Local news Brazil

25/07/2024: Launch of modernization for Rincón de Baygorria hydroelectric power plant

On July 9th, ANDRITZ, in partnership with UTE and SACEEM, celebrated the formalization of the modernization project for the Rincon de Baygorria hydroelectric power plant at the Palacio de la Luz in Montevideo, Uruguay. This event was attended by UTE President Silvia Emaldi, other energy sector authorities, and Marcelo Malafaia, Managing Director and COO of ANDRITZ HYDRO LTDA. in Brazil.


The project aims to completely renew the power plant, increasing its installed capacity to 120 MW and significantly improving its operational reliability. ANDRITZ, in consortium with SACEEM, is responsible for all stages of the project, from initial engineering to commissioning, including civil works, equipment renewal, and the assembly of over 4,600 tons of components.

The modernization of the Rincon de Baygorria hydroelectric power plant is a crucial step to strengthen Uruguay's energy infrastructure, promoting sustainable development and benefiting society as a whole.


02/07/2024: Final phase of Sao Simao spillway rehabilitation

ANDRITZ has initiated the third and final phase of the spillway rehabilitation at the Sao Simao hydroelectric plant, located on the border between the states of Minas Gerais and Goias. The team completed the remobilization phase at the end of May, hiring field personnel and setting up the new layout of the construction site, including the assembly of basic structures such as the pipe shop and other areas.


The work extends beyond operational tasks to include raising awareness among employees through Daily Safety Dialogues (DSDs) and the necessary training to start these operations.

The Sao Simao project began in August 2020 and includes a series of essential improvements to the spillway infrastructure: general painting, replacement of servomotors and the plant's water intake, engineering, pipeline refurbishment, installation of new hydraulic systems, and installation of a complete automation system – SDSC – integrating all the new electromechanical systems. The water intake has already been refurbished and handed over to the client in 2021.

The main objective for our customer was to increase the reliability in the water intake and spillway gates by installing new hydraulic units that can operate redundantly to the existing units modernized by ANDRITZ. The installation of the new hydraulic units in the water intake was a challenge that was successfully carried out in 8-day stops.

The spillway rehabilitation is currently in its third phase and is expected to be completed by October 2024. "With the final phase underway, ANDRITZ remains committed to delivering high-quality work, ensuring that all renovations and upgrades enhance the efficiency, safety, and reliability of the São Simão Hydroelectric Plant," added Project Manager Luiz Gabelini.


04/06/2024: Automation modernization at the Corumbá Hydroelectric Plant

ANDRITZ Hydropower has been a long-time partner of Eletrobras Furnas, and since November 2022, has embarked on a modernization project that will mark a significant technological and operational advancement for the Corumbá Hydroelectric Plant in the state of Goiás.


The recent tests of the new control system were successfully completed, and the company is committed to delivering a high-quality project, ensuring operational efficiency, and enhancing the plant's reliability.

The scope agreed upon with the client includes modernizing the digital supervision and control system (DSCS) of the three generating units, auxiliary services, combined power and voltage control, spillway, supervisory system (SAGE), and structured network of the Corumbá Hydroelectric Plant. The plant has an installed capacity of 375 MW, with three 139 MW Francis turbines.

The ANDRITZ Automation team began the testing phase of the system, which consists of a comprehensive verification of all hardware and software components. "Using an embedded development simulator, we replicated the operation of a hydroelectric plant in the laboratory to ensure that all system equipment functioned as expected. This rigorous phase, which started on March 11, 2024, and concluded on May 17, 2024, was crucial to validate the software, hardware, and control logics, ensuring that the system was designed and manufactured correctly," commented Project Coordinator Rodrigo Santos.

Conducting these tests is essential to ensure that the entire solution offered was developed correctly, from the basic design to the specification and manufacture of the equipment. They demonstrate the quality of the solution provided by ANDRITZ and strengthen the client's confidence, obtaining the necessary approval for the field implementation phase. The timeframe for all field activities is about four months, during which the company's specialized team will conduct the entire process of assembling and commissioning the systems.

The automation system of the Corumbá hydropower plant has been in operation since 1997, and the equipment is nearing the end of its useful life, making it outdated and difficult to maintain. With this modernization, the systems will become more robust and reliable, complying with current standards, and increase the safety of people and equipment. This will result in a significant reduction of generation equipment failures and improve maintenance and parts replacement.


31/05/2024: Discover the Excellence of ANDRITZ in Synchronous Condenser Production!

ANDRITZ Hydropower Brazil boasts a modern manufacturing center spanning 54,017 m², representing the state of the art in industrial technology.

We specialize in the design, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of Synchronous Condensers, essential equipment for ensuring the stability of the power grid, especially with the increasing integration of intermittent energy sources.

Our commitment goes beyond merely delivering equipment. At ANDRITZ, we ensure the flawless operation of our products throughout their entire lifecycle. Our logistics team works with precision, guaranteeing that each machine reaches its destination safely and efficiently. This dedication to quality and precision underscores our position as leaders in Brazil's Energy Transition.

In the video, we show the departure of a Synchronous Condenser stator weighing approximately 140 tons, which will be delivered to a substation in Acre. Check it out!

If there's energy, there's ANDRITZ.


23/04/2024: ANDRITZ promotes training about Career Dialogues

Leadership development is one of ANDRITZ's commitments. With this in mind, a series of workshops for leadership development has been initiated; a comprehensive program divided into several strategic stages.


Career dialogue training aims to address the evolution of the contemporary work environment and the importance of ongoing dialogue between leaders and their teams. This is because changes in the job market have directly impacted the construction of growth plans within companies, which are now approached in a more flexible manner, taking into account the expectations of each employee and considering the organizational space.

Initially, two sensitization meetings were held in the form of webinars on March 27th and April 2nd, where leaders were introduced to the topic and its challenges. Subsequently, two workshops were conducted on April 16th and 17th, each lasting two hours and aimed at leaders at all levels. One workshop will be conducted in person, targeting leaders from the Hydro division, while the other will be held online for leaders from other legal entities within the group.

Additionally, additional workshops are planned for all employees, with dates and target audience yet to be defined. The program will also include mentoring for leaders, aiming to deepen the concepts discussed and ensure their practical application in the workplace.

"The need to promote this training arose from the analysis of the previously conducted engagement survey, which identified the need to improve communication between leaders and their teams, especially regarding feedback and career development, placing the employee as the protagonist of their career and the leader and the company as support in this process. Based on these results, a corporate action plan focused on improving communication and promoting more inclusive leadership was developed. For us, this training represents a crucial step in the formation of new leaders and in renewing the vocabulary of more experienced leaders, enabling more meaningful and clear career conversations. This alignment of expectations between leaders and their teams is fundamental to promote engagement and success both individually and organizationally," said the Head of Human Resources, Catia Cardani.

The training is being conducted by the consultancy firm Produtive, recognized for its expertise in the field and years of research in the area. The founder of the consultancy, Rafael Souto, is leading the training sessions, ensuring a rich and interactive experience for the participants.

