PrimeDry Steel Yankees
With PrimeDry Steel Yankees, first-class manufacturing techniques, and applications experience based on a large number of installed dryers worldwide, ANDRITZ is able to meet any challenge.
Steel Yankee
With diameters up to 26 ft. and shell lengths up to 8.4 m, ANDRITZ is the technology leader for large steel Yankees. These high performance drying cylinders are made entirely of steel, resulting in greater safety and better machine performance than cast Yankees. Of the > 80 ANDRITZ PrimeDry Steel Yankees already sold, > 30 are in the large size range (> 18 ft. diam. and > 6 m shell length), amongst them the world’s largest steel Yankee in operation for tissue.
The performance of an ANDRITZ PrimeDry Steel Yankee exceeds the performance of a cast iron Yankee of the same size. Steel Yankees have an evaporation rate that is 10-15% higher than that of cast iron models, which results in 8-10% better machine performance.
Precise manufacturing in Europe
At a glance
- Applicable to paper widths up to 5,600 mm
- Diameters: up to 26 ft.
- Safer due to the properties of the fine grained pressure vessel steel
- Greater drying performance due to better heat transfer
- Designed using state-of-the-art methods (e.g. finite element analysis, CFD)
- All weld seams fully verified by NDE methods like TOFD and PAUT
- High corrosion and wear resistant metalizing with optimized heat transfer
Head insulation
Tissue machine Yankees often show significant heat losses at the head. The savings in steam using head insulation is in the range of 2-5%. The head insulation is not only for new Yankees, but can also be retrofitted to existing units.
At a glance
- 2-5% potential savings in steam
- Less contamination, better sheet running