Local news Switzerland

17/07/2024: Neelum Jhelum – Delivery of coated stainless-steel Francis Runner

In 2021, ANDRITZ signed a contract to design, manufacture, and supply a new coated Francis Runner for the Neelum Jhelum hydro power project (NJHPP).

Neelum Jhelum is a run of river hydro power plant in the district of Muzaffarabad, in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. The power plant has four 242.25 MW units which were commissioned between July and December 2018 for a total installed capacity of 969 MW. It plays therefore a leading role in supplying electrical power to the national Pakistani grid. The NJHPP is an engineering marvel since it was built in a region known for seismic hazard, complex geology, and active fault lines. It was developed as an environmentaly friendly project (90% underground, compensation flow, built with local workers).

The dreadful power crisis in the country warrants high reliability and availability of the Neelum Jhelum power plant units with minimum forced outages. To ensure high reliability and deal with any forced outage due to potential damage, a spare runner was ordered to ANDRITZ.

Today, we have reached a new milestone, as the new runner was successfully shipped and delivered according to the terms of contract.

We would like to thank our customer Neelum Jhelum Hydro Power Company (Pvt) Ltd, Muzaffarabad for their trust and support.

Technical data:

  • Type of Turbine: vertical Francis
  • Rated head: 370 m
  • Rated Power output: 243 MW
  • Rated flow at rated head: 71.0 m3/s
  • Synchronous speed: 300 r/min


08/07/2024: Sembrancher, Switzerland - Successful Commissioning

The contract for Sembrancher, in Valais, Switzerland, was signed on September 1st, 2022. It included, in particular, the replacement of an old 3 MW unit with a new vertical-axis Pelton unit with six 8 MW injectors, as well as the inlet and main valves, and part of the supply system.

The construction project was carried out in two phases. The first phase, from August to the end of December 2023, included the rehabilitation of the charging chamber and the installation of the frame/distributor/inlet valve and the bifurcation of the penstock to bring the old units (1 and 2) back into service as quickly as possible. The second phase, from February to the end of May 2024, included the installation of the generator, the assembly of the injectors, the runner, and the oil production unit, as well as the piping, cabling, and various related works.

ANDRITZ, along with its partner INGETEAM, is very proud to have completed the commissioning of this new unit and would like to thank DransEnergie and its employees for their trust and valuable collaboration.


03/07/2024: Ryburg-Schwörstadt, Switzerland — Major milestone achieved: new runner installed

In the context of the major rehabilitation project of the hydroelectric power plant in Ryburg-Schwörstadt on the northern border of Switzerland, another important milestone was achieved: the new Kaplan runner along with the completely refurbished turbine block was lifted into the pit.

The new oil-free runner was designed at ANDRITZ Finland (following a fully homologous model test), then manufactured by ANDRITZ Germany and assembled on site by the ANDRITZ Switzerland team.

With a total weight of over 240 tons, the lifting was an impressive sight, fitting the head cover over the previously installed 24 wicket gates (fully refurbished at ANDRITZ Graz) requiring precision maneuvers from the site staff.

The first unit is scheduled to be commissioned during summer 2024, followed afterwards by the rehabilitation of the remaining three machines at a cadence of one per year.


27/06/2024: ANDRITZ Switzerland – Visit of the Chilean Minister of Economy

ANDRITZ Switzerland was pleased to welcome the Chilean Minister of Economy, Mr. Nicolás Grau, in Kriens. The delegation also included the Chilean Deputy Ambassador, Mr. Erwan Varas, a representative of InvestChile, Mr. Claudio Álvarez, and members of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) including the Senior Officer for Central and South America, Mrs Martina Bietenhader and the Deputy Head of Bilateral Economic Relations, Mr. Hervé Lohr. The Chilean government had come to Switzerland to attend the Ukraine Peace Conference, which was held earlier this month.

Chile generates around a quarter of its electricity from hydropower and aims to increase this capacity. The Chilean government was therefore particularly interested in the hydropower activities in which ANDRITZ is involved in Chile.

This exchange also allowed ANDRITZ to present new innovative technologies including digitalization. The delegation was also very much interested in the apprenticeship training programme at our company. The visit ended with a tour of the workshop.


25/06/2024: Governing council of Lucerne visits ANDRITZ: Focus on hydropower

ANDRITZ Switzerland is not only one of the most important suppliers on the Swiss hydropower market, but also a well-known employer. The Lucerne County's Finance Director and Councillor Reto Wyss, therefore visited the Kriens setup together with the Director of Economic Development, Yvan Buck, to get a close look at the current situation.

Hydropower plays a crucial role in Switzerland, accounting for 60% of its energy production. The new law related to renewable energy, which was approved by the Swiss people this month, promotes the further expansion of hydropower. ANDRITZ, with its local service workshop, engineering, and R&D teams in Switzerland, is very well positioned to support the expansion of renewable energies in the country.


14/06/2024: Company event ANDRITZ Switzerland

Röstigraben, a term frequently used to describe the cultural boundary between German- and French-speaking Switzerland, is a word that doesn't exist at ANDRITZ Switzerland, as demonstrated by the event organized at the end of May.

More than a hundred co-workers from the Vevey and Kriens locations came together for a day of recreation away from the daily grind, to get to know each other better.

Even though we are based in two different linguistic areas with distinct markets, we frequently collaborate on certain projects, and it is essential for our customers and partners that our differences are our complementarity and strength.

After a creative moment where everyone was able to give free reign to their imagination and artistic talents, we shared a barbecue and took advantage of these relaxing moments to exchange ideas strengthening the cohesion and synergy between the different teams and departments.

