City and streets and lights

Erfolgsgeschichten von und über ANDRITZ (Inhalte teilweise nur in Englisch)

Entdecken Sie die aufregenden und abwechslungsreichen Geschäftsfelder des internationalen Technologiekonzerns ANDRITZ.

Wir sind stolz auf unsere globalen Projekte, unsere innovativen Produkte, unsere Kunden - die großartige Projekte verwirklichen - und vor allem auf unsere Mitarbeiter, die all das erst möglich machen. Lernen Sie die Kunden, Menschen und Fakten hinter den Prozesstechnologien, der Ausrüstung, den Anlagen und den Systemen von ANDRITZ kennen.



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The new chamber furnace from ANDRITZ.


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A fjord in Norway.


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Two clarifiers of a sewage treatment plant.


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ANDRITZ Pulp & Paper - A-Recovery methanol purification

ANDRITZ Kraftanol™ biomethanol purification process


ANDRITZ Metris XR - Metals

Metris eXtended Reality

Lesen Sie weitere Erfolgsgeschichten (teilweise nur in Englisch verfügbar)

Two clarifiers of a sewage treatment plant.
Wertvoller Abfall

In der texanischen Stadt Fort Worth hilft ANDRITZ, große Mengen an Abwasser zu verarbeiten, indem Klärschlamm in Dünger umgewandelt wird. Dabei werden auch die CO₂-Emissionen reduziert.

Gemeinsam innovativ

ANDRITZ hat für Rohrdorfer Zement Deutschlands erste CO₂-Abscheideanlage geliefert. Die Technologie unterstützt das Unternehmen auf dem Weg zur CO₂-freien Zementproduktion.

A fjord in Norway.
Nützliche Wasserkraft

Wasserkraft trägt entscheidend dazu bei, die globalen CO₂-Emissionen zu senken. Zwei sehr unterschiedliche ANDRITZ-Projekte beweisen das.

The new chamber furnace from ANDRITZ.
Grüner Stahl

Bis 2050 will die europäische Stahlindustrie CO₂-neutralen Stahl produzieren. Schon heute trägt ein neuartiger Ofen von ANDRITZ bei voestalpine Wire Rod dazu bei, Energie und Emissionen einzusparen.

Perfekter Kreislauf

Der Zellstoff- und Papierhersteller Klabin stellt dank ANDRITZ-Technologie Schwefelsäure aus Gasen her, die in seinem Zellstoffwerk entstehen – und senkt damit auch die Treibhausgas-Emissionen.

View of part of a plant for mining iron ore
Sichere Entsorgung

Das brasilianische Bergbauunternehmen ITAMINAS setzt ein ANDRITZ-Filtersystem ein, um Produktionsrückstände in Absatzbecken zu vermeiden und 90% des Wassers zurückzugewinnen.

There used to be a gold mine in the Australian town of Kidston. Today, there are two disused pits here filled with water.
Gold der Sonne

In Australien entsteht ein Energiepark für grünen Strom, in dem die Gruben einer alten Goldmine als Wasserspeicher genutzt werden. Die Ausrüstung für das Pumpspeicherkraftwerk kommt von ANDRITZ.

Södra operates a woodyard and pulp mill in the Swedish town of Mönsterås.
Schritt für Schritt

Das schwedische Unternehmen Södra ist mithilfe von ANDRITZ in der Lage, jährlich bis zu 6,3 Millionen Liter handelsübliches Biomethanol zu produzieren, mit dem Biodiesel zum Betrieb von Fahrzeugen hergestellt wird.

The PYROMARS and ZEMAP plants from ANDRITZ help companies to circulate acids and water in a closed loop.
Wertvolles Wasser

Das taiwanesische Unternehmen Walsin Lihwa hat dank ANDRITZ seinen Wasser- und Säureverbrauch in der Edelstahlproduktion deutlich reduziert.

Graphic simulation of the new plant under construction.
Aus einem Guss

Schuler, ANDRITZ Soutec und thyssenkrupp Automation Engineering haben eine Anlage entwickelt, mit der sich die Produktionskosten von Brennstoffzellen nachdrücklich senken lassen.

Metris Performace Centers
Wie produzieren wir dank Digitalisierung effizienter?

Die Inbetriebnahme von Anlagen kann mit ANDRITZ Digital Solutions ausgelagert werden.

ANDRITZ annual report 2020: success story Separation
Wie lindern wir Diabetes?

Für die Herstellung wirksamer Medikamente setzt Novo Nordisk auf ANDRITZ.

Metris DryQ
Wie setzen wir Daten intelligent & effizient ein?

Metris DryQ, ein innovatives System für Zellstoff-Trocknung, analysiert Daten und leitet daraus Verbesserungen ab.

Dam at the Cerro del Águila hydropower plant
Wie erzeugen wir effektiv Strom mit Wasserkraft?

Durch Kombination von Digitalisierung, Knowhow und aktive Wartung.

Applying and folding nose pieces
Was hilft uns in der Corona-Krise?

ANDRITZ hat eine Produktionslinie für Masken entwickelt: höchste Standards, täglich bis zu 750.000 Masken.

shape:tronic System – next Generation

Flatness measurement upgraded to an outstanding multifunctional tool – just getting a step ahead for future application.

New England Millwright

A Long Developing Partnership for Quality US Mills


Super PremieR Technology for Our Best Friends

Health & Safety: The Challenge of COVID-19

ANDRITZ continues to service its customers around the world despite the COVID-19 pandemic. However, strict precautions are insisted upon both in our own operations and at our customer sites to ensure the safety of our own personnel as well as of our customers and any people working on or around projects in which we are involved.

MCC - Another opportunity for value added products at pulp mills

ANDRITZ is once again providing opportunities for pulp producers to increase the range of added value bio-products in their product portfolios with its A-ConCrystal™ continuous technology for microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) production. There is still an increasing demand for the use of MCC in several fields of applications, strengthening the position of being one of the fastest growing areas in the use of specialty celluloses.