During the awareness-raising workshops, there were exchanges of ideas and experiences, demonstrating engagement and interest in the topics discussed. Additionally, participants will have access to a website with additional career content, providing a continuous opportunity for learning and development.


15/04/2024: Testing of movement, pressure, and tightness in Sobradinho

The team from ANDRITZ Hydropower Brazil continues to carry out the modernization work on the generating units of the Sobradinho Hydroelectric Plant. The testing of movement, pressure, and tightness of the first refurbished generating unit began between the end of February and the beginning of March 2024.

The rotor shown in the images was refurbished by the ANDRITZ team, encompassing complete recovery by removing cavitations, pores, and cracks, as well as modifying the sealing system between the rotor and Kaplan blades.

In the images below, you can see the pressure and sealing tests. This procedure involved on-site supervision, product engineering, and six assemblers. Check it out!


21/03/2024: Women's Day at ANDRITZ: an inspiring encounter of self-awareness

At ANDRITZ, we recognize the importance of celebrating and empowering the role of women in our workplace and society as a whole. On International Women's Day, March 8th, we gathered all female employees for an enriching moment of self-awareness.

© Adobe Stock - AdriaVidal

The event began with a warm opening from Directors Bruno Moraes and Marcelo Malafaia, who highlighted ANDRITZ's commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion. Following this, the event unfolded under the guidance of renowned Coach and Facilitator of Development Processes, Fabiana Mello.

Participants had the privilege of delving into deep reflections on life stages and maturity, as well as considering how these stages enrich their positioning in the world. The facilitator guided the meeting in a way that allowed all employees to contribute, expressing feelings and thoughts on the subject.

HR Head Catia Cardani was one of the event's originators and commented on the importance of the chosen theme. "ANDRITZ aims to have a more diverse, innovative, and inclusive environment. For this to happen, people need to be increasingly prepared to deal with adversity and differences. Having a more empathetic listening, valuing good ideas, and understanding the context in which we are inserted is very important. Self-awareness helps us a lot in this. When we better understand ourselves, our values, ways of thinking, and acting, we can build a sense of belonging," she analyzed.

This action also reinforces the campaign the company launched in late February, inviting everyone to "spread feminine energy throughout the world" by encouraging hiring and further promoting women in engineering. "It is just a reflection of our ongoing commitment to creating an environment where all voices are heard and valued. We thank all the women who participated in this event and reaffirm our commitment to promoting a culture of equality, respect, and mutual support in all our activities," Catia concluded.

Employees also received an Amethyst crystal pendant to mark the moment of development and exchange of experiences. A small memento of a grand day.


11/03/2024: On-site machining of the first generating unit at Sobradinho completed.

On-site machining of the components of the first generating unit at Sobradinho was successfully completed in December 2023. This is an important step of the project to refurbish six generating units. In this project, ANDRITZ is working with one of the world's largest Kaplan turbines, which is considered the largest the company has ever worked with, being the second largest of its kind in Brazil.

For this work, ANDRITZ has the support of four on-site machining machinery, as each generating unit has, in addition to components concreted and welded in the well, very large components in terms of dimensions and weight (e.g. turbine intermediate cover with more than 10 m in diameter and over 100 tons), which in terms of logistics and assembly would represent a challenge if these equipment had to be transported to the factory.

ANDRITZ has invested significantly in on-site machining set-up to ensure success and efficiency in this modernization as well as to increase its portfolio of equipment for field services. Two of the machines in Sobradinho were specially built for this project, which emphasize the diversity and adaptability of ANDRITZ solutions to meet the specific demands of its customers.

Sobradinho has six generating units. Modernization of the second unit has already begun. The forecast for the first unit, already in assembly, to start generating energy again is in the first half of 2024. Its reassembly is progressing well.

The refurbishment of the second pair of generating units will begin once the first one is fully operational.


27/02/2024: ANDRITZ wants to spread feminine energy throughout the world!

At ANDRITZ, valuing diversity is essential to our success and innovation. In a sector historically dominated by men, such as engineering, the inclusion of women not only enriches the team but also enhances our ability to tackle the complex challenges we face daily.

Hiring women for various technical areas, especially in engineering, can be challenging, not due to lack of talent, but often due to cultural and social barriers that persist in Brazil and around the world. Although the number of women graduating in this field has increased in recent years, there is still much to be done to ensure they have equal opportunities to enter and progress in their careers.
According to data from the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP), the number of women enrolled in engineering courses in Brazil has been consistently growing. Today, women represent approximately 30% of students in these engineering degrees.
"That is why we want to highlight the importance of female presence at ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil. We want to be an environment where women are not only welcomed but also have equal opportunities for growth and professional development. We work constantly to create an inclusive environment where all voices are heard and valued," said Cátia Cardani, Head of Human Resources at ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil.
Through a video, ANDRITZ gathered testimonials from female employees to show what daily life is like for women in the company. The testimonials come from professionals in various areas: technical, management, administrative, and operational. This initiative is an invitation for more women to develop an interest in joining the company, contributing their unique skills, perspectives, and experiences to drive innovation and development at ANDRITZ.

So, the challenge has been issued: to spread feminine energy throughout the world!


21/02/2024: Uruguay, Baygorria: Successful turbine model test.

ANDRITZ once again commits to quality and excellence in all its deliveries, thus seeking to carry out each stage of its projects with active participation from its clients, as was the case with the Kaplan turbine model test conducted in November 2023 in Linz, Austria under the supervision of UTE for the modernization project of the Baygorria plant, located on the course of the Rio Negro, near the city of Durazno, Uruguay. The test was successful and showed that ANDRITZ continues on the right path towards generating increasingly renewable and sustainable energy. 


The collaborators Sigrun Fugger, Alisson Duda, Rafael Pereira, and Marcio Ferraguti were present at all stages of the tests. "With the successful completion of the tests, we can proceed with the development of the Turbine projects, with the approval of the model test being the basis for the release of critical components such as the Kaplan rotor, for example. The tests carried out aim to prove compliance with the requirements requested by the client, being a simulation of the operating conditions that include various blade angles, variation in head, etc. The successful conclusion of this test is undoubtedly a milestone of great importance for the successful follow-up of the project and demonstrates how well-prepared ANDRITZ is to meet the different needs of our customers," emphasized Alisson.

The positive results of this test are a testament to the power of synergy between technology and expertise, bringing ANDRITZ closer to a greener and more resilient future. 

The modernization project includes the complete refurbishment of the three Kaplan turbines and the three generators. The scope of work of ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil includes the supply of new Kaplan rotors, reduced model testing of the turbines and new complete stators for the generators. With the new protection systems, a new supervision and control system, new speed and voltage regulation systems, applying exclusive Automation solutions from ANDRITZ for the hydrogeneration market, the generation and reliability of the plant is significantly increased.


22/01/2024: #TB: Relive with us the most exciting moments of SNPTEE 2023!

During November 26-29, 2023, ANDRITZ participated in the National Symposium on Electric Power Production and Transmission (SNPTEE) in Brasília. It was four intense days filled with insights, debates, and significant advances in the industry, especially regarding the Energy Transition.