It was a wonderful day, and we hope to be able to organize more events in the near future.


11/06/2024: Piottino, Switzerland - Contract for the rehabilitation of the 3 Francis groups

In April 2024, AET (Azienda Elettrica Ticinese) awarded the ANDRITZ/INGETEAM consortium (Spain) the contract for the supply of the electromechanical equipment for the rehabilitation of the Piottino hydropower plant in Ticino.

The Piottino hydropower plant was built between 1928 and 1932 by Officine Elettriche Ticinesi. Originally equipped with two vertical Francis units, it was extended with a third unit in 1957, increasing the total power plant output to 67 MW. The plant produces around 310 GWh per year, which corresponds to the needs of 77,500 households. AET has been operating the plant since 1972, after the water utilization concession expired and the hydropower plant was taken over by the County of Ticino.

In recent years, AET has carried out an extensive modernization program for the power plant, the main objectives of which are the replacements of the electromechanical equipment and the power plant's valves.

As part of this extensive refurbishment program, ANDRITZ Switzerland and its partner INGETEAM will supply the turbines, generators, and auxiliary systems. The delivery of the units will be staggered, with the rehabilitation of the first group taking place in April 2027, and the last one in April 2029. A model test will also be carried out in our hydraulic laboratory in Linz, Austria to optimize the hydraulic performance.

ANDRITZ and its partners would like to thank AET for the trust placed in them and look forward to the successful realization of the project.


10/04/2024: New spherical valve for world record plant Bieudron

As part of a major overhaul project at the Bieudron hydropower plant, the customer Grande Dixence awarded ANDRITZ a contract for the supply of a new spherical valve.

The Bieudron power plant is the most powerful hydroelectric power plant in Switzerland and represents an absolute world record with its head of 1,883 m. 

An important milestone was reached in February 2024 with the successful FAT (Factory Acceptance Test). Even for long-standing employees, the test-pressure of 305 bar was a completely new experience. 

In March 2024, the spherical valve with a transport weight of 150 t was shipped to site, where it will be fully assembled in the coming weeks.

ANDRITZ is proud to be part of this important overhaul project of Bieudron, a power plant that plays a vital role in providing grid stability and short-term energy supply for the whole of Central Europe.


18/03/2024: Reckingen, Switzerland / Germany – Kick-off for the rehabilitation of the 2nd Group at the Reckingen power plant

Following the successful rehabilitation of the Group 1 at the Reckingen power plant, which was commissioned in 2023, the go-live has now been given for the modernization of the 2nd Group.

The contract was signed in the presence of the Executive Board and the project management of Kraftwerk Reckingen AG and the supplier ANDRITZ Hydro AG in Kriens.

By redesigning key parts of the new Kaplan turbine, the intake water volume will be increased by 20 m3/s, resulting in a significant increase in output and efficiency.

The rehabilitation at the Reckingen power plant will be completed in May 2027.

The ANDRITZ team would like to thank Kraftwerk Reckingen AG for the trust they have placed in us and looks forward to continuing our constructive collaboration.

Technical data
Output: 22.05 MW
Flow: max. 305.8 m3/s
Net head: 9m
Nominal Speed: 75 rpm
Diameter: 6,200 -> 6,450mm


18/01/2024: Ryburg-Schwörstadt, Switzerland — Factory Visit of Senior Management in Ravensburg

As part of the framework of the major Ryburg-Schwörstadt rehabilitation project on the Swiss-German border, ANDRITZ Hydro Ravensburg is supplying four large Kaplan runners. The runners feature a new hydraulic design based on model tests, as well as a new concept of oil-free hubs.

To mark the completion of the factory assembly of the first runner, Mr. Beat Karrer, CEO of the plant owning company, Kraftwerk Ryburg-Schwörstadt AG, paid a visit to the facilities in Ravensburg, Germany. He was accompanied by Mr. Philipp Müller, general project manager of this complex rehabilitation project. The high-level delegation was welcomed by the Senior management of both the Swiss and German ANDRITZ Hydro companies.

During the visit the first Ryburg-Schwörstadt runner was presented ready for final machining on one of the largest vertical lathes of the Ravensburg workshop. Mr. Karrer expressed his appreciation for the effort and commitment that all the involved ANDRITZ companies have brought so far to the project. He stated his firm expectation that the challenging project goals should be achieved thanks to the intensive cooperation of all involved partners. 

After final factory acceptance, the 84 ton-runner is scheduled to be shipped to site at the end of January. Commissioning of the first unit is foreseen in summer 2024, followed by the rehabilitation of the remaining three turbines.


19/12/2023: Christmas Action - Switzerland –Theodora Foundation

For several years, ANDRITZ Hydro Switzerland supports a charity instead of sending out greeting cards and calendars per mail. This year we have chosen to help the Theodora Foundation.

© Theodora

The Theodora Foundation has been pursuing its mission to bring laughter and joy to children in hospitals. Every year, artists from the Foundation – the Giggle Doctors – spread smiles and moments of happiness to thousands of children across Switzerland. The Giggle Doctors are specially trained and work closely together with the care specialists.

You can find more information on the actions of this Foundation under: www.theodora.ch.

We wish you all a Happy Holiday Season!


12/12/2023: Ryburg-Schwörstadt, Switzerland — Major milestone achieved with lift-out of Kaplan turbine block

The contract for the revision of the hydroelectric power plant in Ryburg-Schwörstadt on the northern border of Switzerland was signed in May 2022. It comprises the rehabilitation of four large Kaplan units, including new runners based on model tests, and the refurbishment of all turbine components.