Paul and Liz Quinn: Agents of Success

Paul Quinn, of Milling Technology Services has been working in the animal feed industry since 1982. He and his wife and business partner, Liz Quinn envision continued success due to the consistent nature of the animal feed industry but also because they have seen approximately 12% annual growth in parallel markets, such as pet food manufacturing, over the last two years.

Picture this: Critical data from live feed in the recovery boiler

ANDRITZ has utilized visual technology, combined it with the latest in digitization methods and created the Metris AVA Recovery Boiler Toolbox, designed to revolutionize the monitoring and managing of critical boiler operations and activities.

Pilot Plant: Two special customers

ANDRITZ received an unusual request: The world famous Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna needed help to grate and process raw bamboo into refined flour for its giant pandas Yuan Yuan and Yang Yang. ANDRITZ, of course, accepted the challenge.

A day in the life of ... Franz Harrer

Franz Harrer is the director of the ANDRITZ Steel Yankee and Technology Tissue team. He joined ANDRITZ about 13 years ago as a design engineer for tissue and paper machines providing a product development focus early on.

Planning ahead with Industry 4.0

It´s all about the data

Performance Booster: Reliable measurements from inside the digester

Reliable measurements from inside the digester. ANDRITZ has teamed up with Savcor, a Finnish technology provider specializing in the use of electrochemistry for corrosion prevention and structural health monitoring, and have together developed a novel method to measure alkali levels inside the digester.

Metris Vibe - a health check for your plant

To avoid unplanned plant shutdowns, it is important to know at an early stage when vital components need to be replaced or maintained. Condition monitoring enables operators to work proactively and keep shutdown time to a minimum.

TechNews: PrimeFilter D disc filter - Upgraded performance and reliability

Major upgrades and a series of smaller innovations have been incorporated into the new ANDRITZ PrimeFilter D to improve performance and reduce maintenance. The new design includes the latest bagless technology, which is well-proven in over 65 installations to date. The upgraded PrimeFilter D has been well-received already – 15 units have been started up and more orders are being received from leading papermakers.

Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc.

Helping Canada’s most successful pellet producer grow to third largest in the world

TechNews: Two top new concepts for tissue production

In just two years, ANDRITZ has launched two completely new machine concepts for tissue producers to provide the very best in technology available for making specialty products with maximum efficiencies. The two concepts, the PrimeLineTEX and the PrimeLineVRT, are now available on the market and can be tested at the ANDRITZ tissue pilot plant in Graz.

Äänekoski: Reinventing to get more from less

The pulp making process hasn’t inherently changed over the years; however, ANDRITZ has had a lot of success with reinventing processes and technology in and around mills to increase capacity, improve quality, and cut operating costs. The LimeWhite-H White Liquor Disc Filter is another game-changing development.

De Heus Animal Nutrition

The hands that helped an international animal nutrition powerhouse deliver

Jass Fulda: From shutdown to top-quality paper in just nine days!

ANDRITZ is fully aware of what downtime means to its customers in the paper and board industry – however, to keep ahead in a competitive environment, rebuilding, updating, and refurbishing equipment is essential. The secret is to plan well in advance, shut down quickly, get the work done fast, and then be up and running again as soon as possible.

Arauco MAPA - On schedule for the next phase

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc across the world’s industries, shutting down operations and leading to the mass furloughing and laying off of workers and contractors. However, due to its massive importance to the country of Chile as well as to the global pulp and paper industry, Arauco’s MAPA project has continued, although in a much-adapted way.

Georgia Biomass: Boosting efficiency at the world’s largest biofuel production plant

Georgia Biomass, located in the Southeastern region of the United States, is the leading supplier of sustainable wood pellets and the largest, most modern facility of its kind in

the world.

Smart bleaching = Major chemical savings

Suzano Imperatriz, located in Maranhão, northern Brazil, is one of the new breed of giant pulp mills. The mill has recently undergone a number of improvements including the implementation of a smart bleaching system from ANDRITZ that is making a real difference when it comes to chemical consumption.

Montes del Plata: Strengthening drying line performance

Running a pulp mill successfully requires that all processes, technology, and equipment work in harmony across the entire system with the whole chain being only as strong as its weakest link. Metris DryQ™ is the new intelligent solution from ANDRITZ, designed for monitoring data from drying systems, helping to strengthen a vital link in the production chain to optimize the drying performance.

Lifland Animal Feed: Iceland’s top feed factory rises from the sea

In 2006, an Icelandic compound feed company decided to make a major investment in the future. The goal: To build the country’s most modern, flexible and productive feed mill.

Did you know that ...

ANDRITZ provides complete nonwoven production lines for sustainable wet wipes?



Did you know that ...

ANDRITZ offers the complete portfolio for exhaust gas cleaning in the maritime industry?

Did you know that ...

ANDRITZ recycling recently developed the new ADuro S shredder to prepare refuse-derived fuels?

Toledo Alfalfa

Toledo Alfalfa Mills is a significant producer of U.S. alfalfa pellets. When the company needed to boost production at its plant in Oregon, Ohio, they turned to ANDRITZ FB Canada Inc., for support. The result: a 15% lift in annual productivity.

Empagran Plant
Solid relationships help one of Ecuador‘s largest shrimp feed producers reach jumbo proportions

Empagran, the parent company of ABA Balanceados and pioneers in the development of aquaculture diets, is a fully integrated aquaculture company dedicated to the entire shrimp production chain. They manufacture feed for shrimp and tilapia, which they have been raising for over 45 years.

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Arauco: world's first certified carbon neutral forestry company

ANDRITZ Pulp and Paper supports them on their journey towards climate neutral pulp production

Metris X hand
Anlagen und Fabriken effizient steuern

ANDRITZ hat ein eigenes DCS (Distributed Control System), ein auf modernster Technologie basierendes Steuerungs- und Prozessleitsystem, entwickelt und führt damit seine Digitalisierungsstrategie konsequent fort.

