
Decanter: After sales, spare & wear parts, repairs, etc.

Your full-service provider

Whether you need spare parts, rentals, local service, repairs, upgrades, or modernization of your decanter centrifuge, ANDRITZ Separation is your full-service provider.


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Metris addIQ ARGOS - optimize polymer consumption and reduce costs by 30% 

  • Cost savings of up to 30% thanks to reduced polymer consumption leads to a short amortization period
  • Increases plant reliability and stability of machine operation
  • Operates without requiring supervision
  • 24/7 real-time polymer and torque set point control
  • A patented product which works with any manufacturers’ automated polymer dosing system
  • Easy cleaning and maintenance with no mechanical wear parts

Control system upgrade – adding value with Metris addIQ control systems

  • Enhance availability and minimize production costs

  • Increase overall equipment efficiency and reduce risk of operational errors

  • Analyze and optimize processes with data collection

  • Global automation specialist network providing local service

  • Scalability of solutions

  • Production transparency via mobile app access

Rental decanter centrifuges

  • Fleet of advanced ANDRITZ machinery for rental

    • Smart solution for temporary production peaks,

    • short-term projects or limited budget,

    • replace machinery being repaired,

    • or test new sludge treatment technology.

  • Rental units include latest Metris addIQ control systems

  • Ready for sludge operation units as a plug-and-play solution

  • Maintenance and service could be fully covered with the rental agreements

Grease and oil product line – boost the lifetime of your decanter centrifuge

  • Easy and fast greasing thanks to the Speedy Grease® system

  • Improved lifetime of your decanter due to the smooth operation that comes from high-quality lubrication

  • Meeting the terms of the ANDRITZ warranty requirements

  • The peace of mind gained from following the recommendation of one of the world’s leading OEMs of decanters

Circulating oil system

  • Cooling water savings of up to 30%
  • Installation flexibility with push/pull pump technology
  • Convenient maintenance due to the oil system mounted on the same level as the centrifuge
  • Minimum risk of leaks at maximum oil flow
  • Fine tuning of oil flow rate for optimized bearing lifetime
  • Easily configurable with a variety of predefined options and customized features

TurboJet weir plate – reduces a decanter’s absorbed power by recovering some of the centrate’s discharge energy

  • Immediate power savings of up to 30% depending on the operating conditions of the centrifuge
  • Quick payback period
  • Unchanged process performance (cake dryness, capture rate, throughput, etc.) at reduced power consumption

Wear protection – customized solutions

  • Increased availability
  • Reduced life cycle costs

HP2 upgrade – a rotor design upgrade that increases decanter performance and your profits

  • Reduced power consumption and increased throughput due to improved rotor design
  • Better performance resulting in cost savings from lower polymer consumption and reduced operating & disposal costs
  • No modifications to the centrifuge drive system is necessary
  • Machine footprint is unchanged, no changes to existing set-up are required

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The world´s most comprehensive portfolio of separation technologies.

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Intelligence for machine and process control

The brain behind your operation: Metris addIQ control systems

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ANDRITZ service level agreements

ANDRITZ service level agreements

Secure the availability of your processes

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