The new runners will have oil-free hubs — an absolute first within all hydroelectric power stations on the Swiss part of the Rhine River, and a major step to make hydropower production even more environmentally friendly.

Four ANDRITZ Group companies are working intensely together to meet the tight schedule as well as the challenging performance goals of the project.

An important milestone was achieved with the lift-out of the complete turbine block (head cover, shaft, and runner) for a total weight of over 240 tons. 

After further disassembly, the turbine runner (over 90 years old, except for the blades which were replaced in the 1970’s) will be replaced while the other components will be thoroughly inspected and refurbished to ensure trouble-free operation for decades to come.

The first unit is scheduled to be back online by mid-2024, being followed by the remaining units at a cadence of one per year.

Technical data
Output: 4 x 31 MW
Flow: 4 x 365 m3/s
Net head: 11 m
Nominal Speed: 75 rpm
Diameter: 7000 mm


30/11/2023: Villerest, France - Kaplan runner refurbishment completed 

In 2021, ANDRITZ signed a contract to engineer, manufacture, and supply of new optimised Kaplan runner blades, for the 2 units of Villerest HPP in France.

The major features of the project are the very large operation range from 10 to 75 m3/s opening and the significant optimised efficiency compared to the existing runner.

Today, we have reached a new milestone, as the old runner has been refurbished with new blades and successfully shipped by exceptional transport from our partner workshop in Italy to Villerest HPP.

We would like to thank our customer EDF for their trust and support.


24/11/2023: Take your daughters and sons to Work Day – Vevey, Switzerland 

Take your daughters and sons to Work Day has been created over 20 years ago and takes places every second Thursday of November.

The Take your daughters and sons to Work Day introduces students between the age of 10 and 13 to a trade that is not limited to traditionally female or male sectors. It aims to help children broaden their professional horizon beyond traditional stereotypes and discuss about their choice of career.

Every year, ANDRITZ in Vevey, Switzerland, welcomes a group of girls and boys to discover the different jobs we offer through workshops and presentations.

This year, after a theoretical part in the morning, the children were able to put their knowledge regarding site activities and safety into practice in the afternoon, thanks to a visit to the Sembrancher hydro power plant in the Valais. Our partner and customer, DransEnergie, gave us permission to visit the site and see the work in progress allowing us therewith to gain a practical insight into the various jobs involved.

We sincerely thank DransEnergie and its staff for their hospitality, our colleagues for their organisation and, of course, all the children for their active participation. A day that will be long remembered. 


15/11/2023: France – Grand’Maison HIPASE-E 

For a year now, the first HIPASE-E’s were installed for our customer EDF (Électricité de France).

These new regulators were all commissioned at the Grand'Maison power plant, which is the largest hydroelectric power plant in France.

The voltage regulation has been upgraded on four units; two Pelton turbines of 170 MW and two Francis pump turbines of 153 MW.

These imposing electrical THYNE 500 cabinets were developed by our specialists in Vienna, Austria, and the Automation Team from Vevey, Switzerland, had the opportunity to train with our experts for the commissioning of these controllers for static exciters of over 1,000 A.

To maintain all the flexibility of the installation, the back-to-back starting of the units also had to be optimized and validated. Any Pelton launcher (with HIPASE-E or an older system) can start any pump (also with HIPASE-E or an older system).

Three more units will be modernized next year and commissioned by the Automation Team in Vevey. The last five machines should follow in the upcoming years.


13/11/2023: EDF visit to our hydraulic laboratory 

We had a great day of discussions with our customer EDF Hydro, when the General Design Department of the Centre d'Ingénierie Hydraulique visited our hydraulic laboratory in Vevey, Switzerland.

These meetings are important for strengthening our collaboration, sharing innovative ideas, and ensuring that our solutions remain aligned with our customer's needs and expectations, while continuing to develop our joint expertise in the field of hydraulics.

The hydraulic laboratory in Vevey is part of the ANDRITZ Centre of Excellence for Pelton turbines and plays a crucial role in the advancement of cutting-edge technology in this field.
Our commitment is to provide our customers with first class performance and we have a long and strong track record in scale model testing which is internationally recognized.   

For our customer EDF, we have recently completed projects for the Pelton runners at the La Bâthie, La Coche and Villarodin power plants.


10/11/2023: Revin, France – Rehabilitation of the valves completed

We are delighted to announce that, after more than four months of intense assembly and commissioning activities, the rehabilitation of the main valves of the Revin (Ardennes) power plant is now complete!

This crucial step not only brings France's third-largest pumped-storage power plant back into service, but also reinforces our commitment to a sustainable energy for the future.

Many thanks to EDF for their support and exemplary collaboration throughout this project. We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to our subcontractors and co-workers for their commitment, professionalism, and determination which were the key to this major achievement.

Together, let's meet energy challenges and shape the future.


31/10/2023: Sembrancher, Switzerland – Start of the on-site activities

The contract for Sembrancher, with DransEnergie in Valais, Switzerland, was signed on September 1, 2022. It includes the replacement of an old 3 MW unit by a new vertical axis Pelton unit with six 8 MW injectors, as well as the inlet valve, head valve and part of the pipe system.

Site activities have started with the delivery of the first parts, such as the frame and the manifold. 

The timing is very tight, as the aim is to bring this new Group into service by the end of March 2024.