Lightweight Construction Center in Aachen
Carbon-Leichtbau in der Automobilindustrie

Leichte Faserverbundwerkstoffe wie Carbon sind aussichtsreiche Kandidaten für die Großserienfertigung im Automobilbau. Mit dem Forschungsprojekt »iComposite 4.0« hat das Aachener Zentrum für Leichtbau (AZL) bemerkenswerte Fortschritte in puncto Wirtschaftlichkeit erzielt.

How cybersecurity works
Wie schützt man digitale industrielle Prozesse?

Cyberattacken auf Industrieunternehmen sind mittlerweile Alltag geworden. Der Schaden daraus kann immens und nachhaltig sein. Der strategische ANDRITZ-Partner OTORIO mit Sitz in Tel Aviv bietet ein einzigartiges, hochmodernes und umfassendes Cybersecurity-Konzept an, das sowohl bei den Kunden von ANDRITZ als auch bei anderen Unternehmen und branchenunabhängig eingesetzt werden kann. Die Besonderheiten und Vorteile des Ansatzes beschreibt Daniel Bren, CEO von OTORIO.

Verpackungspapier für Wachstumsmärkte

Die Zellstoff Pöls AG ist in eine neue Ära aufgebrochen: Dank einer zusätzlichen Produktionslinie hat der Standort der Heinzel Group seine Kapazitäten bei Kraftpapieren verdoppelt. Das technologische Herz der Wachstumsstrategie ist wieder eine innovative Papiermaschine von ANDRITZ.

Stora Enso Imatra: The only way is up

Stora Enso’s Imatra pulp Mill, located in eastern Finland, is one of the world’s largest producers of liquid packaging board. Now, thanks to the latest ANDRITZ flash drying technology, the mill is also able to fully utilize its BCTMP plant, which can now produce dry pulp for its internal use, as well as for the market.

CMPC Maule: Going from strength to strength

CMPC Biopackaging – Boxboard and ANDRITZ have been collaborating successfully on ramping up mechanical pulp production for a number of years. The mill has gone from strength to strength, increasing capacity, to supply the demanding global market for high-quality, lightweight, folding boxboard.

Top class service at the end of the world

Due to its perfect climate for fiber growth, Chile has become a major pulp and paper making nation over recent decades, with some of the world’s largest producers now situated in the South American country. ANDRITZ has also grown its base in Chile, and now offers complete equipment sales, project management, service, and maintenance support for its thriving pulp and paper mills.

Robotic solution for a harsh environment

The recovery boiler smelt spout area is an unwelcoming and potentially dangerous place to work. However, essential regular tasks need to be carried out in the area for efficient and smooth operation of the boiler. A combined team of ANDRITZ design experts and workshop engineers have come up with a smart solution, the Smelt Spout Cleaning System, that enables essential work and maintenance to take place in a harsh environment.

RollService benefits of customized roll technology and better analytics

A closer look at the way roll covers, spreader rolls, SMART™ technology and Rezolve predictive analytics improve paper machine productivity, enhance product quality, and reduce operating costs.

Success story PJSC Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill

In Spectrum, we often have the privilege of reporting on new technological breakthroughs. But in this article about upgrading BM1 at PJSC Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill in Ukraine, that is not so much the focus. The new shoe press and calender from ANDRITZ have brought gains, true, but what was arguably most interesting in this case was …

Helsingør: An immaculate operation in green heat and power

ANDRITZ recently supplied the very first Bubbling Fluidized Bed (BFB) biomass boiler to the country of Denmark, which will assist in nationwide efforts to reduce CO2 emissions. The new boiler is installed at Helsingør Kraftvarmeværk’s new district heat and power generation plant, which is immaculate in design as well as operation.

Success story Arauco: In the middle of the MAPA project

Arauco’s MAPA project in Horcones, Chile is now in full swing; the earthmoving and foundation building has almost been completed and the civil works have started. ANDRITZ is a major supplier to the project and has been closely working together with Arauco, which will see the Chilean company become the third largest producer of eucalyptus pulp in the world. Start-up is scheduled for the first quarter of 2021.

A better way to boost screen performance

An innovative concept – ANDRITZ Screen Booster – helps any mill upgrade the performance of its Screen Room. The Booster modules – Basket, Bearing Unit, Rotor, and Dilution Rotor – were created to enhance any of four critical components in a screening system. Any one, or all, of these upgrades can be easily installed on a screen as needed, regardless of the original equipment manufacturer.

Gaining your Automation Independence

Customers confide in us that a major source of pain is being locked into a single automation supplier with a control system that cannot be easily upgraded. Why can’t it be like their smartphone with an App Store where they can download and add functions with ease?

Key Equipment: The case for Conventional Thinking

ANDRITZ is regarded as an innovator in developing technologies for the manufacture of premium tissue grades that are in high demand today. Yet the majority of the world’s tissue is produced using conventional dry-creping techniques. To serve this large market, ANDRITZ continually enhances the reliability and performance of its “standard” technology.

A day in the life of ... Harri Makkonen

Harri Makkonen took over as Arauco MAPA Project Director for ANDRITZ on October 1, 2018. In July 2019, Makkonen moved to Concepción, Chile, together with his family after accepting the demanding challenge of being ANDRITZ Project Director for Arauco’s huge MAPA project. Makkonen’s family includes his wife Susanna and his 18-year-old daughter Matilda. Both support him in every way they can, and Makkonen is delighted to have his family with him in Chile.

TechNews: TX68 Refiner features new feed system

ANDRITZ has designed a broad range of high-consistency (HC) refiners to meet the demands of pulp, paper, panelboard, and recycle producers. At the top of the line in terms of throughput and motor power is the TX68 twin refiner.