ANDRITZ stood out as one of the companies driving important discussions, highlighting the presentation of works demonstrating how the company is prepared for the Energy Transition and promoting the Synchronous Compensator, a solution aimed at balancing intermittent grids. This equipment is already considered a flagship in the energy market for 2024.

Review the video with the best moments of the fair. We captured the dynamic and collaborative essence that permeated the event, highlighting the lectures, debates, and connections that made this symposium rewarding and unforgettable for all participants.


20/12/2023: SIPATMA 2023 Closing Video: Safety First!

Safety First: Check out the exciting video created for the closing of SIPATMA 2023 at ANDRITZ Hydro.

The event took place between October 25 and 27, bringing together all employees for lectures and interactive activities related to awareness of occupational safety.

The video was produced for the closing of the Internal Week for Accident Prevention at Work and the Environment (SIPATMA), highlighting the importance of workplace safety and featuring heartfelt testimonials from the families of our employees. 

The screening touched everyone present at the event, and now, we want to share this valuable material with all of you. Enjoy, and remember: Return home safely!


04/12/2023: ANDRITZ presence at the 10th EGAESE 2023 in Brazil

ANDRITZ was one of the participating companies at the 10th Asset Management and Engineering Services Meeting (EGAESE) held in São Paulo. This year, the meeting took place online for 3 days, from October 23 to 26, and in person on October 30 and 31. The event brought together about 200 experts and executives of the hydropower industry, as well as government regulatory bodies such as ANEEL.


The meeting provided business opportunities and networking. Luiz Fontes and Marcelo Perpétuo have solid expertise in asset management, consolidating ANDRITZ's presence in the Brazilian market. "ANDRITZ focuses its efforts on expanding and consolidating its product portfolio with a highlight on 'Asset Management,' driven by its extensive global experience and the use of widely recognized equipment and technologies in the industry," said Marcelo.

For Fontes, this participation reinforces the company's commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions and high-quality services, leveraging global expertise to meet the demands of the Brazilian market. "The meeting was a valuable opportunity to highlight innovation and applied knowledge, reinforcing the prominent role of these companies in the asset management landscape in Brazil," he concluded.


21/11/2023: ANDRITZ promotes Kids Day at our locations in Barueri and Araraquara

The month of October was dedicated to children at ANDRITZ Brazil, and to celebrate the little ones, two events were organized where the children of employees had the opportunity to explore their parents' workplace.


The celebration took place in Barueri on October 18, and in the manufacturing unit in Araraquara, the children were welcomed on the 21st. On both days, the young visitors participated in a special program.

The children toured the offices, and in the case of Araraquara, a guided tour was conducted in the electrical and mechanical factories under the supervision of parents. The events also featured various snacks and recreational activities, including inflatable toys, guided group games, and face painting.

In the end, a package full of treats was given to all the children, and parents received a special memento from this day: a photo with their children in the work environment containing a magnet, so they can remember this moment.

Employee Jaqueline Franchi brought her 13-year-old daughter, Amanda Franchi. The morning at the company was approved by both. "Kids Day managed to combine children's fun and visits to the factories. I could show what our workplace is like; my daughter had the opportunity to see where I spend my day away from home, took photos at my desk. It was a very pleasant day; I loved the company's initiative!" she said.

Vinicius Martinelli, Sales Director, also expressed his son's joy in participating in this day. "It was very emotional because he lived a dream by feeling like a worker and wanted to contribute by drawing turbines... We simply played real life and had fun," he concluded.


09/11/2023: Brasília on the Hydropower Route: ANDRITZ at SNPTEE 2023!

ANDRITZ is a confirmed presence at the XXVII edition of the National Week of Electric Power Production and Transmission (SNPTEE) 2023, which will take place from November 26 to 29 in Brasília, at the International Convention Center of Brazil (CICB).


SNPTEE is one of the most important events in the field of electric power production and transmission in Latin America, bringing together professionals, experts, and leading companies in the sector. As one of the global leaders in hydropower technologies and sustainable energy solutions, we at ANDRITZ will be delighted to participate and share our expertise with the Brazilian energy community.

We are ready to welcome all of you at our booth 74, stay tuned for more information. We look forward to sharing ideas, collaborating, and building a cleaner and more sustainable future together. Join us at SNPTEE 2023 and be part of Brazil's energy transition!


25/10/2023: Explore the inner workings of our electrical factory in Araraquara! 

In every bar, component, and detail, there is a commitment from the entire ANDRITZ Hydro team to provide quality solutions to our customers. That's why we want to invite you to explore the place that is one of the cornerstones of the excellence of our products, the Electrical Factory.

Our team works tirelessly to ensure that each product carries our identity and values, contributing to clean and sustainable energy generation through hydropower plants. This video gives us the opportunity to share with you our commitment to efficiency and reliability at every stage of the manufacturing process.

We hope you enjoy this brief glimpse of our factory and feel our pride in being part of ANDRITZ Hydro.


04/10/2023: Discover our mechanical manufacturing facility!

At ANDRITZ, our team of specialists is dedicated to designing and constructing solutions for a range of products, including generators, synchronous condensers, turbines, meeting our customer’s requirements.

But do you know what a mechanical assembly factory for large components looks like? We would like to give you a glimpse behind the scenes of our manufacturing capabilities, located in Araraquara, São Paulo.

Our mechanical factory stands as a symbol of precision and innovation, serving major projects not only in Brazil but also worldwide. Each piece produced is more than just a component; it's a vital link in hydro generation projects that power cities and industries across the globe.

We are fully equipped to tackle even the most complex and ambitious challenges, confidently supporting large-scale hydro generation projects with our expertise. From high-performance turbines to cutting-edge control systems, every element is meticulously crafted to perfection.

Watch our video now to uncover the source of ANDRITZ Hydro's excellence and stay tuned as we will soon introduce our electrical manufacturing facility as well.


25/09/2023: ANDRITZ Hydro welcomes Romeu Zema in Vienna and confirms the establishment of a company unit in Minas Gerais

On September 15th, 2023, ANDRITZ Hydro received Romeu Zema, Governor of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, along with his delegation and members of CEMIG - Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais, at the company's headquarters in Vienna, Austria.


During the visit, Managing Director of ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil, Dieter Hopf, presented the portfolio, the latest developments to support the energy transition, and new products for the mining sector in Brazil. Additionally, other projects were presented, including pump storage power plants that work in conjunction with solar parks and a pioneering solution for producing E-Methanol from green hydrogen and carbon capture.

The new company unit in Governador Valadares aims to integrate the supply chain from Minas into the ANDRITZ’ products, thereby increasing the added value in the state. The start of operations is still expected for this year.

"We are proud to announce the confirmation of one of the largest private investments in the Rio Doce region in recent years. ANDRITZ is a recognized global supplier of equipment for large industries and brings all the expertise to further strengthen this sector in Minas and generate significant employment in our state," declared the governor.