Technical Data:
Output: 2x2.87 MW (existing Groups) + 1x8 MW (new Group)
Flow : 5 m3/s
Net head: 184 m
Nominal speed : 375 rpm
Diameter : 1825 mm


20/10/2023: France – Homologation of the HIPASE T for EDF

As part of the framework contract related to the "Hydraulic Modernization and Standardization (MSH)" project for EDF (Électricité de France), the final homologation phase for our HIPASE-T digital speed governor is coming to an end at the Montpezat hydro power plant.

After a successful hardware validation in Vienna, Austria, in 2017, various applications were developed by ANDRITZ in Vevey, Switzerland. The application for Kaplan turbines was validated in 2021 in Beauvoir (France, Isère), followed for the Francis turbines in 2022 in Monteynard (France, Isère). Finally, the first two Pelton turbines have just been commissioned with the EDF Hydro/DTG (Division Technique Générale) team at the Montpezat HPP.

Following the forthcoming acceptance tests by EDF Hydro/DTG, the approval process for our HIPASE-T (Francis/Kaplan/Pelton) digital governor for EDF will be finalized. This major customer, with an international reputation in the hydro world, already has around fifteen HIPASE-T’s successfully installed in its hydropower plants. The HIPASE-T turbine governor is therefore combined with the HIPASE-E voltage regulator, which has also been approved and is currently being deployed for EDF.

Further information on the HIPASE technology can be found under: 


07/09/2023: Successful completion of apprenticeship as design engineer (Federal Certificate of Competence)

I was able to complete my apprenticeship as design engineer after having spent four years at ANDRITZ Hydro AG in Kriens, Switzerland, where I started in summer 2019.

The first two years were very intensive. I started the first year with a 6-week training course at Schindler AG in Ebikon and ended it with short-time work during the Corona pandemic. Despite the circumstances, I learned many basics and enjoyed good training and preparation for the partial examination in the second year of my apprenticeship. The approx. 4-month workshop internship, which I also was allowed to complete at Schindler AG, helped. After having successfully passed the exam, I moved to a productive department for the first time. I spent the entire third year of my apprenticeship there. In this department, I was able to help out with productive work for the first time and show what I had learned. With a lower workload, I could use the time to dedicate myself to the company directives and standards. With a lot of new knowledge, I then entered the fourth and final year of my apprenticeship. I moved to the Turbine Engineering department. I had great respect for this apprenticeship year, as I assumed more that would now be expected from me. However, this pressure eased as I was allowed to contribute with my own suggestions in finding solutions which were also honestly taken into account. This gave me a lot of motivation to further work hard. I was always happy to accept new assignments and wanted to learn more.

I also found the cooperation with all employees in the different departments very pleasant. I consider the ANDRITZ Hydro AG product to be very useful for the environment and climate, which motivated me to go to work every day and to give my best.

During my apprenticeship, I was able to work on many different projects. The Bieudron project, Switzerland, in particular took up a lot of my daily work. I also often had work assignments on my desk for other projects such as Svelgen, Norway, or Ryburg, Switzerland. Some of these were very challenging, but also very exciting.

I enjoyed finding solutions for assignments and designing. I was often entrusted with more difficult tasks. When I was able to complete them successfully, it was always a great sense of achievement.

I will certainly continue to work for ANDRITZ Hydro AG until the end of 2023. After that, I will have to complete my military duties. What comes after is still open. But I will always look back on my apprenticeship with pleasure and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues for the good cooperation and training.

Andri Flückiger
Completion of apprenticeship as design engineer in summer 2023

This example shows just how important it is for us at ANDRITZ Hydro Switzerland to train apprentices and give these young men and women the best possible training. 
Every year, our company offers young people the opportunity to complete their apprenticeship with us. Further information on the training courses we offer can be found under : https://www.andritz.com/hydro-en/about-andritz-hydro/locations/kriens-switzerland/apprenticeship-switzerland-kriens [Berufsbildung in Kriens (andritz.com) ]


30/08/2023: ANDRITZ participating in expert event “Digitalisation in Hydropower”

Join us on September 28-29, 2023, in Zurich, Switzerland, as vgbe and Axpo host an impactful expert event titled “Digitalisation in Hydropower 2023 - Experiences with implemented digital measures”.

This exclusive gathering will convene industry experts from prominent operator and manufacturer companies, alongside related stakeholders, to discuss challenges and opportunities brought about by the ongoing digital transformation of operation and maintenance of hydropower fleets.

One of the distinguished participants is Michael Fink, O&M Hub Manager Austria at ANDRITZ Hydro GmbH. His lecture "From Data to Value" will spotlight...



22/08/2023: Team Building Automation and Commissioning Department at ANDRITZ Hydro Vevey

Travelling the world and the seven seas all year around, the engineers of the Automation and Commissioning Department at ANDRITZ Hydro Vevey try, once a year, to share a sportive or recreational activity to strengthen ties within the team.

This year, they have decided to raft down the Dora Baltea which had a refreshing and recreational effect on these hot summer days. They also had the pleasure to share some Italian delicacies from the Aosta region that made more than one palate salivate.


03/08/2023: France, Alsace, Rhinau and Marckolsheim – New stators 

In August 2018, ANDRITZ Hydro Suisse signed a contract with EDF (Électricité de France) for the supply of three new stators.

Following the installation of the two new stators for Rhinau's Groups 1 and 2 in 2020 and 2021, the pit installation of the new stator for Marckolsheim power plant's Group 3 is now finalised (bore diameter: 10300mm, iron height 1110mm, power 45 MW, complete stator weight 106 tons).