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Market Trends: GLOBAL PACKAGING TRENDS by Ken Waghorne, Vice President, Global Packaging, Fastmarkets RISI

The downturn in global manufacturing activity during the last year has created a difficult demand environment for many packaging grades. However, this is expected to be relatively short lived, since there are several factors that suggest better times are ahead, once the uncertainty on the manufacturing front eases. Global demand for packaging paper and board should grow 2.4% annually during the next five years, even if conditions remain challenging in 2020.

Safety first in everything we do

ANDRITZ is always exploring ways to take the ever-important issues of Health & Safety to new levels. We have recently launched the internationally recognized IOSH Managing Safely courses for all employees engaged in responsible positions within our pulp and paper activities around the globe.

Sapro nonwovens: A clinical operation with maximized efficiency

The production area of Turkish specialist nonwovens producer Sapro is more like a group of clinical laboratories than the production hub of one of the world’s largest producers of wet wipes. And it’s not just super clean; the company has embarked on a journey utilizing Metris solutions that will see it become one of the most efficient wet wipe producers in the industry.

Pöls: One plus one is more than two.

Wood, pulp, and paper have long determined the fortunes of the Pöls community in Styria. Here Zellstoff Pöls AG produces longfiber sulfate pulp and kraft papers. With an additional production line based on the exceptional ANDRITZ PrimeLine paper machine, the Heinzel Group site is now focusing more than ever on the world market.

Heap of gold ore
Digitales Gold

Glänzende Nuggets in Blechsieben an rauschenden Bergflüssen: Die moderne Goldgewinnung hat mit solchen Wild-West-Vorstellungen nur wenig gemein. Aber die Liebe zum Detail zählt noch immer. In der größten Goldmine im Osten der USA ist Technologie von ANDRITZ im Einsatz, um viele Facetten dieses industriellen Prozesses zu optimieren.

SCA Zellstoffwerk Östrand
Höher hinaus

Leistungsfähiger, effizienter, nachhaltiger: In einem dreijährigen Mammutprojekt hat sich das SCA-Zellstoffwerk im schwedischen Östrand neu erfunden. Für eine der größten Industrieinvestitionen des Landes steuerte ANDRITZ modernste Technologie und umfassendes Know-how bei.


Eine Reihe von ANDRITZ-Kunden sind Weltmarktführer – Traditionsunternehmen mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung und Zehntausenden Mitarbeitern. Aber auch diese Firmen passen sich an die neue Realität in einer zunehmend vernetzten Welt an. Mike Carroll arbeitet für eines dieser Unternehmen. Er ist Senior Vice President für Innovation bei Georgia-Pacific Corporation, einem der globalen Marktführer in der Produktion von Papier und Tissue für zumeist riesige Industriekunden.

Große grüne Batterie

Der Lysefjord im Südwesten Norwegens ist spektakulär: 42 Kilometer weit ragt der dunkelblaue Meeresarm ins Landesinnere, eingerahmt von schroffen, Hunderte Meter hohen Felswänden. An seinem Ende verbirgt sich tief im Gestein ein Glanzstück anderer Art: das neue Wasserkraftwerk Lysebotn II. Die Lyse-Gruppe erzeugt hier hocheffizient „grünen Strom“ – wirkungsvoll unterstützt von ANDRITZ.

Autonomer Betrieb

Steigende Kundenanforderungen, höherer Wettbewerb und sich immer schneller verändernde Rahmenbedingungen: All das sind Herausforderungen, denen sich die moderne Industrieproduktion heutzutage stellen muss. Die Digitalisierung und Vernetzung von gesamten Wertschöpfungsketten trägt entscheidend dazu bei, dass Unternehmen in diesem Umfeld ihre Ziele hinsichtlich Effizienz und Rentabilität besser

und effektiver erreichen können. Die Antwort von ANDRITZ auf diese digitale Transformation lautet: Optimization of Process Performance (OPP).

Neuland entdecken

In Graz betreibt ANDRITZ das weltweit modernste Forschungszentrum für Hygienepapiere. Herzstück der sogenannten PrimeLineTIAC (Tissue Innovation and Application Center) ist eine Hygienepapiermaschine, die acht Maschinenkonzepte und neueste Internet-of-Things-Anwendungen integriert. Ganz klar im Mittelpunkt steht dabei nur eines: der Kundennutzen.

SCA's pulp mill in Östrand
Better and better: ANDRITZ to modernize SCA’s pulp mill in Östrand, Sweden

SCA ’s pulp mill in Östrand, Sweden, has reinvented itself in a mammoth, three-year project. ANDRITZ contributed the advanced technology and extensive know-how for one of the country’s largest industrial investments.

Green storage battery

Lysefjord in southwestern Norway is spectacular: The deep blue inlet extends 42 kilometers inland, framed by rugged cliffs hundreds of meters high. At the end of the fjord, a different kind of gem is ensconced deep in the rock: the new Lysebotn II hydropower station. The Lyse Group produces highly efficient “green energy” here – with effective support from ANDRITZ.

Heap of gold ore
Digital gold

In the largest gold mine in the eastern USA, the ANDRITZ Digital Twin technology is being used to optimize many facets of the gold mining process.

Chris Sousa and Mike Carroll
Changing cultures

Chris Sousa from ANDRITZ met Mike Carroll, Vice President of Innovation of Georgia-Pacific Corporation, one of the world’s leaders in producing paper and tissue for mostly giant industrial customers, talked about the essence and the results of their work together.

2,400,000 m3. Every day. How can you handle the world’s toughest wastewater challenges?

Challenging municipal budgets. Water shortages. A need for renewable energy. Today, there’s simply no room for waste. Getting the most efficient separation is essential not just to profitability but ensuring sustainable growth.

