
Clean Air Technologies for Iron, steel and nonferrous metals industries

Iron, steel and non-ferrous metal production, using blast furnaces, converters, mills, coke and sinter plants, slag treatment, fume exhaust systems, and much more, requires a variety of proven clean air technologies.

Below is a list of the wide range of technologies that ANDRITZ provides to reduce emissions from the various processes in these industries.

ESP Electrostatic Precipitator 3D white-computer generated image

Dry Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)

The ESP uses electrical forces to remove Particulate Matter (PM) from the flue gases. A high voltage source, generating a corona current, charges the PM which migrate to the collecting plate. PM are removed from the plate by a knocking action.

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EKP Unit 2 - ANDRITZ Wet Electrostatic precipitator (WEST)

Wet Electrostatic Precipitator (WESP)

As for the dry ESP, the wet ESP uses electrical forces to remove Particulate Matter (PM) from the flue gases. A high voltage source, generating a corona current, charges the PM which migrate to the collecting plate. PM are removed from the plate by flushing water.

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3-D Rendering of ANDRITZ Fabric Filters

Fabric Filters (FF)

The Fabric Filter (or baghouses or bag filters) uses a filter media to separate Particulate Matter (PM) from the flue gases. The Particulate Matter are deposited at the surface of the fabric filter which may be made of different materials depending on the flue gas physical and chemical composition. The dust is removed periodically when cleaning the bags.

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Hybrid Filters

Hybrid Filter is a combination of ESP and FF with several configurations (in serie and in the same casing (integrated) or in separated casings in serie or in parallel (separated)).

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ANDRITZ Filter bags

ANDRITZ EcoTeq™ Filter Bags

A bag is more than just a wear part - it is a critical factor in the performance of the filter system. Delivering sustainable Quality for Superior Filter Performance.

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ANDRITZ SIR (Switched Integrated Rectifier) models

The SIR (Switched Integrated Rectifier) reduces the particulate emission level and improves ESP overall performance without the need of costly extensions. ANDRITZ provides a robust and reliable technology with the highest expertise and service capabilities in air pollution control. ANDRITZ now offers a wide range of its advanced high voltage power supplies for electrostatic precipitators.

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Flue gas condensing

Flue gas condensing

The Flue Gas Condenser (FGC) technology aims to recover the surplus heat from the flue gases in between the Air Pollution Control equipment and the stack. The recovered heat is primarily used for District Heating (DH).

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Lime Silo

Dry sorbent injection (DSI)

In the DSI system, calcium or sodium-based alkaline sorbents are injected into the flue gas to remove acid gases (SO2,SO3/H2SO4, HCl), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and metals (Hg, …). Injection of the sorbent is simple and takes place between the air heater and the PM control equipment.

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ANDRITZ Turbo-CDS Dry flue gas desulphurization (FGD) plant Timisoara, Romania

Dry flue gas treatment

ANDRITZ dry flue gas cleaning systems meet the requirements for complying with the world’s strictest emissions legislation, the desire for low consumption of additives, the need for minimal residues, and the installation simplicity of a compact design.

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Novel Integrated Desulphurization (NID) - EKP Unit 3

Novel Integrated Desulfurization (NID)

The semi-dry desulfurization combines the injection of a suspension/solution of alkaline reagent into the sulphur-rich flue-gases before removing the resulting product by filtration (Fabric Filer or Electrostatic Precipitator).

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Mercury control

ANDRITZ provides you with a full range of efficient technologies to reduce down to single digit your Particulate Matter (PM) emissions.

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ANDRITZ DeNOx/SCR plant, Linz, Austria

DeNOx systems - Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)

Technology for power stations, Energy-from-Waste plants, and industrial plants

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ANDRITZ is accelerating its activities to deploy with its customers technologies reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

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ANDRITZ service experts and customers

Service, retrofit and modernization

Clean Air Technologies – Clean environment for a better tomorrow

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Your first choice for Clean Air Technologies equipment and services

For general questions related to ANDRITZ´s clean air technologies (new-build, upgrades & retrofits, inspections, services, spare parts, land-based or maritime equipment), please contact us via our


Control de la Calidad del Aire – Chile

Technologies - Clean Air Technologies

ANDRITZ has over 130 years of experience in designing and building clean air technologies equipment. From single to multi-pollutants control equipment, adapted for heat recovery when needed, ANDRITZ solutions range from dedusting, desulphurization, denitrification, mercury control technologies to combined/multi-stage and multi-pollutants systems.

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Industries - Clean Air Technologies

ANDRITZ has an extensive experience across all major industries, Pulp & Paper, Iron & Steel, Metals, Waste to Energy (incl. RDF and sludge), Mining, Biomass and Utility, ANDRITZ provides you with a comprehensive portfolio of clean air technologies solutions focusing on reduced emissions, improved performance and efficiency to meet your operation strategies.

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ANDRITZ service experts and customers

Service, retrofit and modernization

Clean Air Technologies – Clean environment for a better tomorrow

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