulfilling these same high standards is a must in respect of our new tissue pilot plant.”

Peter Clewes

Vice President, Pulping and Fiber Division


Papillon refiner with cylindrical refining zone



Full line testing with a flexible configuration for both long and short fibers, with highly efficient and proven technology.

Available system components

FibreSolve FSV pulper

Two dump chests with TMX agitators

Two deflakers DFL

Papillon refiner CS

Two ShortFlow chests with TMX agitators

Two fan pumps

Two ModuScreens HB-E

White water cyclone

White water flume/silo

White water system w. DAF

Two MicraScreens

Reject compactor ReCo-L

FibreSolve FSV pulper

Headbox screens Moduscreen HBE

ShortFlow blending system

Deflakers DFL and Papillon refiner CS


Reject compactor ReCo-L