Laos - Empire of the sun

Sun Paper Holding Laos started up its 300,000 t/a greenfield pulp mill near the small town of Xepon, Savannakhet Province, Laos, last year after just 20 months from the signing of supplier contracts. ANDRITZ was chosen to supply various key technologies for the project.

Nettingsdorf: World first. Again.

Smurfit Kappa Nettingsdorf has been something of a trailblazer through the years. It was one of the first paper mills ever to use a shoe press and one of the first to try out “continuous batch” pulp cooking. And now, they have another world first to report …

Holmen Hallsta: It’s all about customer satisfaction

When integrated Swedish mill Holmen Paper Hallsta wanted to further enhance its book paper production process, it called on ANDRITZ to carry out a rather unique project of utilizing two second-hand twin wire presses, and an existing, pre-used screw press to increase capacity and improve pulp quality for its PM 12.

Hilmer Andersson: Shredding waste into profit

In modern mill and wood processing plants, adding value all along the production chain has become a “must have”. ANDRITZ Universal Shredders provide a vital link in the chain by solving waste wood problems at the same time as turning them into valuable, sellable products.

Foresee digitally with Metris

A portfolio of ANDRITZ digital solutions.

A hidden gem in geotextiles

Manifattura Fontana in Italy recently doubled capacity by installing a state-of-the-art neXline needlepunch line supplied by ANDRITZ.

Metris OPP

Imagine the ability to produce the best product at the lowest cost every hour of the day – that is optimization in a nutshell.

ANDRITZ and Xerium

The perfect fit for future innovation in fabrics and rolls

Metris Performance Center

Experts on demand. The new Metris Performance Center expands service to papermakers around the world by putting an ANDRITZ expert virtually in the mill’s control room whenever needed.

TechNews: The next generation in screening and fractionation

Well-known with over 5,400 pressure screens installed in numerous stock preparation lines worldwide, ANDRITZ presents the latest evolution in screening – the PrimeScreen X. The innovative design of the new screen builds on the successes of the widely valued ModuScreen family, but offers innovative key benefits. The improvements in energy efficiency, screening performance, and maintainability are significant.

TechNews: A-Recovery+ chemical recovery concept

allows mills to see the chemical cycle in a new light.

Key Equipment: HHQ Chipper

ANDRITZ integrates several innovative technologies to increase chipper throughput and wood chip quality.

New tissue forming fabrics

The patented QSB forming fabric design allows producers to improve tissue product quality and machine performance.

Automation: Metris condition monitoring

We are living in a century where digital devices monitor every move and our own mobile devices know everything about us – where we go, what we do, our health status, and much more. The data available on our lives transfers mobile phones into our private assistants and supports us in many endeavors with helpful functions and hints. Industries are being enabled in a similar way to monitor and control all assets and plants and improve performance in an effort to achieve perfection.

Arauco: The start of Arauco’s mapa project

Arauco’s MAPA project in Chile represents not only the most important expansion the company has ever undertaken, it is also currently the only major eucalyptus pulp project taking place in the world. The company operates five mills in Chile, one in Argentina, and has a joint venture in Uruguay, together with Stora Enso.

Laakirchen: „ANDRITZ was the right choice“

On October 28, 2017, Laakirchen Papier AG in Austria celebrated production of its first containerboard reel: a milestone in an ambitious rebuild project that was of great strategic importance for the papermaker and for the main supplier – ANDRITZ. At the beginning of January 2019, more than one year later, PM 10 was running with basis weights of around 100 g/m2 at a speed of 1,300 to 1,330 m/min. CEO Thomas Welt comments, “We have achieved the goals set for speed development.”

Digitalization as a Megatrend

Digitalization is progressing in leaps and bounds: The main reasons for this are technical progress, constant further development of the internet, mobile applications and technologies based on artificial intelligence, and increasing globalization. Technology trends emerging as a result of digitalization, such as IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), data analytics by means of Big Data, and AR (Augmented Reality), not only have a considerable impact on society and the working environment, but also on business operations in industry.

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A day in the life of Simo Pylkkänen

Workplace: ANDRITZ Savonlinna Works Oy, Finland

Position: Managing Director

Turning a shutdown into a pitstop

Just like super-fast pit stops in Grand Prix Formula One racing, ANDRITZ has been concentrating on helping customers to minimize shutdown times, utilizing its Metris OPP platform. The dedicated Metris Planning App is integrated into the platform and is already achieving remarkable results in shutdown efficiencies.


ANDRITZ and OTORIO: a perfect combination for ensuring safe digital growth

Henan Tianbang: Taking Control

Henan Tianbang Group Paper Company takes enormous pride in the quality of its fine paper products that are known and used all over China, as well as being exported around the world. When the company decided to end its dependence on market pulp and produce its own mechanical pulp, ANDRITZ was the first to be called.

HELIOS shines bright at SCA Östrand

The largest engineering projects northern Sweden has ever seen was completed recently with the doubling of capacity at SCA Östrand’s softwood kraft pulp mill. The project – named Helios after the God of the Sun in Greek mythology – is now setting a new global benchmark in high-performance pulp production. ANDRITZ supplied some of the latest key technology to the completely rebuilt mill.

CETI: Working at the cutting edge

Major, definitive research into nonwoven raw materials, applications and production models and methods are all in a day’s work for the European Center for Innovative Textiles (CETI) in France. The latest ANDRITZ state-of-the-art air-through bonding nonwoven technology is right at the heart of the center’s globally renowned research.

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Holmen Braviken Mill: Small steps to big improvements

The Holmen Group’s Braviken Paper Mill, situated in eastern Sweden, has always prided itself on being at the top of its game when it comes to production efficiency and quality of final product. When it needed to further enhance its TMP’s capacity and efficiency – but crucially keep costs to a minimum – ANDRITZ was at hand to provide a tailor-made solution.

ANDRITZ Fabrics and Rolls – a new force in consumables

Xerium acquisition boosts ANDRITZ Fabrics and Rolls to full-line supplier.