The scope of supply included the engineering, manufacturing, on-site assembly of the magnetic core and winding, and installation of the complete stator in the alternator pit on the existing foundation ring.

Our teams of specialists in Austria and Switzerland took up this technical and human challenge to make it a success for ANDRITZ Hydro Suisse. 

We would like to thank our customer EDF for their valuable collaboration and the trust they have placed in us.

Generator technical data:
Power: 45MW
Voltage: 10.3kV
Number of rotor poles: 80
Speed: 75 rpm


25/07/2023: Swissmem Industry Day in Lausanne - Interview

Roland Cuénod, CEO of ANDRITZ Hydro Switzerland, was invited to give a presentation at the Swissmem Industry Day in Lausanne on June 29, 2023.

The focus of the 16th follow-up event at the SwissTech Convention Center was the topic " Energy - at the mercy of geopolitics". We proudly present you the interview by Roland Cuénod.

For more information to the event click here.


24/07/2023: Joint power plant Inn, Austria - Residual flow turbine Ovella successfully put into operation

In the Austrian/Swiss border area between Martina and Nauders, the Ovella weir is located on the Inn River with a 15 m high weir for water intake.

Via a 23.2 km long headrace tunnel, the discharged water is..



18/07/2023: Revin, France – Rehabilitation of the valves

EDF has awarded ANDRITZ the contract for the refurbishment and maintenance of main inlet valves of Revin pumped-storage power plant in France.

After more than 45 years of service, the first 110-ton DN2640 main inlet valve was dismantled and overhauled in ANDRITZ’s workshop in Kriens, Switzerland. Along these activities This work enabled EDF to diagnose the state of fatigue of the Revin valves and to determine the work to be carried out on the other groups in the short and medium terms.

On June 16, 2023, the refurbished Group 4 valve left our workshops. This event is an important milestone and marks the start of on-site activities. This summer, the valve will be reinstalled in parallel with the maintenance work on the three other service valves and the auxiliary valve. 

ANDRITZ thanks EDF for its confidence and cooperation, the project team, and the staff at the Kriens workshop for their commitment and professionalism, and all partners and suppliers for all services provided.


14/07/2023: Grill party at ANDRITZ Hydro Kriens

At the end of June, the ANDRITZ Hydro site in Kriens, Switzerland, organised a barbecue and social evening for all its employees.

The event gave everyone a chance to chat and enjoy themselves outside the office, while savouring some delicious food.

It's important for our company to promote these moments of sharing and to strengthen the links between our employees. It's one of our principles, and every year we're proud to be able to integrate our newcomers.


05/07/2023: 16th Swissmem Industry Day in Lausanne

The 16th Swissmem Industry Day at the SwissTech Convention Center in Lausanne was held on June 29, 2023, on the theme "Energy - at the mercy of geopolitics".

This event brought together professionals from various industries to discuss the current situation and the technological challenges to be met in terms of decarbonisation, energy transition and security of supply.

In this context, Roland Cuénod, CEO of ANDRITZ Hydro Switzerland, was invited to give a presentation. Hydroelectricity has several major roles to play to compensate the decrease of carbon and nuclear power productions, to ensure the stability of the networks taking into consideration the high volatility of the renewable energy production and to play a role of battery with pumped storage facilities. Roland Cuénod highlighted the various technological challenges to be met to enable hydropower to play its central role in the future energy mix. ANDRITZ Hydro's digital solutions and their potential for optimising the production, maintenance and availability of power plants were also presented.

The ANDRITZ Group is working on a highly ambitious ESG programme aiming, from an environmental point of view, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of more than 50% by 2025, water consumption by 10% and waste by 10%.


26/06/2023: Milestone at HPP Villerest, France

Transport of the old Kaplan runner to the workshop for the replacement of the blades

In 2021, ANDRITZ signed a contract to engineer, manufacture, and supply new optimized Kaplan runner blades, for the 2 units of Villerest HPP in France. Our customer EDF (Electricité de France) also wanted ANDRITZ, as a trusted supplier and partner, to oversee the replacement on the blades and the adaptation of the runner. 

The major features of the project are the very large operation range from 10 m3/s to 75 m3/s with limited angular blade opening and the significant optimized efficiency compared to the existing runner.

Our team of specialists took care of all the engineering. The blades and related equipment were manufactured and receipt. Today, we have reached a new milestone, as the old runner has been successfully shipped by exceptional transport from Villerest HPP to Italy for the assembly works in our partner workshop. 
We would like to thank our customer EDF for their trust and support.

Technical data:
Output: 32 MW
Net head:  44 m
Flow : 75 m3/s
Nominal speed: 230.7 rpm
Runner diameter: 3395 mm
No of blades: 5
First commissioning: OEM1984 /Neyrpic


21/06/2023: Jubilees at ANDRITZ Hydro Switzerland

As every year, ANDRITZ Hydro Switzerland thanked its employees with jubilees for their loyalty and commitment.

In Kriens, six teams fought hard to solve the various riddles and successfully escape from the "Escape Rooms" before finding themselves in the "Jazzkantine" to enjoy cuisine with local specialities.

In Vevey, the participants took part in a workshop on autogenic training. This self-hypnosis technique aims at a complete disconnection from one's own state of consciousness by progressively relaxing the body through breathing. Afterwards we enjoyed a meal with a view over Lake Geneva.

We would like to thank our jubilarians for their work and loyalty and hope for many more successful years together.


06/06 2023: Tarbela, Pakistan – Installation milestone

Supply of one new Francis runner for Group 5, supervision of the dismantling, rehabilitation and erection works with the new runner.