"ANDRITZ has shown impressive growth in Brazil in recent years through its innovative products and customized services for the Brazilian industry. We are leaders in global megatrends, such as the energy transition and contribute to environmentally friendly mining. This partnership with the government of Minas Gerais comes at a decisive and important moment for the company, which sees constant expansion of national and international clients. The participation of CEMIG, one of the protagonists in Brazil's energy transition, could be an additional growth driver for ANDRITZ, especially in Minas Gerais operations," explained Dieter Hopf.

Invest Minas, an agency linked to the State Secretariat of Economic Development, played a significant role in identifying Minas Gerais companies that could become part of ANDRITZ's supply chain.

For João Paulo Braga, CEO of Invest Minas, the arrival of ANDRITZ will open up many business opportunities. "The Austrian company operates in sectors where Minas Gerais is a leader in Brazil and the world, such as mining, metal mechanics, agribusiness, and energy. Moreover, there are opportunities for Minas Gerais companies to be suppliers of inputs and, especially, contract manufacturing, strengthening, and generating jobs throughout the production chain," he emphasized.


08/09/2023: ANDRITZ Hydro received further important contract with EPM in Colombia

With the aim of further expanding its presence in the Latin American hydro energy market, ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil, with the support of ANDRITZ Hydro Colombia, has finalized the signing of an important contract with EPM - Empresas Públicas de Medellín for the rehabilitation of the Playas hydropower plant.


In order for this project to come to fruition, the ANDRITZ team has been following this opportunity from the market research phase to the bidding process, which began in mid-2021.

Vinicius Martinelli, Sales Manager of ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil, commented on the importance of this contract for ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil. "This project is a significant milestone for the Services and Rehabilitation division, aiming to expand its business in Latin America, and it is also the first S&R Brazil contract signed directly with EPM."

The scope of this contract includes design, supply, manufacturing, factory testing, and assembly supervision of three new stators for the Playas Hydroelectric Power Plant, owned by EPM. ANDRITZ Hydro has already been part of the history of the power plant's construction as the original supplier of turbines and valves manufactured in Linz, Austria

ANDRITZ has been present in Colombia for a long time with important contracts, as stated by Carlos Sgro, General Manager of ANDRITZ Hydro Colombia. "This is the largest contract signed in Colombia in terms of Services and Rehabilitation. We have previously had large-scale contracts in hydroelectric power plants such as 800 MW Sogamoso and 82 MW Carlos Lleras, but a contract of significant value derived from the services division had never materialized before. Furthermore, this is the second generator service contract for ANDRITZ Hydro in Colombia. The first one was in 2015 with ALTO ANCHICAYA for CELSIA, which solidifies the company's participation in the modernization of hydroelectric generators in our country," he stated.


06/09/2023: Father's Day Celebration - Love for the Future

This year, Father's Day held a special significance at ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil.


It was a celebration not only of fatherhood but also of the connection between generations and a commitment to a better world. Under the theme "Love for the Future," the Human Resources department hosted an event on August 11th that became an emotional journey of sharing and reflection, highlighting the transformative power of parenthood.

The centerpiece of the event was a heartwarming video, created through the collaboration of two employees who had recently become parents. In their testimonials, they shared experiences, discoveries, and challenges, showcasing how the responsibility of caring for and nurturing a new life positively influences our personal and professional journeys. One of the most inspiring moments was the participation of a father and his child, both employees of the company. The event took place online and engaged over 100 participants.

Head of Human Resources, Cátia Oliveira, commented on the significance of events like this. "As we celebrate Father's Day and look toward the future, we reaffirm our commitment to continue building a company that values people, diversity of experiences, and perspectives. The 'Love for the Future' event reminds us that just as each new father brings a world of opportunities and learning, our company is also evolving and growing with every step of the way," she concluded.


04/09/2023: ANDRITZ Team at Jaguara Hydropower Plant: Stator Extraction

In June, the team working on the Jaguara Hydropower Plant Modernization Project successfully carried out the removal of the stator, which was completely replaced. 


Due to plant restrictions, the removal of the original stator involved a complex study by the engineering and rigging team.

Safety is our top priority, and for this operation, we followed all established protocols to ensure everything went smoothly. Each step was executed with the highest safety standards, ensuring the integrity of our team, the facilities, and the environment.

Watch a video of the entire procedure.


10/08/2023: ANDRITZ receives major modernization order for Jaguara hydropower plant, Brazil

The Brazilian company ENGIE Brasil Energia awarded international technology group ANDRITZ a contract for modernization of the Brazilian Jaguara hydropower plant.

© ENGIE Brasil Energia

Located in Rifaina, State of Sao Paulo, the 424 MW hydropower plant is an important asset of....

Read more in the Press Release...


04/08/2023: VOLUNTEAM promotes blood donation campaign

The team of volunteer employees at ANDRITZ, VOLUNTEAM, organized a blood donation campaign in June that achieved incredible results.


This charitable action took place simultaneously at the company's two locations, with coordinated efforts at the Fundação Pró-Sangue Hemocentro in Barueri and the Regional Hemonucleus in Araraquara.

The initiative provided an opportunity to unite participants in an act of solidarity and strengthening of bonds. Blood donation is an ongoing act, and each donated bag can save up to three lives. With a significant participation rate, the campaign was a success, with approximately 30 registered employees.

ANDRITZ congratulates all the employees who took part in the campaign and emphasizes how valuable their contribution was.


01/08/2023: "Julino Arraial" at ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil

This year's ANDRITZ Julino Arraial was filled with typical foods, relaxation, and lots of joy.


Traditionally held at the Barueri office and the manufacturing unit in Araraquara, the Arraial aims to celebrate Brazilian culture and promote interaction among employees from different areas.

Around 400 employees took part in the festivities, which featured a variety of sweets, cakes, and dishes filled with nostalgia. Another initiative that engaged the employees was the "ANDRITZ Mail," a reinterpretation of the well-known game "Correio Elegante" (Elegant Mail).

The communications department provided a virtual card template in which employees could send messages to their colleagues. In total, more than 200 messages were sent, confirming the great success of the activity, which will pave the way for other initiatives. There's more to come next year!


25/07/2023: Consortium Saceem - ANDRITZ was awarded the modernization of the Rincón de Baygorria Hydroelectric Power Plant

The project will ensure increased reliability for the power plant and an increase in renewable energy generation.


Expanding its contacts and contributions to the hydropower sector is one of the missions of ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil, which has formed another partnership, this time with SACEEM, a Uruguayan company renowned for its expertise in Engineering and Construction.

Through this consortium, a contract was signed with UTE (National Administration of Power Plants and Electric Transmissions) for the execution of the modernization project of the Baygorria Hydroelectric Power Plant, located in Rio Negro, near the city of Durazno, Uruguay. The power plant began commercial operation in July 1960 and has currently an installed capacity of 108 MW.

