News Archive Germany

Februar 2021: HPP Dalsfos, Norway – Turbine loaded and on its way to Norway

In times of Corona, and after the successful remote acceptance test in our workshop in Ravensburg, Germany, the turbine for Dalsfoss hydropower plant was loaded and is now on its way to Norway.

In 2017, the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate granted approval for a new power plant in Dalsfos, located in Kragerø Municipality. It will be built inside a mountain on the opposite side of the river to the current Dalsfos hydropower plant on the Tokevannet Lake at the top of the Kragerø watercourse. The river Kragerøvassdraget has a population of migratory eels and fish-friendly facilities will be built that mean migration is possible and for the eel to get past the new power plant.

ANDRITZ was chosen for the electro-mechanical delivery with Skanska conducting the civil works. Three old Francis turbines from 1906 will be replaced with one top-notch Compact Axial Turbine (CAT). The scope of supply comprises a complete “from water-to-wire” electro-mechanical package including turbine, generator, automation and electrical power systems, intake gates, and trash rack. Commissioning is scheduled for the end of 2021.

The modernization of Dalsfos hydropower plant is a further step towards a modern and sustainable energy supply for the Norwegian region and ANDRITZ Hydro is proud to be part of this project.

Technical Details:
Total output: 7.3 MW
Scope output: 7.3 MW
Head: 20.21 m
Voltage: 6.6 kV
Speed: 230.77 rpm
Runner diameter: 2,350 mm

January 2021: HPP Laúca, Angola – All 6 units of main hydropower plant in service

On 16th of December 2020, after a heavily shacked year by the consequences of the pandemic Covid19, the 72h reliability run of unit#6 of the Laúca hydropower plant was successfully completed. All involved teams were working hard to achieve the settled target: all the six main units to be in service, each of them providing 338 MW of clean energy to the grid of Angola, making a significant contribution to the rapidly growing demand of the country.

ANDRITZ received in 2014 the contract to supply the electro-mechanical equipment for the new Laúca hydropower plant located in the middle section of the Kwanza River, Angola. The project consists of a main powerhouse with six units and an eco-powerhouse with one further unit with a total installed capacity of 2,070 MW. The scope of supply for ANDRITZ includes design, supply, installation supervision, and commissioning of the Francis turbines, generators, main transformers, isolated bus ducts, as well as control and protection systems. The security, access control and telecommunication systems for both, the main and eco powerhouses, are also included within the scope of supply.

The last unit in the eco-power house will enter in operation within the first half of 2021.

Technical Details:
Total output: 2,070 MW
Scope: 6 × 338 MW (Main) /1 × 42 MW (Eco)
Voltage: 6 × 18 kV (Main) / 1 × 15 kV (Eco)
Head: 200 m (Main) / 118 m (Eco)
Speed: 200 rpm (Main) / 233.77 rpm (Eco)
Runner diameter: 4,790 mm (Main) / 3,220 mm (Eco)


November 2020: HPP Kuhankoski, Finland - Two Compact Bulb Turbines to cover electrical base load supply

© Koskienergia Oy

ANDRITZ received a Notice to Proceed (NTP) end of September 2020 from customer Koskienergia Oy for the electro-mechanical scope of the Kuhankoski hydropower plant. The new power plant, located in central Finland, will be deployed to cover the electrical base load supply securely.

The new powerhouse will be located between lakes Saraavesi and Leppävesi in Laukaa municipality in central Finland about 25 km North-East from the city of Jyväskylä. The existing hydropower station with four vertical Francis turbines is in the direct neighborhood of the new site. It has been in operation since 1925 and will remain in operation furthermore.

The scope of supply for ANDRITZ consists of two Compact Bulb turbines, each with power output of 2.6 MW and a runner diameter of 3,650 mm. Additionally, the synchronous generators, the generator cooling system, the auxiliary units and the complete control system and automation will be within our scope. The transportation up to powerhouse-site, the entire installation and commissioning complete the scope of delivery for ANDRITZ. The first main turbine components are planned to be brought to site in the 4th quarter of 2021.

Commissioning is scheduled for 2023.

Technical Details:
Total output: 5.2 MW
Scope output: 2 x 2.6 MW
Head: 3.6 m
Voltage: 6.3 kV
Speed: 115.385 rpm
Diameter: 3,350 mm


October 2020: Ukrhydroenergo and ANDRITZ Hydro continue to implement joint projects

Beginning of October, a high-ranking meeting of the management of Ukrhydroenergo and ANDRITZ took place to discuss the framework of a cooperation. During the meeting, the parties discussed the progress of work on the implementation of the project of the second stage of reconstruction of Ukrhydroenergo.

"We consider ANDRITZ a reliable partner. It produces high-quality equipment for the flagship of Ukrainian hydropower - Dnipro hydropower plant, which is currently undergoing reconstruction. Both, Ukrhydroenergo and ANDRITZ must make every effort to work effectively and complete the implementation of contracts in a timely manner”, said Ihor Syrota, General Director of Ukrhydroenergo, at the beginning of the meeting.

ANDRITZ is reconstructing three hydraulic units at the Dnipro-1 HPP. Currently, dismantling, assembly, and testing works on three hydraulic units are being performed.

"Our meeting is held at a high representative level and is a guarantee that we can accelerate in resolving complex issues that have arisen in the process of reconstruction of the Dnipro HPP," - said Managing Director of ANDRITZ Hydro in Germany, Frank Mette.

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed mutual interest in continuing cooperation and noted that effective cooperation between the companies will give momentum to the deepening and further development of relations between Ukraine, Germany and Austria in the energy sector.


November 2019: ANDRITZ Hydro Ravensburg welcomes the ambassador of Ukraine

In October 2019, the Ambassador of Ukraine Mr. Andrij Melnyk visited the ANDRITZ Hydro in Ravensburg. He was accompanied by the CDU member of the Bundestag, Mr. Axel Müller. During the visit, the company was presented, and the workshop was visited. Both the ambassador as well as the member of the Bundestag were impressed by the facilities.

ANDRITZ Hydro has been operating in Ukraine for many years. As first West European contractor, ANDRITZ Hydro received a major contract to rehabilitate three hydro turbines at the Dnipro-1 Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Dnipro River in 2017.

8. 2. 2018: High-ranking visit from Senegal to ANDRITZ Hydro Ravensburg, Germany

In January 2019, a high-ranked delegation from the cross-border organization "Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Gambie" (OMVG) chaired by Mr. Ababacar Ndao (Secretaire Generale) made a two-day visit to our location in Ravensburg in order to tour the hydro- and electro-mechanical workshop, where the main components for the planned Sambangalou hydropower plant in West Africa will be manufactured.