In 2016, ANDRITZ signed a contract to conduct a model test, develop and supply a new Francis runner incorporating our latest performance and durability technologies (X-Blades). 

Our customer also wanted ANDRITZ, as a trusted supplier, to oversee the rehabilitation of the Group 5 and the replacement of this runner. 

Since September 2022, our team of specialists is on-site and supervising this heavy work. Today, we have reached a new milestone, as the new runner has been successfully installed in the heart of the turbine.

We congratulate our teams and wish them a lot of success for the rest of the erection work and the upcoming commissioning of the Group 5.

We would also like to thank our customer WAPDA for their trust and support.

Technical Data of the Group 5:
Net head: 80 to 130 m
Maximum outpu: 210 MW
Nominal speed: 136,36 rpm
Weight runner: 76750 kg
Diameter runner D1: 4875 mm


15/05 2023: Movement, team spirit and fun - that's "Bike to work"!

"Bike to work" is a project of the Pro Velo association, which promotes the interests of cyclists. Every year in May and June, cycling enthusiasts get on their saddles to commute to work as part of the "Bike to work" challenge.

We recognize the value of bicycle riding and actively support environmentally friendly bike commuting as an alternative to driving. By participating in the “Bike to work” Challenge, ANDRITZ HYDRO AG not only promotes the health and team spirit of its employees, but also contributes to sustainable mobility behavior. Together with our customers and employees, we are intensifying our activities to use technologies and transport that reduce carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions.

With this commitment in the Kriens & Vevey setups, and of course of its employees, ANDRITZ HYDRO AG contributes to sustainable mobility - in line with the company's sustainability strategy.

ANDRITZ HYDRO AG emphasizes that employees who come to work by bike are already doing part of the recommended daily physical activity and enable positive effects on their health in the long term.


17/04 2023: Marckolsheim, Alsace, France – New discharge ring assembly

In December 2020, ANDRITZ Hydro Switzerland signed a contract with EDF (Electricité de France) for the supply of one embedded discharge ring, intermediate ring and bottom ring for the largest Kaplan unit in France (runner diameter: 7250mm, 40 MW, total discharge ring assembly weight: >70 tons).

The scope of supply included the erection of the discharge ring assembly including the dismantling of the old ring which was fully embedded in concrete. 

After intense work including heavy civil engineering activities over several months, the discharge ring assembly was positioned by the tenth of millimeter, welded, embedded and then re- machined on site. This work was successfully completed mid-March 2023.

Our specialist teams were able to meet this technical and human challenge and make it a success for ANDRITZ Hydro Switzerland.

We would like to thank our customer EDF for their valuable collaboration and for their trust.

Technical Data:

  • Output : 40 MW
  • Net head: 13.2 m
  • Flow : 350 m3/s
  • Nominal speed : 75 rpm
  • Diameter : 7,250 mm


07/07 2022: ANDRITZ to rehabilitate Kaplan turbines of Ryburg-Schwörstadt hydropower plant in Switzerland

International technology group ANDRITZ has received from Kraftwerk-Ryburg Schwörstadt AG an order for the rehabilitation of all four Kaplan turbines of the Ryburg-Schwörstadt hydropower plant on the Rhine River.

With 120 megawatts, the run-of-river plant is the most powerful hydropower plant on the “Hochrhein”.

Read more in the press release


April 2022: VILLEREST, France – Supply of optimized runner blades for two Kaplan turbines

ANDRITZ signed a contract with EDF (Electricité De France) for the supply of optimized runner blades for two Kaplan turbines for the Villerest hydropower plant. 

The Villerest dam was built in 1984 and is located in the Loire department on the river of the same name. Its hydropower plant is equipped with two Kaplan turbines with a total installed power of 64 MW.

The scope of contract for ANDRITZ includes design, manufacturing, and supply of five blades per unit, with a significant performance improvement and a very large operation range from 10 to 75 m3/s. The project will be carried out by our ANDRITZ Hydro teams from Switzerland and Finland. The engineering phase has already started, and the first delivery is scheduled for July 2023.

This order is further strengthening the good cooperation between ANDRITZ and EDF, with whom we have recently signed several important contracts in France such as Takamaka, Marckolsheim and Monteynard. 

Technical details:
Total output: 64 MW
Scope: 2 x 32 MW
Head: 44 m
Speed: 230.7 rpm
Runner diameter: 3,400 mm


April 2022: Takamaka 1, La Réunion – Rehabilitation of two horizontal Francis turbines

ANDRITZ signed a contract with EDF (Electricité De France) for the rehabilitation of two horizontal Francis turbines on the island of La Réunion.

The Takamaka 1 hydropower plant was originally commissioned in 1969 and has an installed capacity of 20 MW. It lies in the heart of a tropical paradise in the national reserve of Réunion Island. Accessible from the town of Saint-Benoît in the eastern part of the island, the Takamaka valley holds world rainfall records with levels of up to 6 meters of rainwater per year.

The scope of the contract for ANDRITZ encompasses the rehabilitation of both horizontal Francis turbines including the study, supply and installation of the main components of the turbine such as runner, complete distributor, cooling water system, as well as the speed governor system with controller and oil hydraulic. This project is part of a global modernization project of the hydropower plant including also other lots like the access infrastructure, the automation system, and the electrical equipment. 

The major challenges of the project are the significant turbine performance improvement, but especially the extreme conditions of the site with the tropical climate, complicated access, activities in caverns, and the interfaces with other lots.