The objective of UTE is to increase energy generation through new Kaplan turbines and generators. The consortium presented the offer with the highest energy gain, meaning better turbine efficiency compared to other proposals. With over 175 years of experience in the hydropower market, ANDRITZ is the original supplier of the Baygorria turbines, possessing not only the best technical conditions, but also the necessary technology and hydraulic development experience for global modernizations.

The modernization project includes the complete refurbishment of the three Kaplan turbines and three generators. The scope of work for ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil includes the supply of new Kaplan rotors, testing of reduced-scale turbine models, new complete stators for the generators, new protection systems, a new supervision and control system, and new speed and voltage regulation systems. The unique Automation solutions from ANDRITZ for the hydropower market will increase the generation and reliability of the power plant.

Under the responsibility of Saceem, the modernization of the power plant's auxiliary electrical and mechanical systems is included, as well as the construction of a new control room, renewal of cooling, compressed air, ventilation, fire prevention systems, inspection and renewal of overhead cranes and gantries.

"In recent years, we have seen great advances in technologies applied to hydroelectric power plants. This, combined with continuous development research by ANDRITZ, allows us to drive the success of our customers with increasingly innovative and responsible solutions that increase the lifespan of power plants with improved reliability and operational safety," says Dieter Hopf, CEO of ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil.

Generation Capacity

The Baygorria hydropower plant constitutes the second utilization of the energy from the Rio Negro and is part of a cascade system that begins with the Gabriel Terra hydroelectric power plant (Rincón del Bonete) and ends with the Constitución power plant, built in Paso Palmar. UTE's productive park has a generation capacity of approximately 1.6 GW, with 300 MW from hydroelectric power plants.

The total power supplied by the Baygorria hydropower plant, measured in the Montevidéu collector system, is 87,000 kW for normal operation; the guaranteed power is 65,000 kW, and the annual energy output averages around 400 million kWh. With an expected completion date in August 2028, the project marks the first partnership between ANDRITZ and UTE.


13/07/2023: Frédéric Sauze visits the factory in Araraquara

ANDRITZ Hydro Araraquara received the distinguished visit of all the members of the board of ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil on June 14, led by Frederic Sauze, newly appointed CEO of Hydro and responsible for global Hydro business, to hold the corresponding board meeting at this location for the first time.


The visit took place at an important moment for the company, due to the completed renovations in the mechanical and electrical factories, which were acquired in 2018. Significant investments were made in machinery and buildings, not only to ensure product quality and production efficiency but also to enhance work safety. The purpose of this work was also to reduce water and energy consumption.

After an extensive visit to the production areas, there was a meeting with all the employees in which Frédéric presented the GROUP's strategy and emphasized ANDRITZ's commitment to Brazil and specifically to the Araraquara factory, given its importance in the global supply chain of ANDRITZ Hydro. "The growing participation of ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil in projects driven by the energy transition happening worldwide requires the highest standards of quality in deliveries and a strong commitment to deadlines and budgets," highlighted Frédéric, who also praised the employees for the organization and cleanliness of the factories and for organizing the visit, which exceeded expectations.

The employees interacted with the visitor, asking questions about various topics, including the challenges that the group may face in the coming years related to the Brazilian and global energy market. "It is important to emphasize that the Araraquara factory already supplies equipment worldwide, including pump turbines to India and synchronous condensers to the United States, and the improvements made in the factories have prepared them to expand this participation in international projects. I would also like to thank those involved for their commitment and dedication. The passion of the employees for the company and their effort to do a good job were evident," said Dieter Hopf, President of ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil.


06/07/2023: ANDRITZ will provide a synchronous condenser for a new substation 

ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil signed a new contract with Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica S.A. - TAESA, one of the largest private energy transmission groups in the country.


In a conversation with Emmanuel Pasqua de Moraes, Executive Manager of Planning and Expansion Engineering at TAESA, the search for excellence and innovation was the main factor that drove this project with ANDRITZ. "Our company is constantly looking for solutions different from those already practiced in the sector, this is one of our challenges to create a competitive business model. We feel that ANDRITZ has developed an assertive approach for the projects that our company needs," he said.

The contract stipulates that the services will be carried out in the state of Maranhão, in northeastern Brazil, and ANDRITZ will be responsible for the supply, installation, and commissioning of a synchronous condenser, excitation system, control and protection, step-up transformer, electrical and mechanical auxiliaries, to ensure the supply of energy to the regions of Açailândia, Buriticupu, Vitorino Freire (MA), and Dom Eliseu (PA).

The project also includes several substations and transmission lines and includes a synchronous condenser for the Encruzo Novo 230 kV Substation with 1 x -30 / +50 MVar. The construction of the substations will allow meeting the expansion of the consumer market in the interior region of Maranhão and some parts of Pará, providing a new basic network substation to serve the market.

The expectations of both companies are very positive, as TAESA had all the details of the solution provided by ANDRITZ before the concession auction. "We always work understanding the partners' needs. The goal is to present the best technical solutions aiming at CAPEX optimization. For this, the ANDRITZ team structures projects foreseeing improvement opportunities, always keeping an eye on what the transmission market needs," said Sales Director Sérgio Gomes.

The concession for the new substation was auctioned by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) in the transmission auction on December 16, 2022. After the supply and installation of the new synchronous condenser by ANDRITZ, the substation will be able to provide or absorb reactive power from the electrical grid, helping to stabilize the system.

For Emmanuel, TAESA sees ANDRITZ as a partner for more projects. "ANDRITZ's performance with synchronous condensers is remarkable, and I see that there are several possibilities for us to develop work related to the installation of these equipment in our substations," he concluded.


27/06/2023: Salto Grande Binational Delegation visits ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil

On June 2nd, ANDRITZ Hydro welcomed a high-level delegation from Salto Grande Binational, an important hydroelectric power plant located on the Uruguay River between Concordia, Argentina, and Salto, Uruguay. 


The visitors were accompanied by Sales Director Sérgio Gomes; Electrical and Mechanical Plant Managers Fabio Certo and Denis Loureiro; Quality and Environment Manager Leonardo Ferreira; Engineering Manager Everton Von Zuben; Automation employee Marcelo Sumarán, and Business Development team members Alexis Mozarovski and Gederson Malagola.

During the visit, the ANDRITZ team had the opportunity to showcase solutions and technologies in generators, turbines, and automation aimed at state-of-the-art modernization of hydroelectric power plants. The Salto Grande delegation also had the chance to visit CHESF and witness firsthand the modernization project of Sobradinho hydropower plant, currently being executed by ANDRITZ.

According to Sérgio Gomes, the turbines in Sobradinho are the largest Kaplan units ever disassembled in Brazil for modernization. Originally produced by a manufacturer from the former Soviet Union, these units were manufactured around the same time as the turbines in Salto Grande.

"In recent years, ANDRITZ Hydro has consolidated its expertise in the modernization of large power plants and is the manufacturer that has modernized the most Kaplan-type turbines. We have our own engineering teams in Brazil with all the necessary disciplines to carry out such modernizations, as well as a fully prepared factory to produce all the new equipment and perform the necessary repairs to ensure that the units can operate reliably for another lifecycle. A major competitive advantage that accelerates the modernization cycle is the fact that ANDRITZ also has modern and precise field machining equipment. Our technology is at the service of our customers, and we are happy to share our experience with them," Gomes emphasized.


