The key features of ANDRITZ wet electrostatic precipitators are:
- Ultra-low outlet PM emissions as low as 0.5 mg/Nm3 and SO3 emissions below 1 ppm
- Removal efficiencies of up to 99%
- Can be adapted to small or moderate volumetric flows of flue gas
- Industrial and electricity generation applications, with over 80 references worldwide
- Can be used as “polishing” APC equipment to control acid mists, submicron PM (as small as 0.01 μm), mercury, metals, and dioxins/furans
- Horizontal and vertical designs
- 4th generation of switched integrated rectifiers (SIR) as high-frequency power supply and/or integrated ESP control systems for conventional transformer rectifiers (T/R), both with energy optimization algorithms (EPOQ, power down rapping, …)