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Södra Cell Mörrum - Target: Zero fossil fuels

Södra Cell is one of those far-sighted northern European pulp producers that is constantly looking for ways to become fossil-fuel free and to make high-grade products in the most environmentally sound ways possible. ANDRITZ recently aided Södra Cell towards its sustainability target by supplying the latest in evaporation plant technology to its Mörrum mill in southern Sweden.

UPM-Schongau PowerBoiler July2018 (9)
UPM Schongau: We need to protect what we have

When Germany introduced new emissions targets, UPM’s Schongau mill stayed ahead of the game.

Performance booster - FIBER GPS™

The shortest route to fiber quality. Innovative GPS navigates shortest route to fiber quality at lowest cost. Like your smartphone's GPS can guide you almost anywhere in the world, the "papermaking GPS" guides you in making the right choices about fiber mix, applied energy, and paper quality. It’s significantly reducing trial and error on your machine and saving time and money.

IDEAS Digital Twin in Process Industries

The improvement in accuracy has made simulation a fundamental predictive and diagnostic tool in process industries.

ANDRITZ & Novimpianti - Mutual respect

More than three decades ago, Pietro Saccomano co-founded Novimpianti, an Italian firm specializing in air systems and reducing energy consumption. Earlier this year, Novimpianti became ANDRITZ Novimpianti, part of the ANDRITZ Paper & Tissue Division. We spoke about the deal with Pietro Saccomano and Klaus Gissing, ANDRITZ Paper & Tissue.

Market Trends: PULP TRENDS

“The good times are returning” according to Oliver Lansdell, Director, Hawkins Wright, provider of market intelligence and analytical services to the international pulp, paper, and biomass industries. And it seems the pulp industry, in particular, is enjoying something of a renaissance. There are various reasons for this optimism, including increasing demand for virgin fiber content in tissue and hygiene products, the exciting growth of renewable packaging, and strong demand in niche applications such as wood-based textile fibers and other new markets in the bioeconomy.

Key Equipment: Let your performance grow

The Pulp Drying System combines selected areas of development into one drying line.

Ilkka 111018.00_03_06_05.Standbild018
A day in the life of Ilkka Poikolainen

Workplace: Metsä Group’s Äänekoski bioproduct mill, Finland; Position: Vice President of the bioproduct mill Metsä Group gave permission to the SPECTRUM editorial team in early October 2018 to share a DAY IN THE LIFE of Ilkka Poikolainen, Vice President of the bioproduct mill in Äänekoski.

Wirkungsgrad 4.0

Im Jahr 2017 konnte ANDRITZ sehr erfolgreich zwei weltweit einzigartige Projekte abschließen: die Inbetriebnahme der zweiten Zellstoffproduktionslinie von Fibria in Três Lagoas, Brasilien sowie die Lieferung von wichtigen Produktionstechnologien für das Bioproduktzellstoffwerk der Metsä Group in Finnland.

Metris Basissujet_for web
Mit der Digitalisierung wachsen

Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Arbeitswelt werden durch die Digitalisierung zum Teil grundlegend und immer schneller verändert. Auch der Industrie- und Anlagenbau wandelt sich rasant. Welche Strategie verfolgt ANDRITZ in diesem Bereich, was wurde bislang erreicht, und wie sehen die Pläne des Konzerns aus? Antworten des Vorstandsvorsitzenden Wolfgang Leitner.

Mehr Leistung

Seit 2016 wird im Wasserkraftwerk Montrose das Monitoring-System Metris DiOMera von ANDRITZ eingesetzt. Tony Nott, Betriebsdirektor von Alterra Power, und Betriebsingenieur Nicholas Adams berichten über ihre Erfahrungen und Pläne.

Fehlerlos 24/7

voestalpine Automotive Components in Dettingen fertigt pro Woche 750.000 Teile für die Autoindustrie. Die innovative Smartphone-App des zur ANDRITZ-GRUPPE gehörenden Unternehmens Schuler bietet dabei wertvolle Hilfe.

Automation: Enhanced. Embedded. Eco-friendly.

A totally integrated automation solution for tissue producers is on display at the PrimeLine Tissue Innovation and Applications Center in Graz.

Automation MobileApps: Information in the palm of your hand

Mobile capabilities of the Metris Platform can be scaled to the information needs of each customer.

Tiloth station on the Bhagrathi River in the north of India
An Engineering Challenge

Tiloth, India

Performance Booster


How do you clean up 375,000 m3 of contaminated river sediment every year?

Our membrane filter presses helped remediate more than 13 miles of contaminated riverbed in the Lower Fox River in Wisconsin, with each filter press capable of producing 18 tons of filter cake every hour.

Market Trends: MEGATRENDS

They may consist of a group of smaller trends and phenomena. The most important ones are technological development, population growth and urbanization, shifts in economic power, and increasing environmental awareness caused by resource stress and climate change. For the pulp and paper industry, these megatrends emerge as both opportunities and challenges.

Ultra high dispersing: Cleaner stock at the highest level of performance

Due to the contaminants in recycled fiber, dispersion is a key process step. The previous state-of-the-art dispersion operated with an inlet feed consistency of 25-30%.

View of the hydropower station E.B. Campbell, Canada
More Power from the Saskatchewan

E.B. Campbell, Canada

TechNews: A hollistic approach


The SPECTRUM ROUND TABLE: The fiber revolution

Is the industry ready to replace fossil-fuel-based products?

If a centrifuge works in theory, why make it bulletproof?

Our installed base of more than 55,000 solid/liquid separation solutions and systems means we take service extremely seriously. We work closely with all of our customers to ensure a lifetime of efficiency and reliability.

Decision support wall: Going live

Videowall technology for pulp mills.