20/06/2023: ANDRITZ combines excellence and technology with field machining in Sobradinho

The contract signed with CHESF continues to follow ANDRITZ's standards of excellence. Currently, the project is focused on providing machining services for the modernization of the Sobradinho power plant, with a focus on Kaplan turbines.

The project has already progressed over 23%, with Unit 2 being disassembled and undergoing various interventions carried out by ANDRITZ's specialized field team.

The project involves the refurbishment of six generating units and vertical Kaplan turbines that started operation between 1979 and 1982, which means these equipment have been in operation for over 41 years. Another important aspect of the scope is the turbines: each with a capacity of 175 MW and a head of 27 m, with a rotor diameter of 9,500 mm.

In Sobradinho, ANDRITZ utilizes its own field machining equipment, specifically developed for these types of activities, suitable for a wide range of services and complex modernizations. This type of service is exclusive in the hydrogeneration sector.

One of the main differentiators, in addition to the machining equipment, is that ANDRITZ also provides automation, protection, governors, and voltage regulators with its own engineering and equipment designed to deliver quality and ensure the functionality of the activities performed by the ANDRITZ technical team.

ANDRITZ's experience comes from within; the Araraquara factory is prepared to produce complete generators and turbines. It is capable and specialized in repair services and modernizations of power plants. This expertise attracts the attention of important institutions in the hydrogeneration sector. This project serves as a model for what is to come in the industry. Other modernizations, both in Brazil and abroad, will reference this work.

About the project

In March 2020, ANDRITZ was chosen to carry out the complete modernization and digitization of one of the power plants controlled by the São Francisco Hydroelectric Company (CHESF). Located in an important water source in northeastern Brazil, the Sobradinho Hydroelectric Power Plant is situated on the São Francisco River in the state of Bahia, Brazil.

The Sobradinho hydroelectric power plant was inaugurated in 1979 and is one of the largest operating power plants in northeastern Brazil, with an installed capacity of 1,050 MW. Its dam covers an area of 59.4 km² and has a reservoir with a capacity to store up to 34.1 billion cubic meters of water.


15/06/2023: ANDRITZ promotes visit by Brazilian delegation to Austria

ANDRITZ aims to actively participate in the Brazilian energy transition and is making every effort to ensure that its strength in the hydropower sector is seen by those who are following these changes. 


Based on this, a delegation was created with important names from the sector, representatives of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, ANEEL and the Chamber of Deputies to visit the main hydroelectric power generation points in Austria.



02/06 2023: President of ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil participates in meeting with Austrian parliamentarians at the Ministry of Mines and Energy

On May 16, Dieter Hopf, President of ANDRITZ Hydro, attended a meeting in Brasília, Federal District of Brazil, between important figures from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Mr. Stefan Scholz, the Austrian Ambassador to Brazil, members of the Austrian parliament, and the board of ABRAGEL (Brazilian Association of Clean Energy) to discuss the ongoing energy transformation in the country.


The meeting was organized through ABRAGEL, as explained by Fernando Vilela, who represented the institution. "The Austrian delegation was very impressed with the information about the hydropower sector in our country. The meeting went smoothly and was productive. Undoubtedly, the ties between Brazil and Austria have been strengthened," he emphasized.

Representing the Ministry were Thiago Barral, Secretary of Energy Transition; Gentil Nogueira, Secretary of Electric Power; Efrain Cruz, Executive Secretary; and Luiz Guilherme Cintra, the Ministry's International Advisor, who spoke about the meeting. "The meeting was positive, and all the secretaries expressed their interest in cooperation between the countries. ANDRITZ is already well-known to everyone in the ministry, as it is a company established in Brazil for several years. We are happy to promote this important discussion for the future of sustainable and clean energy."


30/05 2023: Synchronous Condensers for Cachimbo and Novo Progresso Substations in Pará, Brazil

ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil, a multinational company of Austrian origin and a part of the ANDRITZ group, has signed a contract with STERLITE POWER BRAZIL, a leading Indian developer of integrated power transmission infrastructure projects.


ANDRITZ will be responsible for the supply, installation, and commissioning of synchronous condensera, excitation systems, control and protection systems, step-up transformers, electrical and mechanical auxiliaries for the Cachimbo and Novo Progresso substations, located in the state of Pará, Brazil.

The construction of the Cachimbo and Novo Progresso substations with 230 kV will enable the expansion of the consumer market in the regions of Mato Grosso and Pará, providing a new Main Grid substation to serve the market.

The concession for the new substations was awarded by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) in the transmission auction on June 30, 2022. After the supply and installation of the new +45/-45 Mvar synchronous condensers by ANDRITZ, the substations will be capable of supplying or absorbing reactive power from the electrical grid, helping to stabilize the system.

"A power sector dominated by renewable resources is essential for the global transition to sustainable energy. However, the changing generation mix due to the increasing volumes of widely distributed and intermittent renewable energy generation, along with the progressive elimination of fossil fuel resources, is creating a major challenge for system operators who need to ensure stable, reliable, and secure transmission and distribution systems," explains Dieter Hopf, General Director of ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil.

"For over 120 years, ANDRITZ has been supplying various synchronous and asynchronous machines, primarily for generation purposes. Today, approximately 5,000 units are still in service worldwide, with decades of experience in power plants and system integration in the renewable energy business," adds Dieter.

The project is scheduled for completion in October 2027.


22/03 2023: ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil celebrates the ANDRITZ GROUP's 170 years of history, innovation and passion for engineering 

As part of the celebration of the 170th anniversary of the ANDRITZ Group, we invited some employees to tell a little about or why being part of this history is a source of pride!


15/03 2023: ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil participates in a meeting promoted by the IHA

Recently, Dieter Hopf, CEO of ANDRITZ Hydro Brasil, participated in the meeting promoted by the IHA (International Hydropower Association), in Rio de Janeiro, which brought together large companies in the national hydroelectric sector and aimed to discuss initiatives that should boost hydroelectric development in the country.


Brazil has the second largest installed hydroelectric capacity in the world, and one of the proposals presented at the meeting refers to the great potential for developing medium-sized hydroelectric plants, with less complex environmental licensing and capable of boosting the segment and ensuring renewable energy for the expansion of generation in the country.

Another important point is the modernization of existing hydroelectric power plants, which could generate an increase in installed capacity in 51 plants that have been operating for over 30 years, resulting in significant energy gains.

“Brazil has a huge advantage in its energy transition. Of the more than 70 GW of hydroelectric capacity in South America, a large part is from Brazil and has been in operation for over 30 years. This represents a great opportunity for the modernization of the units, in addition to new business in this segment through new medium-sized plants. We are ready to help develop a sustainable, modern and affordable electrical system”, highlights the executive director of the IHA, Eddie Rich.