The modernization project will be carried out by our ANDRITZ Hydro teams from Vevey in Switzerland. The material delivery is scheduled in July 2024 and site activities from July 2024 to mid-2025. 

This order strengthens again EDF's confidence in ANDRITZ, and especially on the Réunion Island where we are already executing a number of projects for and with EDF, Rivière de l'Est or Bras de la Plaine for example. 

Technical details:
Total output: 20 MW
Scope output: 2 x 10 MW
Head: 270 m
Speed: 1,000 rpm
Runner diameter: 1,025 mm


March 2022: Congo DR, Mwadingusha – Successful power plant rehabilitation

In September 2016, ANDRITZ – as a leader of a consortium with Cegelec – has signed a contract for the refurbishment of the existing Mwadingusha hydropower plant in the Katanga Province, DR Congo.

The hydropower plant is equipped with six Francis units with a capacity of 11.8 MW each. The project is financed by Ivanhoe Mines and the final client is SNEL, the engineer is the consulting company Stucky from Switzerland. 

Mwadingusha power plant located on the Lufira river was originally commissioned in 1930 and the original supplier is Charmilles - Geneva. Until this date there was no mayor overhaul of the power plant. 

The scope of supply for ANDRITZ comprises the replacement of six turbine units, generators, governors, inlet valves, exciters, voltage regulations, and draft tube stop logs, rehabilitation, and replacement of the penstocks, rehabilitation of gates and intake valves including dismantling, erection, and commissioning. The transformers and the BoP part were in scope of Cegelec. The whole project is based on the multi-location involvement of our teams from Switzerland, India, and Austria. The original discharge and net head are unchanged, so there is only slight power increase from 12.8 to 13.05 MW per unit. 

The site mobilization started mid-August 2017 and was followed by dismantling of the old equipment from November until April 2018. The erection was executed from 2018 to 2021, though the project planning was impacted by the Covid pandemic. The first unit was commissioned in February 2021 and the last of the six units in November 2021. All the trial run periods were successfully completed, and all the units are currently in commercial operation supplying electricity to the Congo National grid as well as to the copper mine of Kamoa and Kakula, owned and operated by Ivanhoe mines.

Technical data:
Output: 6 x 13.05 MW / 6 x 14.3 MVA
Head: 111 m
Voltage: 6.6 kV
Speed:  375 rpm
Runner diameter: 1,320 mm
Nominal Discharge: 13.05 m3/s


March 2022: ANDRITZ and EGAT cooperate on joint development and modernization of hydropower business

International technology group ANDRITZ and the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly explore and expand business opportunities for hydropower projects in Thailand and surrounding countries.

EGAT is the state-owned power utility under the Ministry of Energy and the largest power producer and supplier in Thailand.

Read more in the press release



December 2021: Monteynard, France – Model acceptance test for Francis runners successfully completed

In October 2020 ANDRITZ Hydro Switzerland signed a contract with EDF (Electricité de France) for the supply of four Francis runners, including a fully homologous model test.

From November 8th to 12th 2021, a delegation of EDF representants came to our laboratory in Linz to witness the model acceptance test. During the week of test the client witnessed the very good hydraulic behavior of the new runner and made all the necessary observation for the future operation of the turbine.

Despite very challenging hydraulic performances required by the client in terms of efficiency, low load operation, pressure pulsation and axial thrust, the runner met all these guarantees. 

The successful completion to the model test is an important milestone for the project of the replacement of the four Francis runners of Monteynard which can now move on the manufacturing phase.

We thank EDF for the good cooperation during the week of the model acceptance test, and our teams in Vevey and Linz for the hard work done and we wish success in the steps coming ahead.

Technical Details:
Total output: 360 MW
Scope: 4 x 90 MW
Head: 120 m
Speed: 214 rpm
Runner diameter: 3,150 mm


November 2021: Zagorskaya Pump Storage Power Station, Russia – ANDRITZ to provide Metris DiOMera to extend the existing O&M information and monitoring systems

ANDRITZ was awarded a contract from Hydroproject Institute for the installation of Metris DiOMera on two out of the six units at Zagorskaya Zagorskaya Pump Storage Power Station, Russia.

On October 14, 2021, during the Russian Energy Week, RusHydro and ANDRITZ signed a cooperation agreement for research and development for joint projects in hydropower and renewable energy sources, water resource management, construction and modernization of power facilities, and cogeneration. Development of information and diagnostic systems of hydraulic facilities for being used in Russia and other countries are additional features of the contract.

One of the key aspects of this cooperation will be the joint implementation of Metris DiOMera, ANDRITZ’ modular and flexible platform for the operation and maintenance of hydropower plants, to support Operation and Maintenance activities. Together with RusHydro, ANDRITZ will jointly implement Metris DiOMera which provides 24-hour remote monitoring, technical support, and optimization of hydro power plant equipment. 

This order is a milestone for O&M on the road to digitalization of hydropower plants as well as an important step back on the Russian hydropower market.

Technical details
Turbine capacity: 6 x 200 MW
Pump capacity: 6 x 220 MW


October 2021: Pradella, Switzerland - Rehabilitation of four Francis Turbines with new SXHTM coated runners

Equipped with four vertical Francis units, the hydropower plant Pradella is the largest and most important plant of our Swiss customer Engadiner Kraftwerke AG (EKW).

© Engadiner Kraftwerke AG

Aside of the wear and tear of the units, the abrasive water of the river Inn leads to above-average wear and thus to premature loss of efficiency. Consequently, the turbines of the hydropower plant need a general overhaul. For economic reasons the customer has decided to replace the runners instead of repairing them.