Fibria: One team - one goal

It sits like a gleaming city surrounded by a sea of green. Fibria’s Três Lagoas pulp mill is now one of the world’s largest pulp making facilities. With the new Horizonte 2 line starting up at the mill in August 2017, the company is on target to produce over 7.25 million tonnes a year of top quality, prime eucalyptus pulp.

PrimeLine TIAC - Tissue Innovation and Application Center

Opening up a world of possibilities in tissue

OKI: All set to take on the world

Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) has often made it abundantly clear that its ambition is to be the No.1 supplier of pulp and paper around the world. The company’s last 2.8 million tonnes a year development, OKI, is a signal that those ambitions remain firmly in place. ANDRITZ technology is right at the center of the greenfield mill development in the province of South Sumatra, Indonesia.

Can a chemical filtering technology really help feed a nation of 252,000,000 people?

Are you looking to boost output for growing markets? Need to lower operating costs with an automation system that’s ahead of the curve? How can you ensure your next product innovation is error-free? And how will you guarantee 24/7 production?

A day in the life of Frederik Rosén

With a background in both physics and business administration, Rosén works for RISE in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm. RISE is a research and development institute with a dedicated Bioeconomy Division focused on pioneering developments for the forest products industry.

Sun Paper: Helping to save the planet piece by piece

Sun Paper’s Honghe mill, based in Shandong Province, China, needed a tailor-made handling system to process rejects from two OCC production lines feeding its PM 31 and PM 32 paper machines. ANDRITZ successfully delivered one system in 2016 which has been quickly followed by a second.

Chitianhua: Bamboo tigers

Taison Group’s Twin PrimeLineSTs

Bhadrachalam: Declaration of Independence

Indian packaging and paperboard giant, ITC Paperboard & Specialty Papers, is well on its way to achieving the challenging ambition of becoming 100% self-sufficient in local wood and fiber supply for its Bhadrachalam Mill in the state of Telangana, Southern India.

ANDRITZ Paperchine

Key to expansion in North America

Small and Mini Hydro

Highlights worldwide

Automation: Metris Augmented Reality Glasses

Foresee digitally – enhanced potential for interactive operation and maintenance

Dissolving pulp fibers in a person's hand
Global Trends in DISSOLVING PULP

According to Rod Young, RISI’s Chief Economic Advisor, the turnaround of dissolving pulp supply and demand over the last decade has been nothing short of amazing

Vorstand der ANDRITZ HYDRO - Wolfgang Semper und Harald Heber

State-of-the-art technology for fish-friendly design and Mini-Grid solutions are the main topics of ths HYDRO News issue.

View of the Gartshore power house in Canada
Latest News

Short news about different water power projects around the world

TechTalk - New technologies: Lignin Removal

New technologies for Lignin Recovery and sulfuric acid production in a kraft pulp mill

Hydro News 31

Fish-friendly designs by ANDRITZ HYDRO

Hydroelectric power plant Dnipro 1, Ukraine
In the Flow of History

Dnipro I, Ukraine

Skyline of Atalanta
Water for Atlanta

Atlanta, USA

A Three Nations Project

Rusumo Falls, Burundi / Rwanda / Tanzania

Laakirchen: Ready for the future

A rebuild for premium production

Rock island hydropower plant at night
Connecting History with Future

Rock Island, USA

New project hydroelectric installation Nam Na 1, Vietnam
30 MW for Vietnam

Nam Na 1, Vietnam

The Big Difference

Fish-friendly designs by ANDRITZ HYDRO

Sun rising in Angola, Africa
Renewable Energy for Angola

Lauca, Angola

Hydropower installation Pimental in Brazil
Done within 364 Days

Pimental, Brazil

Eldorado Celulose - Self-driving mill?

There is a lot of news available about Google, Uber, and the automobile manufacturers’ efforts to develop autonomous automobiles (i.e., unattended and self-driving vehicles capable of sensing their environment and navigating without human input).

Powerhouse with spare runner in the Sogamoso installation in Colombia
Providing about 8%

Sogamoso, Colombia

What does it take to upgrade a centuries-old winemaking tradition to get 20% more yield?

With more than 100 years’ experience in the food industry, serving everyone from multinationals to smaller family operations, we can promise you one thing: your goals come first.

Xayaburi site in Lao PDR
Three Million Households

Xayaburi, Lao PDR

Key Equipment: Enhanced services for ANDRITZ DD-Washers

With installations in 24 countries, the DD-Washer is clearly preferred for fiberline washing applications. To support this installed base, ANDRITZ has developed a full range of monitoring, diagnostic, and support services to reduce lifecycle costs and keep availability high.

Skyline of Ottawa, Canada
Bringing Hydro to the Heart of the City

Interview with Franz Kropp about Chaudière Falls

Child reading in a book using light coming from an electric lamp
From Darkness into the Light

Mini Grid Solution


Getting to the heart of industry matters

View of the Yen Nghia hydropower plant in Vietnam
Big in Vietnam

Yen Nghia, Vietnam

Powerhouse of Innertkirchen, Siwtzerland
Innertkirchen 3, Switzerland

More power for Grimselstrom

Compact turbine scheme
Luachimo, Angola

New Compact turbines for more power

Namgang, South Korea
Namgang, South Korea

Output increase of about 20%

Carhuac, Peru

Minimizing environmental impact

Event Highlights

Compact Workshop (Pakistan), Hydro Vision International and AFRICA 2017

A 3D simulation of the hdropower plant Graz-Puntigam on the Mur River in Austria
Saving 60,000 tons

Graz Puntigam, Austria

Customer Days

Over recent years ANDRITZ HYDRO has launched Customer Day events in various countries with great success.