In summary, the recommendations addressed by the IHA are:

1. Use of the Hydroelectric Sustainability Standard in the development, implementation, financing and operation of hydroelectric power plants.

2. Promoting the preparation of projects for grant. Without the proper incentives, financing and guarantee of reimbursement of investment in studies, engineering companies and investor-operators do not prepare these studies and, consequently, there are no new concessions.

3. Improvement of regulation in order to adequately remunerate hydroelectric plants and reservoirs for their ancillary services, such as flexibility, dispatch and storage, which help to enable intermittent sources of energy.

4. Increase in the capacity of existing plants through modernization, with an estimated increase of 5% to 20% in installed capacity in 51 old plants.

About IHA

The International Hydropower Association (IHA) is a not-for-profit organization committed to sustainable hydropower. Our mission is to promote sustainable hydropower by building and sharing knowledge about its role in renewable energy systems, responsible drinking water management and climate change solutions. We achieve this by monitoring the hydropower sector, building an open, innovative and credible platform for knowledge and advancing strategies that strengthen sector performance.

Learn more: www.hydropower.org .


09/03 2023: ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil invests in training field service fronts

Last Thursday (23rd), ANDRITZ Hydro Brasil promoted the first event of the CapacitA Program, created with the objective of providing the necessary training for foremen to become supervisors identified and guided by the values and principles of ANDRITZ.


The training, complementing the quality guidelines already practiced by the entire workforce worldwide, reinforces the role of leaders of pre-defined teams on the service fronts, forming a team prepared to make assertive and essential decisions to take on new projects efficiently, based on the corporate culture of the ANDRITZ Group.

The Program will last for two years and will be a key element for us to continue fulfilling our mission of understanding and meeting the needs and expectations of our customers, ensuring satisfaction, and creating an environment of fair and reliable long-term relationships.


22/02 2023: Acre region, Brazil – Three Synchronous Condensers for more grid stability

ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil recently received an order to provide three Synchronous Condenser Systems including electrical power systems, digital control, excitation and protection system in Acre state, Brazil.


The contractor and at the same time our customer is Transmissora Acre II, part of Grupo Zopone. They are undertaking the expansion projects of the transmission grid in the northern region in Brazil.

One of the expansion projects involves the installation of one +150 / -90 Mvar Synchronous Condenser at the 230kV Tucumã Substation, near Rio Branco, the capital of Acre. 

The other two Synchronous Condensers, +/- 45 Mvar each, will be installed at the 230kV Feijó Substation, located about 360 km west from Rio Branco, halfway to the Brazilian border with Peru.

The substations that will improve their technical capabilities to support the energy transition toward more renewable energy are located in the state of Acre. The project supports expansion, enhancement, and increasement of stability of the electric power transmission grid. The cities, villages, and farms within in the region demand for very long transmission lines that end up requiring more system inertia, more system strength and better reactive power flow capabilities.

We are proud to have been awarded this contract, which presents logistical challenges but is also important in providing electricity to the local population. This order is an opportunity for ANDRITZ to further strengthen its market position in the Synchronous Condenser business in Brazil and South America.


05/12 2022: São Roque Hydroelectric Power Plant

ANDRITZ Hydro Brasil has completed, with excellence, the final supervision of the assembly and commissioning of the three generating units of the São Roque Hydroelectric Power Plant, located on the Canoas River, in the Midwest Region of the state of Santa Catarina!

The project covered Engineering, Factory and Field services, consisting of the supply of Turbines, Speed Governors, Excitation Systems, supervision of assembly and commissioning of the equipment, in addition to ANDRITZ's exclusive automation solutions for the Power Plant Supervision and Protection System. , including the substation.

With 141.9 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity, HPP São Roque belongs to Nova Engevix and represents an important resource for serving the National Interconnected System (SIN), especially for the southern region of the country.



ANDRITZ Hydro Brasil is working in partnership with ANDRITZ Hydro Mexico and Austria, on the modernization and supply of generators for the Penitas & Humaya hydroelectric power plants, located in the state of Chiapas and Badiraguato Sinaloa, respectively.

The project is part of the first batch of hydroelectric plants to be modernized under a plan to renovate the entire hydroelectric generation park of the Comisión Federal De Eletricidad de México (CFE), and consists of the modernization of nine of the 60 plants, all built between 1960 and 1995.  The list includes several of the company's largest dams.

In addition to four new complete generators for the Penitas Plant, the scope also covers the recovery and refurbishment of the frame, core and winding of a generator for Humaya, and the services of management, engineering, assembly and commissioning of the equipment. Manufacturings will be carried out at the ANDRITZ Hydro Brasil plant, located in Araraquara.

CFE supplies electricity to 46 million customers and adds one million new users each year. Its generating complex is composed of 158 generating plants of different technologies: combined cycle, thermoelectric power plants, hydroelectric power plants, coal, turbogas, internal combustion, nuclear energy (Central Nuclear Laguna Verde), geothermal, wind and solar photovoltaic energy. 

In 2021, it generated 55.36% of the total clean energy that was injected into the National Electric System. Likewise, of the total energy produced by CFE in the same period, 38.23% was clean.



Megatrends like urbanization, climate change and digital transformation are fundamentally changing every aspect of our lives. Change can be challenging, but it also offers space for positive change and even greater opportunities for those companies, organizations and societies willing to embrace new realities.


The IEA’s “Net Zero”, A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector, predicts that hydroelectric power generation will grow by at least 9.5% by 2025 to reach 4650 TWh, but the report also notes that hydro capacity growth during 2023 –2025 could be 50% higher per year on average if project development were accelerated. It is essential that every opportunity to develop the enormous potential of sustainable hydroelectric power is seized to secure our world for future generations. In fact, IRENA's Global Renewables Outlook estimates that an additional 850 GW of hydroelectric power is needed by 2050 to keep the world on a climate-safe path under the Paris Agreement.

In regions where energy demand will increase dramatically in the coming years, such as Asia, South America and Africa, new large power plants and a large number of small hydroelectric projects will be implemented. There is also huge potential in Europe and North America, as half of the facilities are over 40 years old and can make a more significant contribution to the energy supply in the future through modernization. Along with its eco-friendly generation characteristics, the benefits of pumped storage hydroelectric power plant to provide flexibility and cost-effective bulk storage make it an invaluable asset to the clean energy transition.

With 180 years of innovation, ANDRITZ has long been at the forefront of development, responding to megatrends with pioneering technologies and concepts and leading the transition to new and better approaches to meet society's needs. Given the profound impacts of global megatrends, ANDRITZ's hydroelectric power and innovation will also be a long-term megatrend.



ANDRITZ Hydro Brasil is working with FURNAS for the modernization of the Excitation and Control Systems of the Synchronous Compensators of the Substations of Ibiúna, located in São Paulo, and Grajaú, in Rio de Janeiro.


This is an important contract for ANDRITZ as it marks its presence in the modernization of Synchronous Compensators in SIN Substations, and will include the technological update of the Excitation Systems of the 04 units of the Ibiúna Substation and the 02 units of the Grajaú Substation.

