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Editorial - Hydro News Asia

Dear Business Friend,

Hydropower is booming in Southeast Asia. Main driving forces are rapid population growth, increasing demand for energy, focus on clean hydropower and unexploited potential, however, regional differences are essential. The technically feasible potential for hydropower in these countries is enormous and could cover much more than the entire domestic power requirement.

ANDRITZ HYDRO is market leader in many of these countries with locations in Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, India, China, Australia and New Zealand. The first turbines were delivered at the beginning of the 20th century. Meanwhile about 2,000 turbines with 85,000 MW have been supplied into this region.

Laos could become the “Battery of Southeast Asia” thanks to the massive hydropower potential offered by the Mekong River and its tributaries. Currently, only 18% have been tapped and offer a huge opportunity to stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty. Large projects inevitably leave heir mark. Managed correctly, they pre­serve the environment and push the living standard of the local po­pulation, the country, and the region. ANDRITZ HYDRO is currently executing the Xayaburi run-of-river hydropower project. The technology offered by ANDRITZ HYDRO provides state-of-the art know-how combined with newest design for preservation of nature like fish-friendly turbines. So HPP Xayaburi will continue the success stories of HPP Theun-Hinboun, HPP Nam Gnou­ang, and HPP Nam Theun 2.

ANDRITZ HYDRO is prepared to support all countries in this most booming region of the world on their way to higher economic welfare based on renewable energy out of hydropower.

Mekong River

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