ANDRITZ Group headquarter, Graz, Austria
Pumps magazine
ANDRITZ Hydro Management - Wolfgang Semper, Harald Heber

New opportunities for pumped storage, development of the global hydropower market

Hydropower project Abdelmoumen, Morocco
Key Investment for Renewable Energy

Abdelmoumen, Morocco

Hydropower project Alto Tamega, Portugal
The Largest in History

Alto Tâmega, Portugal

Repairs on the power station Callahuanca in Peru
Bring Back to Life

Callahuanca, Peru

Water is a scarce commodity
A Scarce Commodity

Kaleshwaram, India

A new System for a known Phenomenon

Auto-oscillation protection by ANDRITZ Hydro

View of Fengning, China
Balancing Technology

Fengning 2, China

Pumped Storage for the Future

What is the future role of pumped storage and how can this technology contribute to sustainable development goals?

Pumped Storage in Australia

On the road to a 100% renewable electricity future

Dam of the Hongin-Léman pump storage power plant in Switzerland
Significant Energy Development

Hongrin-Léman, Switzerland

Indian Temple
Strengthening Market Ties

Location India

How do you more than double your starch production with 85% fewer dewatering centrifuges?

We helped one of the world’s largest starch producers improve productivity from 400 to 1,000 tons per day of commercial dry starch with three fully automated Krauss-Maffei peeler centrifuges.

Riikinvoima: If you go down to the woods today ...

The classic children’s nursery rhyme continues … “you’ll be in for a big surprise”.

Power plant Whakamura in New Zealand
Upgrading Power

Whakamaru, New Zealand

Peak Power 1,300 MW

Vianden, Luxembourg

A week in the life of George Reynolds, ANDRITZ

After starting out in the fiberglass industry in 1984, George Reynolds joined ANDRITZ North America in 2005 as an Account Manager specifically focusing on stock preparation and recycled fiber mill customers on the West Coast.

Success - Perseverance Pays

Teesta Stage III, India

Energy into the Jungle

Mwadingusha, DR Congo

100 % Redundancy

Paraiso, Guaca, Betania - Colombia

River landscape in Bolivia
Boosting Bolivia's Goal

San José 1 and 2, Bolivia

Producing more Clean Energy

Vrangfoss, Norway

How do you transform a desert coal mine into an award-winning oasis?

Need to boost ore throughput? Improve your separation of precious minerals? Whatever your mineral processing needs, we help you reduce operating costs and improve quality Think of us as the solid/liquid separation experts.

In total 550 MVA

Lower Kaleköy, Turkey

Sea transport of the turbines
The Next Generation

Meygen, Scotland

Harnessing the Power of Tides

Swansea Bay, Wales

Small & Mini Hydro

Highlights worldwide

Extension of the pumped storage plant Hongrin Léman in Switzerland
30 GWh into the Grid

Hongrin Lémans Extension, Switzerland

Storåselva, Norway

On track

Montes del Plata: Metris cloud engineering

Saves time and money

Traunleiten, Austria

Bulb turbines for more power

Barrinha, Brazil

First Mini Compact for Brazil

HPP Llys Y Fran in Wales
Llys Y Fran, Wales - United Kingdom

Order execution in a record speed

Landscape in Nepal
Kalanga Project Cluster, Nepal

Energizing the Himalayas

view a Hydropower plant in the virtual reality
Fairs and Exhibitions

A new experience

Paul Unmuth
On / off - The Interactive Exhibition all about the Power Grid

ANDRITZ Hydro is sponsoring a ten year exhibition at the "technisches museum wien"

What does it take to secure a safe, affordable water supply for future generations?

Our ANDRITZ C-Press helped upgrade one outdated potable water treatment plant to treat more than 2,500 m3 of potable water per day, with minimal sludge production, low maintenance, and full remote monitoring.

Pure medical grade bicarbonate? Or 100,000 tones for food production?

We supplied dewatering and drying equipment for one of the world’s largest production lines for sodium bicarbonate, with an annual capacity of 100,000 tones and 15% less energy consumption than conventional technologies.

How can a city’s wastewater plant produce over 10% more energy with fewer polymers?

RheoScan, our automated optical polymer measurement and dosage system, helped one wastewater plant to achieve 34% lower polymer consumption in the belt thickener alone, and more than 10% increase in annual biogas production.

Panorama view of the hydropower plant Chenaux GS, Canada
Automation at its Best

Chenaux GS, Canada

How do you dewater more ore with less impact?

The PMC magnetite dewatering plant lies just outside one of the world’s most biodiverse national parks. But excessive pond usage had resulted in oversaturation, 20% longer drying times, and increased environmental risks.

Can a clarifier give you the freedom and flavor to elevate the craft in your beer?

Our uniquely efficient and easy-to-use craft beer clarifier skid makes it possible to create the world’s finest beers with half the operation time, better beer quality, and up to 15% increased yield?

One of Europe’s largest wastewater plants handles 2 million challenges a day. What are yours?

Challenging municipal budgets. Water shortages. A need for renewable energy. Today, there’s simply no room for waste. Getting the most efficient separation is essential not just to profitability but ensuring sustainable growth.

How do you satisfy over 100 million connoisseurs with the taste and texture they demand?

Need to boost ore throughput? Improve your separation of precious minerals? Whatever your mineral processing needs, we help you reduce operating costs and improve quality Think of us as the solid/liquid separation experts.

Äänekoski: A mill for the 21st century

Metsä Group’s Äänekoski bioproduct mill has been the talk of the global pulp and paper industry for some time now with its outstanding environmental efficiencies and ambitions for new products derived from wood. Starting up in August 2017, ANDRITZ supplied crucial technology to help make the Äänekoski bioproduct mill a showcase production site for the 21st Century.

Customer Days 2017

Foshan - Hanoi - Kathmandu

Eldorado: BIG THINKING - BIG RESULTS. A self-operating mill

Autonomous automobiles use a variety of techniques to gather data about their surroundings and feed this data to advanced control systems that interpret the inputs and identify appropriate navigation paths. The development of autonomous pulp mills using Metris OPP is following a similar path – and Eldorado Celulose is an early adopter of this technology. The results have had a big economic payback.