Over the last six decades, FURNAS' activities have made it a reference for other energy companies in initiatives that aim to adapt their structure to the new regulatory scenario of the Brazilian electricity industry. The company prioritizes operational efficiency, action through processes and investment sustainability, in addition to measures aimed at increasing the transparency of its management.

Currently, FURNAS' transmission system comprises 72 substations, 55 of which are owned (15 with its hydroelectric power and thermoelectric power plants) and 17 under the partnership regime, through SPEs.


December 2021: Miranda, Brazil - Automation and modernization of the Miranda Hydroelectric Power Plant

The Brazilian ENGIE awarded ANDRITZ with the modernization of the digital supervision and control system, common systems, as well as the protection and monitoring system of the three generating units of the hydroelectric power plant of Miranda, located on the Araguarí River, in the municipality of Indianópolis (MG).


In addition to the supply of ANDRITZ's dedicated automation solutions for the hydropower market, the modernization project encompasses engineering, installation, commissioning, and integration services of the excitation systems and the turbine governors.

The success project execution between ENGIE and ANDRITZ in the modernization of HPP Itáand HPP Machadinho were decisive in winning this new contract.

The Miranda hydroelectric power plant has an accumulation reservoir of 50.61 km² and an installed capacity of 408 MW with three Francis units of 136 MW each. Its operation began in 1998 and together with the Jaguara hydroelectric power plant. it was incorporated into ENGIE's generating complex in 2017 through an auction by the Federal Government.

ENGIE Brasil is the largest private electricity producer in Brazil, with its own installed capacity of 10,791 MW in 72 plants, representing around 6% of the country's total capacity. The company has almost 90% of its installed capacity in the country from renewable sources and with low GHG emissions such as hydroelectric, wind, solar, and biomass power plants.


November 2021: Canoas 1, Brazil – Modernization and overhaul successfully completed

ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil successfully completed the modernization and overhaul of unit #1 of the Canoas I Hydroelectric Power Plant. 


The hydropower station is located on the Paranapanema River between the municipalities of Cândido Mota (SP) and Itambaracá (PR).

The scope of contract for ANDRITZ included services at the factory and on-site, consisting of the modernization and refurbishment of the unit’s distributor and Kaplan runner as well as dismantling, assembly, and commissioning of the equipment.

The current contract was a follow-up order for a service successfully performed on unit #2 of Canoas I, in 2018, where the distributor's movement systems were replaced by self-lubricating guides with top-tier modern technology.

The Kaplan runner of unit #1 of Canoas I hydropower plant has been operating since 2018 with some restrictions. The contract was challenging as we had to assess the current conditions of the runner and, through analysis of the factory, field, and engineering history, to identify and correct any limitation, in order to allow the commencement of commercial operation.

Even during a critical period of the Covid pandemic, the project followed strict measures to avoid the spread of the virus and ensure the safety of ANDRITZ and CTG employees. Furthermore, throughout the entire execution period no accident has been registered. This is a result of the strict CTG health and safety protocols in full compliance with the ANDRITZ team.

With an installed capacity of 81 MW, Canoas I was inaugurated in 1999 and is one of the most modern hydroelectric plants on the Paranapanema River. The plant’s operators are concerned with the preservation of the environment, and promotes several environmental programs aimed at the preservation of flora and fauna in the areas surrounding the power plant.

The success of this project reinforces, once again, ANDRITZ's position as a leader in technology and quality!



November 2021: Foz do Areia, Brazil – Successful completion of modernization

ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil completed, with excellence and a high degree of customer satisfaction, the modernization and renovation of the Governador Bento Munhoz da Rocha Netto Plant (Foz do Areia), located on the Iguaçu River, in the state of Paraná.


Lasting six years, the project marked ANDRITZ's largest Francis turbine overhaul ever. The modernization covered engineering, field services, equipment disassembly, assembly, and commissioning, in addition to the supply of ANDRITZ's dedicated automation solutions for the hydropower market.

The modernization of the last unit was completed 14 days in advance of the contractual terms. During the entire period of execution, no accidents were registered. This is a result of the strict health and safety protocols of ANDRITZ and our customer COPEL.

Gov. Bento Munhoz da Rocha Netto is COPEL's largest installed power plant and has a total installed capacity of 1,676 MW, with four generating units of 419 MW each. 



July 2021: ANDRITZ Hydro Brasil moves its corporate office in São Paulo

This transition is part of the company´s modernization process as a whole and intend to meet the needs of agility, flexibility and collaboration of our current context, as well as fulfil the business evolution curve. The new corporate office, opened on 12/07, is a completely new, modern space and, like ANDRITZ solutions, redesigned for the future.

Sales, engineering, order execution for: automation, electrical power systems and pumps; as well as administrative and legal departments will be allocated to the new office, located at Alameda Tocantins, 350 - Alphaville Industrial, Barueri, in a commercial building with more than 31,000.00 m2.

The new environment was entirely designed to translate ANDRITZ's commitment to creating new perspectives for the GROUP based on innovation, collaboration and solid and lasting partnerships.

'With this change, ANDRITZ Hydro Brasil will be even better prepared to accept new challenges and contribute to future hydroelectric development in the country.’ – adds Dieter Hopf, general director of ANDRITZ Hydro in Brazil.

Today, ANDRITZ Hydro Brasil is a consolidated company responsible for basic and detailed engineering, manufacturing and installation of equipment for small, medium and large hydroelectric power plants, as well as pumping solutions for industry, irrigation and water supply. It has a manufacturing unit in Araraquara and serves, in addition to the Brazilian market, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, other ANDRITZ units in the Americas.



June 2021: HPP Yacyretá, Brazil – Contract for 18 new excitation systems with HIPASE technology


ANDRITZ Hydro Brazil entered into a partnership with Entidad Binacional Yacyreta (EBY) to supply 18 new excitation systems with HIPASE-E technology, a dedicated automation solution from ANDRITZ, for the Yacyretá Hydroelectric Plant, located on the Paraná River, between Argentina and Paraguay.

The Yacyreta hydropower plant belongs to Entidad Binacional Yacyretá and has been in commercial operation since 1994. Nowadays, it has an installed capacity of 3,200 MW MW and is responsible to supply electricity needs of 50% residences in Argentina, not to mention industries.

The qualifying process in the binational bid was challenging and required a lot of preparation from the entire team in terms of compliance, corporate, as well as technical and economic aspects. ANDRITZ used its market expertise and submitted a customized offer. We were finally chosen to supply the complete modernization of the excitation systems (cubicles, transformers, set of auxiliary part and component) consisting of basic and detailed design, manufacturing/assembly, factory acceptance tests, transport, site installation and commissioning.

This is a very important project for ANDRITZ that not only highlights ANDRITZ competence and expertise in the automation market but also marks the beginning of a long term partnership with Entidad Binacional Yacyreta.

Technical Details:
Total output: 3,200 MW
Head: 21.3 m
Voltage: 13.2 kV

Contact us
Alameda Tocantins, 350 - Alphaville Industrial, Barueri
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