ANDRITZ was awarded the contract to rehabilitate all four units of the Pradella hydropower plant and to replace the existing runners with new, coated ones. ANDRITZ’ solutions for erosion-resistant coating of hydropower components are also used around the world. ANDRITZ’ top-tier SXHTM coating allows for the highest abrasion protection, a prolonged life span, and reduced maintenance costs.

The rehabilitation of the four units is scheduled until 2024.

Thanks to these rehabilitation measures, the reliability of the power plant is secured for the coming years. Particularly pleasing is the expected improvement in overall efficiency of 1 to 2 % because of the renovation. This will enable an additional 3,000 households to be supplied with renewable electricity from Engadine hydropower in the future.

Technical Details:
Total output: 288 MW
Scope output: 4 x 72 MW
Head: 470 m
Speed: 750 rpm
Runner diameter: 1,850 mm

© Engadiner Kraftwerke AG


September 2021: Peccia, Switzerland – Supply of four Pelton runners

Officine Idroelettriche della Maggia SA (OFIMA) has awarded ANDRITZ Hydro in Kriens, Switzerland, a contract to supply four Pelton runners for the Peccia power station in Canton Ticino, Switzerland.

© Usage rights granted by the customer

ANDRITZ will supply four new Pelton runners for the two machine sets of OFIMA's Peccia power station, including all necessary elements for coupling the runners to the existing generator shafts. The scope of supply also includes components for the installation of the new runners in the existing machines and adaptation work on the existent components. To ensure compatibility between the existing machine and the new runner and thus guarantee smooth operation ANDRITZ will carry out all the necessary analyses, calculations, tests, and measurements. 

Calculatory demonstations of the offered efficiencies, cavitation limits, and other calculations and measurement reports concerning vibrations and noise are also part of the supply. The runners will be manufactured in the mechanical workshops of ANDRITZ Graz, Austria. Assembly and commissioning will be carried out under ANDRITZ supervision together with OFIMA's experienced personnel.

This is another order for ANDRITZ's global Pelton competence center in Kriens, Switzerland, where modern and highly efficient Pelton runners are developed for the whole world.

Technical Details:
Total output: 47 MW (2 Machines with Twin-Peltonturbines x 23.5 MW)
Head: 425 m
Voltage: 12 kV
Speed: 300
Runner diameter: 3,260 mm

© Usage rights granted by the customer


May 2021: HPP Marckolsheim, France – Supply of the largest Kaplan’s discharge ring of France

ANDRITZ signed a contract with EDF (Electricité de France) for the supply of one embedded discharge ring for the largest Kaplan unit in France (runner diameter 7,240 mm, weight 30 tons, output 40 MW).

Marckolsheim is a run-of-river power plant located on the Rhine river at the border between France and Germany, approximately 60 km south of the city of Strasbourg. Built in 1961, it includes four Kaplan units and it has a total installed capacity of 156 MW. As most of the upstream water projects of the Grand Canal of Alsace, it is combined with locks which allow ship navigation between Basel and Strasbourg.

The scope of supply for ANDRITZ includes the dismantling of the existing embedded discharge ring and the design, manufacturing, supply and installation of the new discharge ring for unit G3. The dismantling of the existing discharge ring is a challenge since it is embedded in concrete. ANDRITZ will need to cut it off with the concrete around it, by the mean of circular saw and hydro demolition technique. ANDRITZ has specifically designed a dust proof containment chamber to allow the civil engineering sub-contractor to perform this operation while the other three units are in operation.

The project will be carried out by our ANDRITZ teams from Switzerland. The site activity will start beginning 2022 and will be performed in parallel with the execution of another contract awarded to ANDRITZ for the replacement of the generator stator on the same unit.

This order is further strengthening the good cooperation between ANDRITZ and EDF, for whom we have successfully executed several important projects in France recently such as La Coche, Grand Maison, Villarodin, and Rivière de l’Est.

Technical details:
Total output: 156 MW
Scope output: 40 MW
Head: 15.5 m
Speed: 75 rpm
Runner diameter: 7,240 mm
Weight: 30 tons


March 2021: Monteynard, France - Supply of four 90 MW Francis runners

Monteynard Dam, France

In October 2020, ANDRITZ signed a contract with EDF (Electricité De France) for the supply of four Francis runners including a fully homologous model test.

The Monteynard dam with its height of 135m is located on the Drac river about 25 km south of Grenoble. Built in 1962 and with an installed capacity of 360 MW, it is one of the most important hydroelectric dams in France. The powerhouse hosts four generating units with vertical Francis turbines.

The scope of contract for ANDRITZ includes design, manufacturing and supply of the four vertical Francis runners with a capacity of 90 MW each and a weight of approximately 20 tons, as well as the supply of the upper and lower labyrinths, the turbine shaft rehabilitation and the erection supervision. In order to achieve the high performance guarantees in terms of efficiency, low load operation, pressure pulsation and axial thrust, the project contains a fully homologous model test campaign, which will be performed in ANDRITZ’ hydraulic laboratory in Linz, Austria.

The project will be carried out by our ANDRITZ Hydro teams from Switzerland, China and Austria. The model test will be completed in October 2021, and the first runner will be delivered in April 2023.

This order is further strengthening the good cooperation between ANDRITZ and EDF, for whom we have successfully executed several important projects in France recently such as La Coche and La Bathie.

Technical Details:
Total output: 360 MW
Scope: 4 x 90 MW
Head: 120 m
Speed: 214 rpm
Runner diameter: 3,150 mm
